Latest updates to the fansite
Information about the updates
This is where you'll see any updates made to the Sis RPG Fansite which is currently the one you're in right now. This is namely for informational and records based purposes. You'll be able to see what was released on which date and on a certain time or so.
The updates will be generally about the release of newly written content like the various entries of the series, graphical updates such as the backgrounds, and any occasional stuff that has either been found by me or ChairGTables. Although, we all know who has done the bulk of the work in regards to finding any additional information, so thank them - I'm just the guy writing all of this with blood and tears.
December 30th, 2024 - Little tiny patch up, yo!
I'm not sure what else I can do anymore for the remake at this point, it's got a lot of things that make it a whole or a complete package of sorts. It's kind of making me feel alittle bit depressed since the journey or development process of the remake is about to be over. I've certainly learned a lot in regards of myself, a majority of the series and my relationship with it, and honed a lot of different skills outside of my multimedia skillset.
It would be nice to go out and seek more additional information in regards to the series, but I'm probably the least equipped to seek out said information since most of it would be in Japanese. Plus, I've already supplied my own well of knowledge through all the writing, cross-referencing, and video-watching in the form of both the entries on the Glossary and WTWYO pages respectively.
Still, you can notify me about it and I'll see if I can fit it in somewhere. It's always nice to do small additions and all.
I certainly want to do more but there just seems to be nothing I can really add in. Given I've already completed and achieved what I set out to do with the remake's objectives, and all the additional stuff to give it alittle bit more power. It's stacked to the brim with things that is catered towards anyone who doesn't know or is interested in the series.
On the other hand, the SEO is working as intended for the most part. Outside of myself, multiple people have been able to find the fansite by simply typing in "Sis RPG", and generally the fansite is one of the first few results you'd see by default.
Oh yeah, for some reason, I do not get notifications from the guestbook, so I am actively checking to make sure no one gets left behind.
Updates from here on will be pretty sparse, I might probably add in some graphics here and there though.
- Glossary Updates
- New background but with the same theme
- The background's theme is centered on showcasing the general end screens of every entry currently translated
- ChairGTables's parody is included
- Website Updates
- Applied background-position:center; for the backgrounds of the Glossary page and every entry page within it
- Every other page has both background-position-x:center; and background-position-y:center; applied to their backgrounds
- Applied overflow-x:hidden; to the Home and Glossary page
- Forgot to mention in the previous update about applying overflow-x:hidden; to the Index page
- This applied to every page with an introduction as well
- Page Updates
- Changed "Recommended material to watch" to "Recommended material to read and/or watch" for the inclusion of Gamebooks in the WTWYO page
- Mentions and links to Gamebooks were mentioned in "More Scary Stories at Work" with the commonly term of CYOA for "Sexy Winter Vacation" and "An Ecchi Summer Break"
- Added SEO to the "WTWYO" and "Guestbook" page
- Other
- Added in a easter egg-like 404error page
December 22nd, 2024 - Christmas is totally coming to town somewhere I think!
Okay, this update is basically a huge fine-tuning of a lot of minor things including the remaing spelling and grammar cleanup of every other pages on the remake fansite. If you're going to ask if I'm gonig to give that treatment to the original, I will not be giving it that treatment.
The remake is supposed to be more or less a huge and massive overhaul of the original, and an apology to both the series creator and translator respectively. Besides, I included the link to the original fansite so people can see what it looked like originally and to what it is current day.
It might be a nice like bowtie amongst all the other bowties that are in the remake. The remake has alot of nice-to-have, want-to-have, and need-to-have stuffs which is probably better to have explained anyways.
