Release - 06/22/2013
Length - Long
Genre - Comedy
A totally normal day of school, huh?
Thank the pillow!
A totally normal day of school, huh?
In a typical world where swords and magic exist, somewhere in the country of America. A young boy by the name of Joriel is getting himself introduced by a teacher who is unhappy with the increased workload he's about to get by having a new student in his class. Just as class was about to start, a girl by the name of Akira enters the classroom and confesses her feelings for him right in front of the entire class. Joriel happily accepts her feelings and returns them by professing his love for her.
But tragedy strikes as Joriel slays Akira right in front of his entire class, killing her and pocketing her weed. It is because despite her desire to eat boxed lunches with him in the coming days, she has no cooking skills to back them up. Police arrives on the scene and Joriel confesses his feelings for her on the spot that his feelings are returned.
But then... Joriel's ex-girlfriend comes in and kidnaps the poor boy because he walked out on her on a date like one of those dads who mysteriously disappears on a trip to the gas station for a bottle of milk. Police is thrown against a wall as Joriel's ex-girlfriend teleports away with a Ninja Art.
Police brutally guns down the teacher for talking back and promptly begins her mission to save Joriel from the evil clutches of the ex-girlfriend.
From blasting teachers to rescuing newly obtained boyfriend!
I love your face, Robin!
From blasting teachers to rescuing newly obtained boyfriend!
You are in the armored shoes of Police who finds out that her recently new boyfriend has an ex-girlfriend, and that he's been kidnapped right in front of her very eyes. With the teacher gunned down for demanding her to keep her mouth shut and being empowered by love, she marches forth to bring her beloved Joriel back into her arms.
She finds out how powerless she was when Joriel's ex-girlfriend displayed her powers, this convinces her that she'll never be able to save Joriel. But then a boy by the name of Robin tells her that there is a way to save Joriel, and that is to combine their strength and create the strongest 20th Century Magic.
Can Police save Joriel from the evil clutches of his ex-girlfriend with the combined efforts of Robin or will they fail together as a team.
Is this some sort of Love Triangle, and how many ex-girlfriends does Joriel even have???
Who is Police anyways??!?!!?

The story
While I've had my reservations of writing my thoughts on a fellow co-collaborator's work, it wouldn't be fair to them out while every other entry got their share. Plus, I'm the type of guy who cares about the feelings of others but I gotta write.
If anyone is familiar with ChairGTables and any of their works, their works are heavily influenced by Kuniko Takahashi. Many of their works use Kuniko Takahashi's writing style, and they have a character that was born from them that appears in this parody.
Since this parody was written and created by a younger ChairGTables who made this parody in a hurry, while noting they were making a "poor attempt". Just as a reminder, this is way before ChairGTables found their footing and place in the world.
So, we have our classical introduction where the story is set in a world where swords and magic exist... and then we're shown a classroom. A man walks in as if he's had enough of the world and introduces himself as Teacher. The reason why he's walking in such a hurry is because he is introducing a new student to the class despite the fact his workload is about to increase.
Enter Joriel who is introduced as your typical Ordinary High-School Student that you can find just about anywhere... and that he is available by which I mean single. Just as finishes introducing himself, a girl by the name of Akira waltz right into the classroom and stutters a bit like Hinata from Naruto and confesses her love for him. Somehow, Joriel's classical anime "EHH!!?" blows Akira across the room and into a wall near some bookshelves. As Akira does what all shy anime girls do, she fumbles her words as Joriel tells hers he does not like her.
Actually, Joriel is totally in love with her - and Akira can't wait to eat boxed lunches with him everyday. The problem is that.. Akira cannot cook anything for the life of her and this pisses Joriel so much that he... murders her in cold blood in front of everyone with Signature Move Ultra Vulcano Shot. Yup, we're already creating a body count and it's Joriel's girlfriend.
