Japanese Release - 01/29/2015
Translated Rerelease - 03/07/2017
Japanese Placement - 47th
Translated Placement - 24th
Length - Long
Genre - Action
Sounds like a Light Novel!
Put on some clothes!
Sounds like a Light Novel!
Naotsugu Kanae, a plain and ordinary highschooler finds himself in the graces of God before Winter Break starts. God decided that he must reward him with a wish for a follower such as him. A wish that comes from the deepest depths of his heart.
"Make me be attractive to girls!".
Those words come out of his mouth and God preaches to him about how cool cyborgs are, and how awesome it is for them to fire bullets from their chest. God brings in the doctor for the operation who goes by the name of Doctor Butcher, where the success of the operation is 47%. The chances lower to 40% and they do the operations with God knowing the results.
Naotsugu finds himself turned into a Cyborg with no organic limbs and/or body parts remaining in his body. But all of a sudden, Doctor Butcher informs God that terrorists have taken over the only means that Kawagoe is able to eat, which happens to be Potatoes. The only factory that produces Potatoes have been taken over and the Kawagoers have turned themselves into monsters.
With a Cyborg on hand, they send Naotsugu into the factory to stop the terrorists.
Totally a Light Novel Premise!
T-that's God over there!
Totally a Light Novel Premise!
You are in the metallic shoes of Naotsugu Kanae, an ordinary highschooler turned into a Cyborg through a wish by God himself. He finds himself thrown into a terrorist-infested potato factory in Kawagoe, for the only food resource for them has suddenly been taken over.
With no means of their only food source coming through, the people of Kawagoe have turned themselves into monsters and causing chaos and destruction.
Can you navigate Naotsugu through the factory and stop the terrorists from cutting the supply of Potatoes or will he be blown to bits despite being turned into a state-of-the-art cyborg?
Is he really stopping terrorists or is it by the will of God himself?
Will he even survive the potato factory?

The story
And we're given another entry that can scare off some people, sounds like an Ecchi title. Sexy Winter Vacation is on the point, and the graphics just don't help at all.
But we are given a very familiar start to this entry's narrative, something that More Scary Stories At Work used. We're introduced to what appears to be a very normal protagonist with an opening introduction that is similar to Slice of Life stories. Naotsugu Kanae, a simple and ordinary highschooler who is about to go on Winter Break. It sounds very familiar since a lot of mainstream Japanese media have stories starring highschoolers.
We find out that Winter Break is about to start and we are shown a dialogue option that is very familiar - something like a CYOA or Choose Your Own Adventure. Of course, the boy picks the most sensible thing and goes to church to pray to avoid God's wrath because as we know in God of Love, God is far from the nicest thing. What can you do when half of your setting and characters are evil and stuff?
Our boy goes to the church and prays like a maniac or for a closer example, Tea from Yu Gi Oh Abridged singing her prayers. But hey, Naotsugu does it through inner monologue just like a Stock Light Novel Hero - the very character archetype that most Japanese writers employ or most male Japanese writers.
Then a voice answers him and the face of it is revealed to be a decaying Arnold Schwarzenegger face, and his name is.. God, and he's Obviously Evil. Despite being prayed to before Winter Break, God decides he must reward the boy a wish. Naotsugu wishes to be attractive to girls because that is what all boys want to do.
Instead of using magic to grant his wish, God preaches to him of how cool Cyborgs are, citing that they can shoot bullets from their chests. So, he brings in the most obviously dubious-looking doctor who calls himself Doctor Butcher and the both of them do nothing to calm down the boy's concerns of survival as it starts at 48% and plummets to 40%.
The operation is a success and Naotsugu has been turned into a Cyborg with no organic body parts and limbs like Raiden from Metal Gear Solid - because we need to have some sort of pop culture reference to a video game character. Instead of being given time to marvel at all the wonders his body has been subjected to, he wakes up to Doctor Butcher telling God that terrorists have taken over the only means of food for Kawagoe. For some reason, they only have one factory in the entire city that produces Potatoes - and the lack of it has turned them into monsters and rioters.
The both of them send Naotsugu into the factory and this entire scenario sounds like Die Hard, and they send him in because he's the only solution to the problem at hand. The boy mows down the former Kawagoers turned Monstergoers with his chest-bursting bullets through familiar setpieces like The Great Bosom Plot. The enemies are just 3D orange sitckfigures just going one way or another like Goombas as they come in various sizes before a giant one spewing out exploding smaller ones is defeated. God questions the amount of bodies that have been made and said that Naotsugu is going to Hell in a happier tone.
God urges him to hurry up and tells him to run for it or he'll never make it to the factory or something. All that running has him run into a giant machine stickered with Stage 003 Boss with the appearance of a sewing machine, although it's quickly defeated because Naotsugu is running at the speed of sound. He's met with a scene that looks like a tunnel from a Science Fiction setting, but God informs him that they made it to the factory and that it is full of terrorists. He's basically told to sweep the whole factory, get to the last room, and kill the ringleader and stop the terrorists.
With the fate of Kawagoe on his shoulders, Naotsugu goes through a series of starts where he jumps and fires bullets from his chest at white-colored stickfigures that fire back at and run at him like they're the Flash. But he makes it through them and is able to make it to the last possible room. With a roar, he is met with a forty-something Missus Shirley, and is someone who is seeking for wellness and health.