- Nice-to-have
- My thoughts on both the original and remake fansites and the process behind them
- Personal thoughts in regards of both narrative and character writing
- Basic information on every entry on the fansite
- A page dedicated to chronicling and detailing the writing style of Kuniko Takahashi
- Recommended and supplementary material to aid in those that want to write like Kuniko Takahashi
- Explaining Deconstruction with examples from the series
- Want-to-have
- Any additionally information about me as a person
- Giving credit and thanking everyone who was involved with the remake
- A list of Tropes used in the series
- Recommending any material in regards of Stephen Chow
- The inclusion of examples on Deconstruction via The Warrior Returns
- A guestbook page
- Need-to-have
- Inclusion of access to the original fansite
- Newcomer-friendly approach
- Honesty and respect for the source material
- Emulation of the original source material in both design and feel
- Overhauled Glossary and Entry pages
- This includes ChairGTables's parody, the TVTropes page
- Categorized stuffs linking to everything that is used in Sis RPG
- That excludes anything that needs a purchase
- Improved writing on everything in regards of the remake
I might be missing a few things and all, but that is generally okay. While there were some things that I included on a personal level, I tried my best to be impartial and unbiased as much as possible. But you can see those results in regards of how I felt on the narrative and characters of each and every entry in the series.
Alot of the last few updates to the remake have largely been things I wanted to include in than a desire to need to have them in. The Guestbook would be a very good example for this update, as it was something I never thought of having until there was a message that was intended for me that ChairGTables was given. I wanted those messages sent to me instead, and I have attempted to remedy it the last few updates or so.
The Guestbook's inclusion will help me address any of those concerns and give people interested in the series a means for a place to have a conversation. Plus, I don't want ChairGTables to divide up their time as they have their own things to deal with, and I felt bad for indirectly having them use up their time.
Their help has been incredibly useful and I appericate them for it, but I would love for them to have time for themselves. They are the first person I asked or talked to about the remake, and they supply many of the external sources on the Glossary page.
So, the Guestbook is open for anyone to use. I was going to opt for a seperate external website but went for HTML Comment Box. Atabook was original choice by the way.
There has also been another thing gonig on for the last several months in the background. That is the access to the original untranslated videos for the series. For whatever reason, the company behind the video streaming service has been plagued with some sort of issue which includes region-locking. I haven't tussled with that since it is strictly an external issue beyond my control. For the last few months, I haven't really mentioned that I have found out that the series is on YouTube untranslated and hidden in the depths of YouTube itself.
ZAKO2012's YouTube Channel has been there all along and none of us knew of it!
- Glossary Updates
- Added in ZAKO2012's YouTube Channel
- Website Updates
- Added a Guestbook page
- Page Updates
- Redesigned certain aspects of the About Page
- Refactored all Javascript related animations in their own respective CSS and Javascript files
- Updated, corrected, and rerouted the navigational links with the inclusion of the Guestbook page
- Updated every entry on the Glossary Page, quality-of-life fixes
- Updated every background graphics of every entry but ChairGTables's parody
- Every introduction opening has been course-corrected
- Padding has been adjusted to match the footer
- The first three images seen in every entry has their own clickable links
- Added video links for the YouTube videos of the series
- Two different buttons for both untranslated videos
- My examples of Deconstruction on the "WTWYO" page have properly been corrected
- Other
- None
November 28th, 2024 - Selective fixing, basic quality of life changes!
Oh boy! Another month passes and this update is related to all those errors you see in both spelling and grammar. Although, this update mainly focuses on the entries excluding the introductions, so you're all going to see a huge change in that. But there will be some things I left in as I personally feel it sounds like me and stuff.
So, I spent a lot of time going back and forth from Google Documents to using Google itself to see which words should be used in which context. One of the biggest problems I have encountered during all of these fixes is the large amounts of spelling error and grammar issues. There were very few areas where there weren't any issues, as I only found about three sections that were generally perfectly fine. But you'll all understand by what I mean.
I'll list what I did for the entries just in case.