And he also takes her weed for whatever reason he may need it. But uhhh... weed isn't really that illegal in the 2020s unlike the early 2010s.
Joriel screams at the top of his lungs like that Freeman fellow from that webseries called Half-Life: Full Life Consequences, and Police comes in demanding Joriel to remain silent. But Joriel pulls a fast one and professes his love Police because he refuses to be silent when his heart is on a mission. Police is stunned silent for a brief moment and... successfully describes her thoughts and feelings to him, doing poor Akira one better.
Akira was all about wanting to be looked at and his attention but Police is all about watching him run around and eating that hot spicy curry.
...and then all of a sudden, a ugly-looking being that can be poorly described as a girl appears out of nowhere and interrupts their blossoming love. It's Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend and she is super duper ultra mega pissed that he pulled a "Dad is going to the gas station to pick up milk!" on their date. Seeing him with another girl a month after walking off has sent her on the warpath and she swiftly defeats him with ease as Police intervene in the kidnapping process.
That is until she is blown off by Joriel's Ex-girlfriend's display of power that she is thrown across the room and into the wall because that's what happens when someone powers up or something in anime. Joriel is then successfully kidnapped right in front of Police's eyes via a Ninja Arts called... Instant Worm Hole.
The utter display of power and Joriel's kidnapping causes Police to cry out her heart... until Teacher tells her to shut it. Teacher is then gunned down on the spot in front of the entire class and she runs off. Police sits down and laments how powerless she is, how strong Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend is, and her desire to save Joriel from her.
"That would not be a problem..." echoes from the depths of the school's halls. A boy with a wicked and uncanny smile steps out into the light, introducing himself as Robin. He gives Police a pep talk like one of those coaches in a sports film, sitting down with her and telling her that there is a way to do it.
In order for Police to save Joriel and defeat his Ex-Girlfriend, they must combine their brains and strength to create the strongest 20th Century Magic. Robin is impressed by Police's strength, admiring her after watching his teacher get blasted into bits and pieces, and he is totally all for helping her achieve her goals of saving Joriel. Besides, his reasoning is so simple even a baby can understand it, as being Joriel's friend and helping out his new girlfriend is enough for him to join in.
I mean, I've had silly reasons for helping other people before anyways... such as getting bribed in food and being totally okay with whatever is happening; kind of. Bribery in food is the one thing I'm perfectly fine with too!
So, the strongest spell is called Twin Vulcano Shot, of course Police questions how he even came to know such a dangerous move. Robin completely writes it off as Joriel showing him the move while using it on an unused factory that obviously won't come up again or something. What does come up and sound off are the bells for the next class that Robin himself has to attend. Inviting Police to join him to his next class as they devise some sort of plan.
The class is Home Science and it is helmed by a man that awfully looks like Teacher. He is in fact... Teacher's Brother and he doesn't not get paid enough to care about new students as Police offhandedly mentions she purposely murdered Teacher by accident.
Their goal for class is to make stuff with... WOOD, and Teacher's Brother to make stuff with wood. 1/4 of an hour passes and Teacher's Brother demands the class to hand in their work.
As if it was show-and-tell, Robin presents a... flashlight he dubs creatively as Lightbulb Plus. For no sensible reason, Teacher's Brother fails him with an F and moves onto the next student. The student shows their work and her name is Emma who is obviously a Shout-Out to Kuniko Takahashi's Emma. She shows off what cannot possibly be made with wood, and it's a nuke with a copycat name of Nuke Plus. Teacher's Brother goes all awestruck because of its... everything and decides that it gets a A+++ and fails everybody else without seeing their work.
Obviously, Robin has a problem and promptly contests the totally unfair grade while Emma grills him over the objectively useless flashlight as nukes are the future of the 21th Century. The comparison pisses him so much that he decides that he needs to demonstrate the power of the ten suns it has and the both of them ham it up until he uses it on Emma.
