Japanese Release - 06/26/2011
Translated Rerelease - 03/07/2017
Japanese Placement - 45th
Translated Placement - 22nd
Length - Long
Genre - Action
Executive Action is a go!
Ah yes, benefiting of its title...
Executive Action is a go!
It was just another peaceful day on the planet Earth, nothing was going on and everything was peaceful. Until President Sanderson of the United States of America initiates Operation Sexy Panties with General Johnston. Commanding him to fire a nuke somewhere, and that somewhere happened to be a city filled with people.
With the city wiped off the face of the Earth, Japan is forcibly inducted into the United States as the State of Japan. With a laugh of glee and enjoyment, President Sanderson declares happily he could fire nukes all day every day and would never get tired of it.
Suddenly, Mount Rushmore begins to quake and shudder - breaking away from the mountain is President Thomas Jefferson's bust. Confronting President Sanderson for he was created as a failsafe for a President who would go AWOL. Deeming himself as the last line of defense against the President of the United States should they be a danger to the world.
And so, Thomas Jefferson's bust attacks to set America right.
A battle bewtween Presidents!
It's Do-... I mean, it's President Sanderson!
A battle bewtween Presidents!
You are the 49th President of the United States, President Sanderson. After initiating [Operation Sexy Panties], nuking a Japanese city, and inducting Japan as the State of Japan. He is faced with one of the Presidents of old; the third President of the United States stands before him as a failsafe for a AWOL President. With Thomas Jefferson standing before his very eyes, and in the way of his world domination.
Can President Sanderson and his cohorts defeat Thomas Jefferson's bust or will they be stopped by him before they can take over the world with nukes and explosions?
Is there a bigger threat than an AWOL President? Is President Sanderson even evil? Who is Thomas Jefferson's bust and why now?

The story
We're in my favorite entry in the series and quite possibly one of the first I was exposed to when I was a young community college student. Whenever I think of the series, my mind usually gravitates toward this entry the most - I mean, you'll all understand why.
So, we're introduced to a pretty heartwarming introduction you'd see in a Science Fiction film/story where a character narrates basic beauty qualities of Earth and calling it their home. It stands out from the other openings and it never appears again in any other entry.
As if to ruin the nice opening we get, President Sanderson in all of his gangster Splendor proclaims to his cohorts that he wants to Take Over the World with a Badass Boast that is easily memeable. He wants to bring the fight to the world and he has the means to do so because he's the President of the United States. General Johnston apepars and he looks like he's gung-ho and ready to take lives, he completely agrees and cheers like a cheerleader.
They readied up a Nuclear Missile and launch it up to the skies. The first thing they do is drop it on a city full of people, nuking it to kingdom come because President Sanderson thinks they're Communists or something. He almost sounds like President Trump but let me remind you that this entry was made before he became President.
He goes into a gleeful manner of Laughing Mad, and thinks he can fire nukes all day every day and admits that he is a bit nuts and not in the right mind. It does not help that the music is sped up to turn a rather horrific event into Black Comedy.
The city they nuked was a part of Japan, and they call President Sanderson to stop firing nukes because they'll do anything to not get nuked again. President Sanderson pulls a Code Geass reference somehow and inducts the country of Japan as the State of Japan. Declaring he'll work them to the bone with a 99.9% tax, stating they should blame themselves for not being born an American.
And you can see why some people would have problems with Kuniko Takahashi's writing whenever she writes a character like this. While we all know she means no harm, not everyone will see it that way.
All of a sudden, General Johnston warns President Sanderson as a voice states that the latter has no right to speak for America. The voice erupts from Mount Rushmore as it explodes. Thomas Jefferson's bust comes out to confront President Sanderson as General Johnston states that "The former Presidents have been angered!".
President Coolidge created Thomas Jefferson's bust as the last line of defense should a President like President Sanderson should ever go AWOL. Should've said "You're our last line of defense, Link", and it'd be a Zelda reference if the game wasn't released in 2023.
Of course, our busty friend is a giant robot... head and proceeds to attack President Sanderson and his cohorts. With one intentionally bad pun thrown our way by General Johnston, a gunship piloted by Colonel Skullder is ordered to shoot down Thomas Jefferson's bust but Reality Ensues and the poor Colonel's gunship is sent to space.
If anyone hasn't noticed, the profile images of our American characters are slowly becoming less sensible and more deranged. Colonel Skullder looks like a skeleton with googly eyes or something - dude must be smoking hard, huh?