- Introduction story bits after the opening introductions
- Character introduction bits after the opening
- "Personal thoughts?" - Story bits
- "Personal thoughts?" - Characters bits
- "Personal thoughts?" - Overall bits
So, ahem - there were five different sections to take care of during the revision process listed above and one in this order from top to bottom. Multiply that by the number of entries that are currently here which is thirty-one. That is basically 155 sections to cover via revision, clean up, and patch up.
So when I say that there were basically three sections that didn't have to go through that process, I mean 85% of everything else were full of errors and mistakes. Sure, it was utterly tiresome but I marched through those error-ridden sections like a champ because I was a man on a mission. I'll patch up the other pages and maybe the introductions of all the entries.
The other changes and updates I brought in for this month are centered around bringing quality-of-life changes. I changed the blur filter into a blur toggle for any title screens with a little too much skin, making sure that it's not a one time click.
And the other bit is my examples on Deconstruction, and since I wrote more than twenty paragraphs in total, the need to add in a toggle feature for them was a thing. I also felt that despite detailing examples outside of the series, I thought it was increasingly subjective as it went on. They're hidden by default, and probably for the best anyways as I think the examples I provided from the series does a good showing of the different takes of Deconstruction.
The examples that I provided from the series explains what kind of Deconstructions are done and expected to be while the ones outside of the series kind of feel like a giant rant while also providing good examples.
Tedious as hell to be honest but it's something I gotta do. Also, Happy Thanksgiving!
Thankfully, the company I work for gave all of us a small check to buy our turkey. Those damn Butterball turkeys are good, and my dad cooked it like a damn chicken.
- Glossary Updates
- Added in duplicate sound effects for onhovers in the Glossary Page
- The number of the same sound effects for the onhover is three
- Their usage is applied to all the links within the page excluding the navigational links
- Works Translated by VBPerosn, Works translated by others, Parodies, The music and sounds of Kawagoe, The other informational bits of Kawagoe affected
- Website Updates
- None
- Page Updates
- Updated every entry on the Glossary Page, both in terms of spelling and grammar, and quality-of-life
- Everything but the opening introduction and features were given a spruce-up
- Due to having a certain way of carrying myself, some things were left behind either completely and/or altered
- Updated the blur filter into a toggle blur
- Toggle blur is only applied to the first introductory images with title screens too spicy to see
- Added in a toggle display in the "WTWYO" Page, only applied to the Deconstruction portion of the Narrative Writing section
- My personal examples on "Deconstruction" are affected
- They're hidden by default since it is extremely long and detract from the reading experience
- Other
- None
October 24th, 2024 - Quota of quotes and one-liners met! Deconstruction the constructed!
Another month passes by and I almost forgot that it has been around a year since this remake project was started. Oh boy, I can count which process took the longest, which process was the easiest, and the month to month writing. Can't say the remake is finished due to a lot of spelling errors and whatnots and that I haven't added in the backgrounds for the entries yet. I'll probably just do monthly updates like a blog once it's done just because.
Oh yeah, I have been doing some learning on my free time via using Tailwind CSS through the Odin Project. Although it's whenever I have the free time. But as you all know it's hard to do much when the job market is severely on the wack side, and leaving many many people regardless if they're graduates or not unable to find any work to advance. Although my case is very specific as it has nothing to do with the ongoing job market but rather a personal issue that happened in the past. Sure, I'm still beat up about it but that's how life is and I've been recovering very slowly but surely.
Outside of me, it took me about three days to write about 6000 words on the Deconstruction section in the "WTWYO" page. That is blindingly fast in my standards despite constantly writing for about eight months straight without proper rest and all. Although, maybe it's because I like stories with Deconstructions and all, maybe it is because I like to think whatever I see interests me regardless if it's bad or not.
Sure, I've got issues with The Warrior Returns and constantly crap on it to the point I want to see where the whole train ride wrecks at, I do acknowledge and even respect the writer's attempts since he's the reason why I do voice acting part-time. His writing has improved massively during the course of Manhwa even if most of Season 1 is bad because of how it is structured narratively and how the characters are written.