But... he ends up killing everyone in the classroom but Police, Teacher's Brother, and himself. Teacher's Brother is so awestruck that he gives him a F+ and 100% before deciding that he must have it and steals it like a gremlin. Police and Robin chase him to his home because stealing is bad or something.
And as soon as Police orders him to remain silent, Teacher's Brother tells her to shut her mouth... wait a minute, is this the third time someone stopped her from finishing her words?
Anyways, Robin demands that he'd apologize for being rude but is reflected back because of their intrusion into his home, and Police wants him to say sorry and give back the obviously not wooden Lightbulb Plus. But nah, instead of doing anything the two asked him to do, Teacher's Brother decides that he must instead throw hands at them but he's swiftly defeated as Robin begins to shout at the top of his lungs. But Teacher's Brother tells the duo that they do not understand what's going on at all.
For it was Teacher's dream to write a visual novel in the romantics but... sadly, Teacher's Brother discovered that Teacher was dead on his desk. But of course, his killer gives her grievances as Teacher's Brother assumes he was murdered by a man. Oh, the dang irony of asking the one to arrest their brother's killer without knowing said person killed him.
Back on track, they'll get Lightbulb Plus back in their totally safe hands on the condition they'll help him complete his brother's work as the other option is getting detention. Conveniently, the only thing that needs to be done is the ending of the story - easy peasy, yeah?
So, the duo are presented with the ending right off the bat and we're introduced to the two most important characters in the whole story; the main male lead named Randy and our female lead and love interest named Anita. Police calls Randy a loser while disrespecting Teacher and Robin thinks the game freaking sucks, Teacher's Brother is not having it and calls the former a loser back while completely not caring about the latter's comments.
Backseat Commentary at its finest, totally a thing as you all know it. Even I do it sometimes to my friends and all.
The situation between Randy and Anita is very similar to a lot of romance plots. You've got your male lead wanting to know about the female lead, having never set eyes on her in the living flesh while the girl herself is working in a place that she thinks will be the end of her. Situation wise, it does sound kind of like Cinderella since Anita is working her butt off as a maid but she's working as one because her parents couldn't pay off their debts and was left behind by them. Randy of course wants to see her and does not care if she is some ugly looking monster, he just wants to see her and die with her together like Romeo and Juliet without the death part.
But then the game pauses before Anita can respond to Randy. Robin then promotes himself from Backseat Commentator to writer and spends a relatively short amount of time adding in his two-cents on the story's ending. Suddenly as if the last season of Games of Thrones came in, Anita's entire character changes without an warning, erasing whatever she was before Robin's writing put her through Character Derailment. But unlike Daenerys whose entire Character Development went up in flames, Anita sets fire on her relationship with Randy by calling him a stalker. She goes on to basically rant about how he can't stop being a hero, that men having a lot of money means they can have whatever they want for themselves.
As if her sudden change of character has thrown Randy of his boots, he does Anita one better and undergoes a Character Derailment himself, deciding that he needs to go be a Karen and get rid of the manager that is keeping his beloved Anita prisoner. Since she thinks he's a creep, he needs to prove himself that he really really really loves her and goes to confront the manager against his beloved's protests. Of course, The Reveal happens and Randy is actually a co-worker of Anita and under the employ of the manager, being warmly welcomed by the latter.
Despite praising the man and talking about Kawagoe, Randy asks her to die despite not wanting to do that and she is promptly killed on the spot. As soon as Randy goes downstairs, he is met with a beautiful sight that is Anita - and they both get nuked to hell as soon as they accept each other's love because the police decided that Randy needed to be nuked.
Once again, Robin is screaming at the top of his lungs and Teacher's Brother is brought into a Stunned Silence for a brief moment and it looks like he's about to be super pissed about Teacher's work being defiled by one of his students. Instead, he's... all too happy and thinks the changes are totally worthy of being a part of Teacher's work. Exempting Robin from the exams and telling him he'll turn a blind eye to his sleeping in class and stuff, and that what he read was like... unveiling secrets and the wonders of it like treasure.
