Japanese Release - 10/12/2009
Translated Rerelease - 02/27/2017
Japanese Placement - 26th
Translated Placement - 1st
Length - Medium
Genre - Action
The Dark Lord Desmond arises from the sea!
For many viewers, a start of a new relationship into a Japanese woman's mind.
The Dark Lord Desmond arises from the sea!
A man named Desmond arises from his slumber in an island, declaring himself the Dark Lord and heralding the end of the human race as they know it and world domination. The United States of America sees the Dark Lord's rising flex as the ultimate threat to its existence. Dubbing the tiny island as the Demon Isles and declaring a national emergency.
"Operation Love and Peace" is approved on the spot by United States President Anderson, the operation is a full-on massacre of the entire Demon race. President Anderson intends to use the operation as a means to an end, to increase his ratings and bolster international opinion.
With the operation at hand, President Anderson tasks Secretary of Defense Walter to select the lucky man for the job.
Above and beyond the call of duty!
President Sanderson approving "Operation Love and Peace"!
Above and beyond the call of duty!
That lucky man whose shoes you play as is Captain John of the 75th Regiment. He finds himself tasked with a great honor of saving the United States of America in its time of need. Tasked with infiltrating the Demon Isles, taking out the local forces, defeating Dark Lord Desmond, and destroying the anti-air defenses systems in order for "Operation Love and Peace" to commence. To save President Sanderson's career over the lives of everyone on the Demon Isles.
Help Captain John complete his objectives as he sails from America to the shores of Demon Isles. Eliminate everyone in your way no matter the cost. Use everything as you see fit and complete your mission.
Save President Sanerson's political career at the cost of millions of lives!

The story
One of the first few things you need to know about me is that I love from this series is the depiction of the United States. They're almost always borderline insane villains with almost no redeeming qualities, throwing completely innocent people like chew toys. They're generally and typically the best characters in my eyes because of how they are able to quickly change the narrative at the drop of a hat.
This story is pretty basic where a villian just pops out of nowhere declaring their hate for humanity and the general conflict is about stopping their evil plans. But it goes off the rails within the first few minutes where the United States President decides he needs to do a flex and show who is the boss - opting to commit a totally not-evil plan of their own.
A plan so evil that no one actually has any problems whatsoever that even the soldier recruited for the plan has no real issue with it. The plan of course goes off the rails, forcing the soldier to go loud like your typical Call of Duty Protagonist.
Of course, there are always plot twists that shakes up the whole narrative. Whenever anything happens regarding the United States, they're bound to be comedically entertaining. In this case, our President decides that flexing harder to save his political career is the best way to go, so he decides that nuking the bad guy is the best choice.
Of course, our soldier stops him just in time. But it doesn't stop Russia from dropping their nukes.
This type of story-telling becomes both a cliche and a hallmark of the Mad Genius of Kawagoe's writing. Personally, I like how evil the American characters generally become since they're generally one of the more complex baddies in the series.
The characters
You've got your generic bad guy Dark Lord Desmond wanting to make humanity extinct, your overly zealous American President Sanderson and his willing cohorts, and a completely innocent soldier doing his duty.
You guys already know that I favor the totally not evil American characters. President Sanderson's entire character runs on insanity and I love how it is the driving force of the story. Much of President Sanderson's characterization becomes an important aspect for many American characters down the line with President Sanderson becoming one of the best characters I've seen in the series.
Dark Lord Desmond's character is what you'd expect from a generic bad guy. You'll see baddies like him becoming a Disc One Final Boss, a trope that gets used quite too often in the series. Despite not being fought and all, our true big bad is Anderson!
Then you get your relatively sane protagonist in the shape of Captain John of the 75th Regiment. I've got nothing much to say about him though - his role is what you'd expect him to be.
It's one of the first entries for audiences overseas, introducing anyone to the madness of a Japanese woman from Kawagoe. Showcasing the general insanity of the world of Kuniko Takahashi, and the bombastically off-kilter writing, and the colorful cast of characters and memes.
A solid entry to watch if it is your first time being introduced to the series.