Wherever you are mysterious helper, I miss you! I really hope you didn't die from whatever I wrote! D:
- Glossary Updates
- None
- Website Updates
- None
- Page Updates
- Updated the "WTWYO" page
- Finished up the quotes and one-liners, including mainline and parody
- Separated the quotes and one-liners through a A through Z format or top to bottom
- Added a "Deconstruction" segment
- Updated the About Page
- Included a brief summary of my past if anyone wants to know
- Other
- Delete and sweeped the entire website due to website not opening up up properly
September 26th, 2024 - Quote every last one of them!
For this update I spent the month or rather whatever time I've had on gathering quotes and one-liners, although I didn't do all of them for now since the month is about to end and I want to update the website before I get back to it. These quotes and one-liners all come from the entries translated by VGPerson, and they were modified as potential examples and placeholders just in case someone is writing something. Just like how I wrote the entries in both the original and remake, I had to sit down and watch as much as I could. The process is incredibly time-consuming as I've had to determine what to use, what not to, and convert the changeable words.
To explain on how I wrote the entries outside of the "Personal thoughts?", I have to write it based on a few set requirements.
- 1. Watch 1/3 or 2/3 of an entry's video, typically the former works well enough.
- 2. Summarize what was watched without revealing too much.
- 2A. Write the introduction with quotes and describers, make it skippable just in case.
- 2B. Summarize most of the first act to get readers/viewers interested.
- 2C. Write about the "protagonist" and their general conflict in the narrative.
- 2D. Describe the features including both narrative and gameplay elements.
- 3. Use screenshots
- 3A. Use three screenshots for the summary, the protagonist and their conflict, and the features.
- 3B. Use six screenshots at the near end showcasing what happens later.
These were built upon the original fansite with the first three screenshots being from the original fansite up to a certain numbered entry. The six new screenshots were taken for the remake of the fansite, all purposely taken after every 1/3 of a entry.
The problem with finding all these quotes and one-liners is that I have basically repeat what I did for writing the entries and hyperfocus on dialogue instead of condensing information into something readable. Thankfully, the process is much simpler and shorter, so it's abit more bearable if just a little bit mindnumbing at times. The funny part is that I realized way too late that I should've organized it by entry as well, but I'll see what I can do once everything is dealt with.
I also included in one of my favorite comedic actors when I was a young lad by the name of Stephen Chow in the WTWYO Page in the material section. I've included a video that goes into his style of comedy and the general writing behind it and supplementary clips from some of the movies he's worked on. The clips included provide enough context into how he employs comedy and to showcase how similar his style is to Kuniko Takahashi.
Stephen Chow was quite a well-known and famous actor during the Early 80s and 90s, specifically the 90s where his style of comedy dominated Hong Kong for quite abit. For westerners and much of the world, most people know him from Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle.
Outside of that, a certain someone's help has been added in and assorted to the best of my ability. I usually push up updates every month since the soft release of the remake fansite, so I'm sorry if I took quite abit of time to apply the corrections. Work has been busy and I've been trying my best to get things done and learning new things.
Yet again, thank you for the help!
Also, I'm getting my butt killed out there and sleep has been meh for the past month. Survived worse you know.
- Glossary Updates
- None
- Website Updates
- None
- Page Updates
- Updated the "WTWYO" page
- Added in more one-liners and quotes
- Added in Stephen Chow, specifically links to his style of comedy, Wikipedia links to the movies that were chosen, and clips of those said movies which can all be found in the "What do you need in order to write your own?" section
- Other
- Corrected grammar and spelling errors based on feedback from a certain someone
- Recorrected certain informational bits on the About Page, course corrected and sorted them out based on year to my knowledge
August 28th, 2024 - Oh hey, a uhhh.. new update and stuff
In the first time since doing this Remake, I have suffered and experienced Writer's Block and grown from the experience. This is related to the new page that is being openned for this update. It is called Want To Write Your Own? and this is more or less written as some sort of guide for anyone who wants to write and/or create something similar to Sis RPG. Like every entry, it's written from a perspective of a Westerner or someone from North America.