Police hears these words and decides that she must unveil herself to the world so Joriel can see how beautiful she is under all that hunky armor. It is revealed that she is a blonde beauty and immediately gets attacked by Teacher's Brother and Robin with the former assuming she's an intruder. They then search where Police and seem to have relatively crappy short-term memory.
They demand who she is and Police reveals that her name is Liz and that she is Police. They think she's a liar and proceed to perform a gank, but they're easily defeated by a single rocket launcher and a propane gas tank; and they drop some Crack and Weed.
They probably we're too high on drugs to really remember and even see that Liz is Police. I mean, I've heard that drugs can mess up your mind pretty badly to the point your memory can be as bad as a goldfish's!
Liz is... then screaming at the top of her lungs just like Robin who alongside Teacher's Brother have been killed by her. All she did was lose control of herself like she did with Teacher, but just like Honest from Akame Ga Kill, she swiftly sweeps the whole thing under the rug despite being thankful for their help and sad for killing them.
She then grabs Lightbulb Plus and goes on the computer to search up where Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend lives as Google is attempting to change the results to Joel's Ex-Girlfriend's House. She decides she must roll out like an Autobot, rolling out to where Joriel is held at. The moment she gets there, she starts jacking stuff like money and armor... and photos of girls.
The person who potentially owns the house is named Hayden and they stop Liz from exploring any further and denying her the means to find Joriel and his Ex-Girlfriend. When Liz tries to leave, Hayden stops her from doing so because of all the stuff that was nicked in front of their eyes. Except it wasn't about the money they stole or the armor, it was because the photos of the beautiful girls were taken. Liz then Breaking the Fourth Wall and mentions that they're in a typical RPG where breaking into homes and stealing items is quite the norm.
Liz does what any normal cop would do, blackmailing and threatening a suspect. Hayden has... "lewd" photos and is somehow three months away from being eighteen, but they're forced to relent. This yields her the location of Joriel and his Ex-Girlfriend but at the cost of giving back the money she took. Said location is actually the fireplace Hayden is conveniently sitting right in front of. Liz bravely waltz right into the fireplace and finally meets both her foe and her boyfriend.
That is until Joriel doesn't remember a damn thing about Liz being Police and that he even had a girlfriend in the first place. The Ex-Girlfriend reveals that Joriel is terrible at remembering things, and that she doesn't even know who Liz is herself. Liz isn't all too happy of being mistaken for someone else despite not having the armor on, although the Ex-Girlfriend is able to remember her.
Of course, Liz proceeds to press charges of theft because... Joriel stole her heart and that stealing him equates to stealing her heart because kidnapping is just theft with extra steps!
Since they can't settle their differences of who has Joriel, they decide that they must settle it like gentle-.. ladies and duke it out on the Final Battlefield. Instead of a grand stage, the Final Battlefield is just the area within the fireplace as Liz's Lightbulb Plus has no effect. Swiftly as lightspeed, immobile as flesh and bones as Liz is defeated in no time.
As if the speed of plot is happening, Joriel finally remembers that Police is his girlfriend and that Liz is police, and he thinks she's freaking cute without her armor. The flirting that happens between the two of them annoys Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend as the two of them, Joriel takes the lead on their newly reformed bond and gank... as Twin Vulcano Shot is nothing more than a bug bite. The Power Of Love couldn't triumph over the The Power Of Hate, Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend is just too strong.
Joriel totally shouldn't have ditched her for a month. Being left behind for even a single month can change a person completely.
Anyways, Joriel is enjoying the pain and wants more of it but gets denied it as his Ex-Girlfriend suddenly explodes during the execution of her fatal attack. Their savior is none other than... Kimberly, Joriel's First Ex-Girlfriend who Joriel himself does not seem to remember aside from the fact that he's a dude. And she's there to merk his butt to kingdom come... that is until Myle, the 69th Ex-Girlfriend runs into her to do it herself. That is until another voice chimes in before she could deal the final blow to Joriel.