Her reasons for taking over the factory is summed up as "I heard potatoes can help with my health because the Internet said it!", except it's for dietary reasons. To understand the gravity of the situation, a bunch of forty year olds waltzed right into Kawagoe's only Potato factory and turned all of Kawagoe into monsters because the internet said it would help with their diet - what one would do for the eternal fountain of youth is mind-boggling. With Naotsugu's inner monologue at play, he is responsible for the entirety of the events unfolding before him because he wrote a random post about Kawagoe's Potatoes. He didn't think it would cause a group of terrorists to come in a bend Kawagoe to its knees in a bid to find beauty/youth.
Yeah, okay... so.. Create Your Own Villain and Greater-Scope Villain is a at play, and he sees himself as the one to end the nightmare he started. Although, he easily defeats the ringleader with ease - but he is unable to flee because all that running God had him do tired him out. At least you're not the Return Warrior/Hero from The Warrior Returns, dude goes around corrupting timelines and best friends because he got stuck in an infinite time loop.
Missus Shirley does a successful Taking You With Me with a Dirty Bomb. Giving Naotsugu a unsuspecting Karmic Death. God immediately disrespects Naotsugu as he knew he was going to Hell but not soon enough in his eyes. Under his assumption, Kawagoe goes back to with their only source of food returned to them, the rioters return to normal, and... God talks about his sister turning forty. Complains about all these health items being mailed through and flooding their home and comparing herself to uhhh... Picasso Paintings.
All of a sudden, as if to reference the start of the story God is given a dialogue window that determines which ending he gets. Obviously since this is a Kuniko Takahashi story, nothing good happens so the bad choice is chosen.
Suddenly, Salmon Aliens shaped like the heads of fishes appear out of the blue and the story shifts from stopping terrorists with a Cyborg highschooler to Godconfronting Space Aliens. With no other choice, God contacts the Earth Defense Force of the incoming invasion. Sadly, God is informed that the Salmons are supposed to be engaged in a war with the Sexycrabs Aliens. Breaking The Fourth Wall, God is punished for picking the bad ending and dies for it during the middle of the call before the Earth Defense Force shares his fate and... all of Kawagoe.
Oh, okay - no Aesop this time around. Just a Cruel Twist Ending like Platinum End.
The characters
We've got a pretty short cast list to work through but like the usual, I'll focus on the ones that get the most screen time.
You've got our leading main character, Naotsugu Kanae - the protaagonist of the CYOA or Choose Your Own Adventure-styled entries of this series. It was the last day of school before Winter Break starts, before starting his Winter Break, Naotsugu wanted to pray at the local church to avoid the wrath of God. Having prayed at the last minute, God rewards him a wish that must come from the bottom of his heart - and that is to be... attractive to girls.
This iteration of Naotsugu is the most developed of the Naotsugus of the other entries that feature his character in the leading role. In this entry, he's your supposedly generic Ordinary High-School Student and a Stock Light-Novel Hero. He starts out basic but becomes a Empowered Badass Normal through Full-Conversion Cyborg.
Despite being the protagonist of the entry, he spends much of his time taking orders from God and becomes a Greater-Scope Villain near the end via Plot Twist. He's not exactly a bad guy, he just ended up causing much of the plot by making a joke post online with someone taking it very seriously. Typically, this sort of thing happens a lot with the older generation from the 50s, 60s, and 70s where they believe what someone else says because the Internet said so in real life.
A good example would be pretty much Donald Trump's entire Presidency. I will not not go into it in detail because anyoen can easily search up the information. The dude has been on the news almost non-stop for years.
Now, we're onto the next character who happens to be God. This is a different iteration and/or version of the same character from God of Love. God descends from the skies hearing hearing prayers from one of his followers, gracing his presence in front of Naotsugu Kanae. Granting the boy a wish that must come from the bottom of his heart, and turning said boy into a Cyborg.
Since God in this entry is a different character from the one in God of Love, consider the bottom of them as two different characters. Straight off the bat, this God has an ugly appearance that counts as Foreshadowing for our protagonist's eventual passing and acts as both support and a Nominal Hero. Despite being... God, he's unable to really do much against Kuniko Takahashi's writing.
And... I'll get to the antagonist of this entry or... the closest thing we got to one because... we didn't even get enough time to even know about them.
Missus Shirley is the closest thing to this entry's antagonist and probably one of the least developed ones out of a small bunch of them. Missus Shirley, the leader of the Forty-somethings, takes over Kawagoe's only Potato factory. Causing a huge scale of monsterization and riots all across Kawagoe. Forcing God to send in Naotsugu to both suppress and stop her and her terrorists.
We basically get like... three to five minutes with her before she blows herself up alongside Naotsugu, and serves to escalate the situation and paint Naotsugu in a different light. But... she is Evil Is Petty incarnate but that's because of her lack of proper development as a character.
This entry is not really bad or anything - you've got the crazy and nutty aspects of your typical Kuniko Takahashi story. You've got a Power Fantasy for a story that focuses on your typical highschooler stopping terrorists. Except, it is not that simple as the situation nosedives straight into Hell itself. All and all, the story itself is a cliche story drugged up into insanity.
While everyone gets their own fair share of screentime, the only characters that I consider notable is God and Naotsugu and that's because we're with them the whole way through.
This entry should be given a chance because of how insane and absurd it is, and that Naotsugu appears in three different entries of varying... successes of his survival.