Took me at least a month to write it, and it has kind of been a nightmare to write because I've had to turn nearly twenty years worth of information into something readable. Converting not only the knowledge gained from writing all the entries but creating tangible concepts and Terminology exclusive to the "Want To Write Your Own?" Page. I'm certain that it is not the best nor something that suits everyone's tastes. For anything specific to the "Want To Write Your Own?" Page can be read down below, and it's written to the best of my current ability.
It's probably at least nearly ten thousand words long or less. Thankfully, the page is designed to be easy to pick up and come back to. Well, I hope it is.
Oh yes, almost forgot something but I have been informed of a few things last week by somebody through ChairGTables. Gotta apologize to ChairGTables on that matter because I didn't include a way to contact me, still thank you for relying that message to me. Whoever you are, I am willing to talk and even work with you.
I am literally just one guy, it's not easy to write something that can be easily read.
Any form of criticism is good, just say whatever you want!
Just contact me and we'll see where we go from there.
- Glossary Updates
- Changed a few titles related to ChairGTable's parody
- Website Updates
- Created a "Want To Write Your Own?" page that can be accessed the moment the Home page is picked
- Just like every entry, it has a special introduction and a button to skip
- A special Accordian button that allows easy access, six buttons in one
- Written up six different sections that delve into different aspects of the series
- What is Sis RPG and what makes it? - Basically gives a brief summary of what Sis RPG is and the anyhows
- The evolution of Sis RPG's entries and their differences - Explains the differences and the different stages of evolution the series has gone through in regards of Narrative Writing, Character Writing, Trope Usage, and Software
- Establishes Eras, basically the different stages and states written into easily identifiable
- The Eras follow the playlist order of VGPerson's YouTube Playlist
- What do you need in order to write your own? - Explains what you need, what you need to know, and material to consume if need be
- Includes which entries of that Era and YouTube Poops to watch
- Narrative Writing - This section thoroughly deconstructs and dissects the narratives of each Era
- Each Era has their Three-Act Structure generalized with the most commonly used Tropes in their sections
- A Universal section is included for Tropes that are used series-wide for a general explanation
- Included a One-Liners and Quotes which is currently in progress
- Since these are dialogues spoken by the characters, they're included in the Narrative Writing section by default
- Character Writing - This section covers Main Characters, Supporting Characters, and Antagonists in terms of how they're written as characters
- Everything in this section is divided into how they're portrayed in every Era, although written in a more generalized way
- Characterization, Role, and Usage is included in to help establish a defined or generalized line of how the characters are
- Tropes List - This list only applies to what was used in every My Personal Thoughts? segments of every entry
- There are two categories designed to make finding tropes easier and to know which ones were made by Kuniko Takahashi
- Mainline - Entries made by Kuniko Takahashi
- Parodies - Entries made by someone else other than Kuniko Takahashi
- Each entry which also includes the parody has two separate categories of which Tropes were used
- Story Tropes - Tropes used in a narrative, can be plot devices unless otherwise
- Character Tropes - Tropes that are used in a character, it can be either a part of their character or something else
- Page Updates
- Changed bits of information on the About Page
- Added in information regarding Kuniko Takahashi's username and added in my reasoning for not knowing
- Changed which programs were used to create the series and added in the reasoning for my mistakes
- Changed my current occupation and "updated" my hobbies
- It ain't much at all
- Added an afterword in regards of the Remake
- Other
- Added in some graphics such as header/banner thing, new backgrounds for most pages but the entries. Custom-made and created by me.
- Included a means to contact Noobalot by which I mean me
- You can find them in the section regarding the project and myself in the About Page
July 21st, 2024 - Long over due update!