....Jerald whose empty factory was blown up by Joriel's showcasing of the Twin Vulcano Shot, and he's told to go be a family man. Of course, he was a family man of some sorts, as he was having a date with his fiance at that factory. He survived and was turned into a ugly and disfigured shadow of himself, and he wants Joriel's blood like all of his Ex-Girlfriends sans Liz.
Of course, Joriel's reasons for blowing up the factory... was rather thoughtless anyways.
So, Jerald reveals that he's been planning his revenge for two months and took those Home Science classes, and it's a weapon that is stronger than ten suns, it's.... A5374832431786A69N23N342896423812429099YSDF97T02934Y3 Megatons stronger than... Lightbulb Plus.
The numbers are so big and huge that it blows up the Earth!
Despite everyone being dead, Jerald delivers the Aesop of the story which is of course a Broekn Aesop. A message about freedom and how corrupting they can be, the horrors of aimless fun, and how love can't survive on feelings alone. Then a final message appears... Ecclesiastes 11:9 before uhhh.. an end screen and a cute purple girl with a cat.
Well, my word count must be high as a kite - look how long the screen is! The heights!
The characters
Alrighty, we've got an interesting bunch of characters to wade through, I'll be writing in the order of both appearance and screentime except for Liz and Joriel as the latter needs to go first or half of this would just be the former.
Joriel is one of the main characters of this parody's narrative aside from Liz. It was just a simple day, a day where a new life and school life would start. Joriel was just a typical Ordinary High-School Student getting himself introduced by your typical overworked teacher until three girls approached, Akira, Police, and.... his Ex-Girlfriend. And he soon finds himself getting kidnapped by his Ex-Girlfriend who he does not even remember being with.
So, Joriel's role in this narrative is a mixture of things, he's basically the secondary protagonist, Damsel in Distress, a Greater-Scope Villain, and technically a Villain Protagonist. Throughout the entire narrative, lots of Hidden Depths occurs and Joriel has a lot of character traits that are explained through the other characters that isn't Liz.
He's a Handsome Lech with a PG-13 version of Really Gets Around, and is a Forgetful Jones. He spends more than half the story being a Damsel in Distress and yet many of the things that happen to him are of his own making, many of them are hit with severe cases of Surprisingly Realistic Outcomes.
Just going to list them right down here.
- Joriel confessing his love to every girl he sees?
- Has multiple Ex-Girlfriends who all have beef with him.
- Said Ex-Girlfriends are either jealous, angry, and/or want to get revenge on him.
- Gets kidnapped by one of his many Ex-Girlfriends.
- Joriel's memory issues?
- Constantly forgets he even had and/or has a girlfriend to begin with, 69 Ex-Girlfriends.
- Causes him to accidentally break the hearts of many girls.
- Forgot that he even blew up a random empty factory, causing the birth of Jerald.
- Causes him to think impulsively, repeatedly making problems and mistakes that ends up blowing up the Earth.
Despite Ex-Girlfriend being the most active onscreen antagonist, many of the things listed all link back to Joriel. He's basically the Big Bad and Greater-Scope Villain, and uhh... he loves pain.
Now onto Police aka Liz, and she is one of the main characters, becoming the protagonist after Jorial is kidnapped by the Ex-Girlfriend. Liz found herself suppressed and under fire by Joriel after attempting to apprehend him of his murder of Akira. His direct words of love have found their way into the depths of her body, a crime of theft where her heart was stolen by him. But her heart heart, her love for him, and Joriel himself were kidnapped by his Ex-Girlfriend who came seeking for his blood. Despite being armed to the teeth, Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend's display of power forces Liz to undergo a journey of self-reflection and power-seeking that will forever change her life.