Anyways, nuclear weapons do not work on Thomas Jefferson, and President Sanderson and his cohorts are found rather quickly. President Sanderson is pressed to a corner and decides he must call upon America's most Reliable American. A man dressed in full plate armor appears before his President as his entire presence awes everyone.
Secretary of Defense... Knight, he promises to his President that he'll be able to beat a giant robot head into submission with his intimidating assault rifle. He gets all this build up of how awesome he is, the music plays to the mystery around him as he charges forth and onto the elevator. He stands before Thomas Jefferson's bust and Reality Ensues again and... he's dead now.
All that build up might've been pointless if President Sanderson didn't have a backup plan. Of course, he's been using his own men as Cannon Fodder as a distraction. For he and his cohorts have boarded inside the nuclear missiles they have on hand, and they're joined by Vice-President Gates. Dude, your Vice-President looks like a mobster who is aiming to become the Don.
President Sanderson and his cohorts do a transformation sequence similar to a Sentai and they're a Humongous Mecha. With the transformation complete, they are now three in one - the Nuclear Warrior, Atomicman.
Yeah, reality isn't much of a thing in this series, trust me on this one please. God save us all, I love this cringe, it's my cup of tea!
With a little Lampshade Hanging, Thomas Jefferson absolutely thinks President Sanderson and his cohorts have lost their marbles, and he takes it like a compliment. With a few Presidentlasers, and Yankee Vulcan and Gung-ho Missile - Thomas Jefferson is down... but he's fine in the next cutscene.
With more Lampshade Hanging from Thomas Jefferson in regards to President Sanderson's election. The latter says the people wanted a strong President... who happened to rig the election. Once more, this whole bit is like the situation in real life in regards to President Trump. I won't go into detail about him since it's a huge can of worms.
In order to tackle the nutty President Sanderson, our boy Thomas Jefferson uses his technology to turn himself into a giant robot head. The very technology he uses is in fact from an alien saucer that was shot down by President Coolidge, who used it to create him. President Sanderson is forced to fire his cohorts towards Thomas Jefferson since Atomicman was getting manhandled hard. Then President Sanderson rams himself into the giant busty robot head.
Just like the gunship, Thomas Jefferson is sent to space alongside President Sanderson. Instead of a final epic battle, President Sanderson thanks the giant robot head for having aided him in showcasing how terrible Nuclear Warfare is and how one man can easily put humanity on the brink of extinction. Surely, acting like a President Evil and inducting Japan as the State of Japan will convince the entire world that Nuclear Weapons should be readily given up. This somehow convinces our busty robot head that President Sanderson was seeking true peace.
President Sanderson explodes, Thomas Jefferson mourns him in space, and the world actually gives up their Nuclear Weapons. And as if the story needed some last minute bad guy, the alien that President Coolidge shot down, his brother appears wanting to take revenge.
Somehow, the aliens have incredibly long lifespans and good long term memory to the point they're able to remember what happened to their family. Talk about a Contrived Coincidence happening out of nowhere. Now that I think about it, the entire series runs on Contrived Coincidences to the point it is a cliche of its own. Just imagine how many things just happen because the plot needs to keep running.
Once things blow over, the alien smacks down Thomas Jefferson without much of a hassle. If only President Sanderson was able to defeat him with ease via Signature Move Ngoeyyo Shot, that is what happens when you have Plot Armor. To justify the amount of Plot Armor our busty friend has, he mounts himself with the gunship that Colonel Skullder once piloted and proceeds to have a Heroic Second Wind and thus he calls himself.. Jet Jefferson. He can't jet himself out of this one and another Ngoeyyo Shot stops him in his tracks.
So, Jet Jefferson wants to give up the Earth to the alien but we're given a Call-back of President Sanderson's words regarding the State of Japan and how he'll tax them 99%. These very words come out of the alien as the Earth is hit like an 8-ball, giving him what he exactly wanted. An Ultra Vulcano Earth Shot flattens the alien like a pancake via Ramming Always Works.
The Aesop ends up becoming a speech of another peaceful day for America, and how humanity needs them in order to face the countless crises. Holy hell, it's kind of not a... Broken Aesop!
Oh my god, I think I went overboard here. It's fine, surely no one is going to notice.
The characters
Alright, even though the cast list is relatively very small and self-contained to this entry alone. I will be strictly writing about two characters, President Sanderson and Thomas Jefferson. Oh my god, why am I writing about Thomas Jefferson of all people.