Almost at the end of my journey, dear lord this insanity of project of writing. I swear, my love of this series is going to hurt me somehow. But it's fine anyways, love is a thing that keeps people going. It's not a bad thing to love something but generally it's how you love that something and how you go about it determines if it is good or bad.
I'm done with all of VGperson's translated works by the way, and the parody is done as well. While I do have my own concerns due to not wanting to hurting other people's feelings and caring too much about them because of my generally kindhearted nature, I decided that it would be completely unfair to not include my personal thoguhts on the parody. It ended up becoming one of the longer written entries with my personal thoughts. Still, with a through look, my thoughts on the parody has changed quite a bit due to prolonged exposure of writing for the remake and appericating the strong writing of the source material.
Like, I didn't know that the writing quality got incredibly complicated and complex nor did I know that Kuniko Takahashi improved her writing with each and every entry. Most entries start off relatively lighthearted but she just throws it out the window, you just would never think that a series dedicated to being a Meme would be so... strong.
I have been doing my own thing on my own free time though. Learning is not a very easy thing to do - it requires you to constantly use something you don't use often. Plus, I've been using my down time at work getting caught up with this website's remake.
Also, this series now has a TVTropes page!
- Glossary Updates
- Entries Released - An Ecchi Summer Break, Samurai Vs Ninja, , "Extremely Filthy, Incredibly Erotic", imouto RPG - Touch Me Senpai!!
- Website Updates
- Completed application of adding in HTML Semantic to all the pages that weren't converted to during the initial production of the remake
- Adjusted and applied utilities for both padding and margins for every page on the website/remake
- The intention was to clean up the basic visuals that looked off and out of place, most of them were headers and buttons
- Page Updates
- Customized and tailored most and/or all of the meta description tags related to whatever the page is about
- For non-entry pages, the description tags use a paragraph describing the general purpose of that page
- For entry-related pages, the description tags use a sentence and/or a phrase from the introduction of each entry
- Cleaned up most of the meta keyword tags for every page on the remake/website in order to make searching online much easier
- While a little bit, the preset keywords have been modified to include my username/s as it already has every other contributor related to Sis RPG on it
- Every entry-related pages has keywords of their titles and important characters, fully deconstructed to enable certain entries to appear by themselves
- Home page has been updated to include a button/link to a new page that is currently under construction
- Every page that has a navigation has been updated to include the new page's link
- Glossary page has been updated to include the TVTropes page of the series, thank Rejnka
- Other
- None.
May 28th, 2024 - A tough week...
Last week, our good boy Benz passed away while I was training for my new position as a Vehicle Photographer for an auction house. I was spending the week writing the last translated works that vgperson did while grieving over Benz.
There is a dedicated memorial to him in the About page that touches of his history and my time with him, he uhhh... passed away during the last bits of the writing portions of the remake.
- Glossary Updates
- Entries Released - Big-Bust Brawl.
- Website Updates
- None.
- Page Updates
- The About page has a memorial dedicated to the passing of Benz, a good boy.
- Other
- None.
May 15th, 2024 - The end is near!
Almost at the end of my journey, dear lord this insanity of project of writing. I swear, my love of this series is going to hurt me somehow. But it's fine anyways, love is a thing that keeps people going.
I'm almost done with most of VGperson's translated works by the way, one more entry to write out and I'll be veering on up on the others that were done by other people then onto the parody.
I have been doing my own thing on my own free time though. Learning is not a very easy thing to do - it requires you to constantly use something you don't use often.
- Glossary Updates
- Entries Released - Erobian Nights, Invasion of Lolimandy, Extremely Filthy, Incredibly Erotic.
- Website Updates
- None.
- Page Updates
- None.
- Other
- None.
April 22nd, 2024 - Churned out three more entries!!
Oh boy, I love writing non-stop and without end to my suffering, yo!