Liz is basically the protagonist of this parody's narrative and much of her goal is to get as strong as possible and find Joriel and his Ex-Girlfriend with that power. Despite being the protagonist, she acts in a supporting role like a Supporting Protagonist since much of the narrative is about Joriel's character and actions and the people in his school.
She does in fact have a character arc that results in her getting Character Development, she goes from blasting everyone that tells her to shut her mouth to blasting people in the name of love via Power of Love.
Other bits of her Character Development also have her transition visually and narratively. She grows out of her I Am the Noun through her time with Robin and Teacher's Brother, shedding her armor and name as Police and coming out as Liz, the true beauty under the hunky armor. Her love for Joriel is what causes her to unlock the Power of Love and unconditionally loves him regardless of his unconventional Greater-Scope Villain traits.
Liz herself is a character that ChairGTables has created and developed over the years, and while I have at least played one of their games - Liz's traits here are fully realized in their games.
Now onto Teacher and his brother Teacher's Brother, two near identical brothers who act and share the same role as teachers. Despite them being the same character, I'll separate them as two to make things easy.
Teacher is a minor supporting character that only appears for like a few minutes into the narrative. Teacher was introducing a new student against his will, unhappy of being given an extra brain to teach until he finds himself shot to kingdom come by Police. Dying for no reason with his dreams of writing a visual novel ended.
He and his brother are basically a couple of different tropes, Inexplicably Identical Individuals, Suspiciously Similar Substitute, and uhhh... Same Character, But Different. Probably should've written that at the top but yeah.
So uh... his entire time in the narrative is to introduce Joriel as one of the main characters and have his classroom bring in a bunch of girls including Police and Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend. Then he just... dies like an afterthought.
...that is until Teacher's Brother is introduced into the narrative who acts and talks like Teacher with no Foreshadowing of his existence. Teacher's Brother found Teacher dead on his desk, determined to find his killer. But he had a class to teach in his brother's stead, unknowingly meeting his brother's killer and Robin in Home Science Class.
He's Teacher's replacement, serving the same role and function that Teacher would've probably done if he were alive and not dead on his desk. None of the characters really acknowledge him as Teacher's Brother for the most part until he makes any mention of Teacher, Liz is usually left in general discomfort since she killed Teacher herself.
I mean, he's been acting like he's worked at the school forever which Teacher would've acted like - like you know, substitute teachers are like that too!
Despite that, he has a few key differences that set him and his brother apart.
- Has a character arc even if it is around his brother
- Has an expanded role that is all about supporting his students and Liz
- Lives longer than his brother
Aside from that, he suffers from the Death by Irony since he is killed by the very person that killed his brother who he happened to ask to help hunt down his brother's killer.
Then you have Robin, Joriel's friend and Liz's partner for more than half the narrative and is the Deuteragonist. Robin was sitting in the classroom as if it was just a normal day in school. But then Joriel gets kidnapped and Teacher is shot dead before his eyes by Police. Instead of cowering in fear, he is awestruck by how amazing Police murdered Teacher. He offers his help to Police to save Joriel.
Robin is quite an enjoyable character from his introduction up to his death. From the moment he appears, he ends driving most of the plot and Liz's character arc while becoming a slight case of Spotlight-Stealing Squad.
His fair share of the plot is generally about him aiding Liz in her quest to get strong enough to save Joriel. Helping her create the strongest 20th Century Magic that just happens to be a flashlight made out of wood called Lightbulb Plus. Then being forced to go on a quest to retrieve Lightbulb Plus from Teacher's Brother while totally not disrespecting Teacher's dream.
While this trope applies to everyone, Robin is the rising star of Large Ham, screaming at the top of his lungs like it's a completely normal day or something every time an action scene happens and when he's totally not defiling Teacher's work right in front of Teacher's Brother. While I will not call Robin an Expy or a Recurring Element since this entry is a parody, he borrows a few traits from Madison's iterations from Sex Men and Pervy Agent Ickgyver and Moe Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Eros. Specifically the ability to craft something amazing in school out of the blue, and while he's not revenge-driven, he is all about powering up Liz.