We'll start off with the initial protagonist and the Decoy Protagonist for much of this entry's narrative, President Sanderson. He is the 49th President of the United States of America who decided that he must start taking over the world one day, inducting Japan as the State of Japan and forcing the remaining citizens to work to their deaths with a 99.9% tax rate. He and his cohorts find themselves battling against one of the Presidents of old, Thomas Jefferson.
If any of you guys remember how many times I referenced President Sanderson in regards to American characters and body counts, this guy is the very definition of the Eagleland and all the negative American stereotypes you would see on TV.
- What President Sanderson checks off
- President Evil who has Patriotic Fervor
- "All for America and only America" American
- "Shoot first ask never" American
- Loves shooting up everyone and everything
- Sees everyone but Americans as inferior
He is a very interesting character due to the huge amount of misrepresentation he represents, if we're going with real life counterparts, he'd be compared with President Donald Trump, both pre-election and post-election eras of him. President Sanderson's entire role is to basically be the Villain Protagonist and serve as a Deconstruction of a President Evil who represents all the negative aspects of the Eagleland tropes with huge pints of the Card Carrying Villain trope. He's kind of an arrogant man who thinks he can do whatever he wants For the Evulz, and showcasing what happens when someone like him decides to abuse his power and go straight to Taking Over The World. He's not A Father To His Men since he literally and figuratively fired them towards Thomas Jefferson and is perfectly fine treating everyone as Cannon Fodder.
Just like Jacob from the previous entry, his entire act of villainy is all a front because all he wanted to do is purposely force people to do an Aesop and abandon their nuclear weapons. But... you know, revealing that your murderous spree is all an act while taking over Japan and using your cohorts to save your butt does not excuse your villainy. Atleast Jacob had the sad anime background and story to support his actions... even if it resulted in him having a Mask of Sanity.
He basically eats 80% of the narrative's screentime even though most of it is him trying to stop Thomas Jefferson from getting rid of him, and he acts as a Spotlight-Stealing Squad and a Anti-Villain to the real protagonist. He stays entertaining the whole way through and gets a send-off to his character by exploding.
I can't exactly really say much about his cohorts aside the fact that they get increasingly silly and/or weird and quirky profile images. The only one that does have some level of character that isn't the Secretary of Defense Knight is General Johnston and his only trait is just being a Bridge Bunny and saying "yes" to his President all the time. The Secretary of Defense Knight's entire character is basically a hype machine attempting to live up to the name and reputation they're given and just failing at that in a comedy level.
Just as a reminder, this entry was made way before Trump became President, and much of President Sanderson's character seems like it was inspired by him but it's not. There is an entry that is heavily inspired by him though but it is centered on the Democratic Voting System.
Now we're onto the initial antagonist and the true protagonist of this entry, Thomas Jefferson's bust. Bursting out of the mountains of Mount Rushmore as his creator correctly predicted that his country would elect a President that would go off the rails and off script. Created as the last line of defense for America's integrity through alien technology, he goes off to fight President Sanderson and his cohorts in earnest.
Thomas Jefferson's role in this narrative is to act as a Foil to President Sanderson, the latter is basically every bit of a bad American stereotype you can think of for a President while the latter is just a giant robot head fused with alien technology who acts like a anime protagonist or a Stock Shonen Hero.
He goes from Thomas Jefferson's bust to Giant Thomas Jefferson's bust to Jet Jefferson over the course of twenty minutes. The giant robot head has multiple forms and never loses when facing President Sanderson, and yet gets his butt handed to him by the alien that comes in the end. He's like a Determinator, and a mixture of Invincible Villain and Comically Invincible Hero.
On a surface level, he's your garden variety Anti-Villain.
Sexy Panties Knight is one of the first entries I watched back when I was in community college, and thus it is one of my favorite entries to watch. It's got everything you need and the writing is off the charts, but the one thing I do need to clarify is that any entry with American characters in it tends to be one of the better and crazier entries.
The story is not what you'd expect and it is almost entirely a character-driven narrative that is completely driven by President Sanderson. Like you have a guy wanting to take over the world by force, and then a giant robot head gunning after him as their fight gets nuttier and nuttier. When you have a character who acts like a President Evil and displays all the negative aspects of Eagleland, they typically are both engaging and entertaining to watch and read.
It sounds as Shounen as it can get. If you want to read as a Shounen manga, then compare it to like a volume/episode of DragonBall Z. I'd probably would compare the entire narrative to one of the opening arcs or anything where Vegeta is the antagonist. General premise is basically the start of Code Geass where Japan is invaded by Britannian.
There are very few entries of American characters, and generally are misunderstood by some people. But they one of the best to watch and read.