Typically I spend a few hours a day writing an entry for this series. I spend time watching the video, cross-referencing pages from TVTropes, reviewing my code, and both reading and writing. While I do have knowledge of the series thanks to watching almost every last one of them, it does take a huge toll on my mental state. Just imagine writing non-stop out of both love and loyality to a Meme.
When I first started out, I managed to write three entries per week with about four to eight hours given to write out and stuff. Of course, the entries at the start were not plagued with too many tropes nor complex and complicated writings.
I need to update the HTML stuff on the other entries and whatnots, then the graphics, and then update my JavaScript skills while making stuff for my idle game.
- Glossary Updates
- Entries Released - Sexy Panties Knight, Pervy Agent Ickgyver, Sexy Winter Vacation.
- Website Updates
- None.
- Page Updates
- None.
- Other
- None.
March 25th, 2024 - That took longer than needed!
March is my birth month and my birthday happened two weeks ago, so I'm now a year older. I was 28 and now I'm 29, stuff's a bit hard to find when the job market is super duper crap, you know.
Anyways, as you know I do lead a busy life and things have been rough so I've been able to only fork out three entries as of late. Oh yeah, and I gotta add in some stuff in the glossary.
Once again, thank you, ChairGTables.
- Glossary Updates
- Entries Released - Super Lingerie Quest, Loli Cop, Sexy Queen: Mammary Chapter.
- The music and sounds of Kawagoe Updated - The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto in G Minor, Op. 8 No. 2, RV 315 "Summer": III. Presto, RPG Maker Tsukuru DS - BGM02, RPG Maker Tsukuru DS - BGM10, RPG Maker 3 Music - Boss Battle 3, Matchmakers - se_old-pack00.zip
- Added The other informational bits of Kawagoe
- The other informational bits of Kawagoe Updated - Japanese Sis RPG Wiki, A painful MUGEN character created by my sister “Magical Virgin Emily”, Sis RPG - Sex Men - Voice Acted
- Website Updates
- None.
- Page Updates
- Every page has lang="en" and thus can be read in English for HTML Accessibility though I doubt most of you have a disability that hampers your senses and/or your motor functions.
- Other
- Started the process of converting later entries with Semantic HTML, eventually every page will have Semantic HTML.
- Adjusted titles and meta tags related to descriptions to match the entry they're a part of.
- Adjusted the timestream to their correct dates.
Feburary 29th, 2024 - First Batch of Threes
I've been plenty busy with life and correcting some issues with the website, and I have been getting some feedback from other outside of the select few that will come last like image optimization and the graphics obviously. The bulk of the next few updates will be focused on writing and releasing the entries I've written. Just to remind you guys, I have the glorious job of writing every entry in two different ways.
- The basic writing content - This pertains to the introduction you see, the basic plot summary, the character that is featured, and the features. They're usually written without any particular spice such as my thoughts and perspective.
- The "Personal thoughts?" - This is where most of my writing goes to since it's written with my perspective and thoughts on the story, characters, and the overall experience. After writing the basic stuff, I write the content for the story first and I try my best to describe much of the story the best as I can since I am condensing 15 to 30 minutes worth of video into readable chunky bits, making any possible references I think would fit and the appropriate Tropes to either enhance or describe. Then the overall bits where I try to be unbias in suggesting if it's a good entry to watch on the spot or otherwise while either reiterating or adding onto the stuff mentioned in regards of both story and characters.
- Glossary Updates
- Entries Released - Moe Moe Maid RPG, Strip Commander, Sexy Queen: Mammary Chapter.
- Website Updates
- None.
- Page Updates
- Added more context regarding the nature of the original fansite for both newcomers and returnees on the index page.
- Added a red NSFW tag in the button that contains the link to the original fansite on the index page.
- Now you guys have been warned - now I do not need to worry about any sort of misunderstandings.
- Other
- Cleaned up the Javascript for some of the quote generators for entries that come later in the series via the playlist on YouTube.