He exhibits traits of The Lancer - and someone who has someone's best interest at heart while acting super duper ultra shady, and he's kind of a troll.
Now onto the Ex-Girlfriends that isn't Akira since she was barely in the narrative. Just in case, I will try my best to separate them into their own stuff. Although, they all share a few tropes such as Revenge Before Reason, varying degrees of Power of Hate, and very simplified cases of Freudian Excuses. To make this easier, Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend will basically be a full-on character due to her screentime while the others will get brief mentions.
Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend is the main primary antagonistic force throughout the narrative despite not appearing much in it as most of it is spent developing Liz and exploring Joriel's character. After a month of waiting for Joriel to come back for their date and having to suffer starvation, Joriel's Ex-Girlfriend teleports in as a ugly-looking monster seeped in a desire to have revenge on him. Displaying her immense power at Liz, she kidnaps Joriel somewhere.
This girl is a little bit complicated because she is the main antagonistic force and yet most of the narrative is basically about Joriel's past actions biting him in the back. She's like a Non-Action Big Bad with Anti-Villain motives, an unstoppable Invincible Villain, and an indirect The Heavy for Joriel. Liz couldn't beat her at the start, couldn't beat her with Lightbulb Plus, and couldn't even defeat her with the Power of Love with Joriel - and she is ultimately one of the biggest victims in the narrative.
And she's also the one to do The Reveal on Joriel's entire character, basically giving Liz first-hand proof alive and dead at the same time. Branding him as the villain of the entire narrative through herself and through the other Ex-Girlfriends.
Then you have the two other Ex-Girlfriends out of 69 Ex-Girlfriends popping up as two of the three Last Episode, New Character. Kimberly and Myle only exist to simply explain how messed Joriel is, and to confirm that Liz loves him no matter what as they barely get enough time to have characterization as someone else jumps in just like them.
Jerald is the last of the Last Episode, New Character characters in the narrative and a Chekhov's Gun that comes in to end the entire narrative on a incredibly weird note.
Do you know why he is even in this story?
Because Joriel was testing out his new Signature Move Twin Vulcano Shot, and he just happened to fire it on an empty factory in the middle of nowhere or something. That factory was in fact not empty, and Jerald was born just like that one character in that Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware being created because Gordan Freeman shot him for no reason.
Well, he came within the last two minutes of the narrative, and he also kind of exists to reveal more of Jorial's character and act as both Foreshadowing and as a Chekhov's Gun. But hey, he's got a really nice face!
When I was a little bit younger, just a few years younger after creating the original fansite, I did have some misgivings about it but it makes sense based on younger ChairGTables making and writing the narrative of the parody. Although, they're kind of a household name in the indie game development space and someone who helms the fighting game community in the current day or the early 2020s.
But with a rewatch and using critical thinking, it's just as strong as its source material. It's more akin to the newer entries in the source material, having a Three-Act Structure, some sort of narrative theme, a tight knit cast of characters, and using both Shout-Outs and Recurring Elements.
You have a very straightforward narrative doing it's absolute best to not only emulate but try to be something familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, using the tried and true tropes that are commonly found in newer entries, and while it was made in a hurry or so, it was written with heart and care for the source material. The narrative itself does it's best to explore Joriel and the Forgetful Jones trope, how destructive it is when it affects the people he's interacted with and his uhhh... many many Ex-Girlfriends.
While you can watch it without any prior knowledge to the series, I would suggest you guys to watch one of the newer entries first to understand some of the stuff going on such as why the characters are always shouting or why the body count is high as a kite.
Or why everyone is acting like Memes with lots of One-Liners for like 80% of the time?
Thankfully, I know the material enough to understand what this parody was going for.. I think. You can only know so much when there is like uhhh... thirty plus videos to write and condense in a bite-sized manner.