Feburary 21th, 2024 - Mobile-first Fixeroos
Oh man, another update after the Soft Release two days ago?
I noticed that there were a few issues that needed to be addressed right off the bat. It was when I viewed the site from a mobile device or my cellphone in this case. You guys should be able to browse and view the issue on your phones without much of an issue anymore.
- Glossary Updates
- None.
- Website Updates
- Fixed up mobile-first related issues when using a mobile device.
- Applied overflow-x:hidden; to every page that had elements off-screen coming in from the right.
- Applied overflow-wrap:break-word; to every page that had animate_scrollstatic_start or animate_scrollstatic_end in order to prevent generated quotes with long words from spilling outside the text box.
- This also applies to the News page as well.
- Removed the column containing the FontAwesome icon representing newer updates to help unclutter the column with the listed updates.
- Changed the FontAwesome icon from fa-circle-question to fa-check in the News page to indicate that the News is where you'll get updates.
- Cleaned up and spruced up every page of unneeded closed link tags, properly rerouting every head tags to their correct places.
- Adjusted the audio toggle button with a col-12 for all sizes, changing the width from w-100 to a set width of 150px.
- The invisible space originally overlapped from the right - it no longer has said space.
- Page Updates
- Applied the proper z-index CSS to News Page's element containing the audio toggle button.
- Now elements in the News Page will no longer phase through the button.
- Removed the document.getElementById("jsyear").innerHTML="2018" + "-" + new Date().getFullYear(); from the index page which was preventing from playing any audio set at 0.25 or 25% to an automatic 1.0 or 100%.
- Now your ears are protected for the most part.
- Other
- Changed Okatu to Otaku in the About page.
- Thank you for pointing out the error, ChairGTables.
Feburary 19th, 2024 - Soft Release
Alright, here are the releases of the first... uhhh... 15ish entries of the currently translated bits. I written these entries in the order of the playlist that VGPerson has sorted in their playlist on YouTube.
Most of the website design and early developmental phases were completed in late 2023 but I'll include a list below. I did end up taking a break to work on my portfolio site, it took a month to finish up.
- Glossary Updates
- Entries Released - Super-Sexy RPG, God of Love, Lifesucker Erocula, Royal Lolicon Quest, Emily's Big Adventure, Charm Classroom, More Scary Stories At Work, Sexy Confinement Ward, Lewd Girl RPG, Little Girl RPG, Jurasexx Park, Sex Men, Milking Quest, ERORIDER 01, The Great Bosom Plot.
- Added most music tracks of the series - provided by ChairGTables.
- Half of VGPerson's translated entries completed.
- Rerouted every entry listed above with the correct links.
- Every entry released so far has a dedicated introduction with a unique description of certain events taken from the first few to the first ten minutes.
- Each entry but More Scary Stories at Work has a script that randomizes quotes from the video that serves to help enhance the descriptions given by the introduction section at the start of the entry.
- The pool of generated quotes span either from one to three depending on long the entry's introduction is.
- Every entry released so far has a button to skip the introduction section.
- Depending on the entry, the title screenshot is blurred with an optional button to unfilter it.
- Added meta descriptions to all the above entries mentioned.
- Added a modal for unwritten/in-progress entries.
- Website Updates
- Added meta descriptions to Home, News, Glossary, and About Pages.
- Home page has a introduction that can be skipped if one wishes to see the rest of the website.
- Sound effects used in the series added in which includes screaming.
- Every page has a toggle button for audio at the bottom right, allowing users and visitors to browse and view with or without audio.
- Users will have to toggle the button every time they visit a different page if they want to browse and view without audio.
- Every audio clip has been set to 0.25 or 25% through Internal Javascript via volume.
- Every page has a title tag similar to the meta description unless otherwise.
- Page Updates
- News Page added
- Other
- Access to the Original Fansite is available.