Japanese Release - 10/26/2009
Translated Rerelease - 02/27/2017
Japanese Placement - 27th
Translated Placement - 6th
Length - Medium
Genre - Adventure
Education has gone Magicial!
Seducing the teacher, huh?
Education has gone Magicial!
It is fourth period and Social Studies class, Emily is teaching the class with all the knowledge she possesses. But before she could teach her students anything, she burns off their flesh only leaving their bones behind. Her students failed to answer a simple question of who is the greatest person in the world.
The answers they give were people of recent times such as Barack Obama, the current pope, and historical figures that no normal kid should know of. But then all of a sudden, her principal arrives with a new teacher in tow. Principal Michael immediately writes off her magical outburst as educational passion and introduces the new teacher to her.
Enter Dark Lord Spellman, the newly hired teacher. He is left alone with the students, as a means to gauge his teaching abilities. He then finds himself attacked by the skeletal remains of the students that Emily burned, not taking too kindly to getting a new teacher.
He is saved by another teacher, saved by Dark God Zauger. Turning the students from dead to deader than dead, and he invites his fellow teacher to lunch once recess arrives.
Meanwhile, Principal Michael receives an alarming phone call from the Minister of Education. The board decided that having Dark Gods and Dark Lords teaching children is a horrible idea within itself. Principal Michael is tasked against his will to destroy Dark God Zauger and Dark Lord Spellman, regardless if he agrees or not with their demands.
Shortly after arriving at the bar to recruit a team to stop them, he is forced against his will to drink booze and promptly dies of alcohol poisoning.
You're a Spellman, Harry!
It's Emily, and she's teaching!
You're a Spellman, Harry!
You are Dark Lord Spellman, a newly hired teacher new to the field of education. After being saved from Emily's students and eating lunch with his fellow teacher Dark God Zauger, he starts seeing Emily more than a teacher. He's become... infatuated and charmed by her.
His growing feelings for her causes him to flex his teaching muscles, causing her to look at him in awe as Dark God Zauger encourages him to be wild and loose in his teachings.
Can he keep his professionalism at bay long enough to confess his feelings to her or will it be for naught?
Will the Ministry of Education take out the Dark God and Dark Lord or will it end in vain?
The story
The story starts off with your traditional opening, stating that the world is a typical fantasy setting with swords and magic. Don't worry, most entries just open with those words like it's nothing. Of course all of you know that it is not even a typical fantasy setting, it's kind of more like Science Fantasy.
Emily, the first protagonist of Emily's Big Adventure, is teaching a bunch of kids this time around. Teaching social studies or was as she burns off the flesh of the very kids she's supposed to be teaching, anyways. She burned their flesh because she asked a subjective question about who is the greatest person in the world. All the answers the children give get increasingly absurd and out of place just like Kuniko Takahashi's writing.
Of course, Emily wants her students to say her name but none of them say it.
Principal Michael struts right in and Emily mutters to herself that she's "done it" again. The dude disregards the bones of his school's students as Emily's passionate teaching and introduces the new teacher to her. For whatever reason, Dark Lord Spellman has been hired as a teacher, which is just kind of crazy by the way. Both Principal Michael and Emily leave Dark Lord Spellman in charge of the students.
You'd think they would not leave a new teacher by themselves, let alone in a room full of dead skeleton children would be a cause for concern. Dark Lord Spellman goes up to the desk that Emily was at and asks the same question that caused her to burn her students into bones. He answers the question with "Your mother", and all the dead students were just all about Emily despite getting killed by her.
They basically attempt to lynch the poor Dark Lord before Dark God Zauger teleports in to save him. They team up like superheroes and put them to sleep, turning their skeletal forms into piles of bones. The both of them then go out to eat for lunch, consuming squids and stuff into their system.
Of course, Principal Michael gets a phone call from the Ministry of Education and as everyone knows it, having Dark Lords and Dark Gods as teachers isn't such a good idea. At this point in the story, they've completely disregarded Emily's outburst because it's fine if someone like her does it.
Before anything could be done about them, Principal Michael dies at the bar because he pissed off the wrong crowd and is forced to chug beer into his system. I mean, there is no way he could beat a Dark Lord and a Dark God, even with a team.
Dark Lord Spellman starts developing feelings for Emily as the three of them are teaching in class the very next day. As she teaches, the Dark Lord and Dark God discuss what kind of guy she's into and the latter says that she might like a wild and loose man. So, Dark Lord Spellman does a flex and destroys Kawagoe and the students they were teaching. But of course, Emily has no problem with another group of students dying again.
The destruction of Kawagoe has the Ministry of Education in a hot frenzy as Dark Lord Spellman's flex has done more harm than any actual good. They start discussing their plan of attack against - of course all of their plans aren't realistic because the world they live in has laws against swords and guns. They settle for the second best thing, giant robots.
But they are soon destroyed by the very thing they created as it starts to see their orders as hot garbage, seeing the students as innocent lives and their creators as trash to be dumped. Their plan would've worked if they ordered the giant killer robot to attack them outside the school.
Meanwhile, Dark Lord Spellman's love confession blows up like Kawagoe expect Emily's bodily coil was blown off instead. This causes him to nearly go over the Despair Event Horizon because a world without her must be burned down to the ground. But before he could actually act, he gets shanked real good and reminded of the good olde days by Dark God Zauger's stabbing. Ditching his love for Emily with no hard feelings over it.
Then the super robot assigned with their deaths comes down and... just wants to chill with them because they were fired for not doing their job. They go down to the bar and the super robot wants to have a love life, and they're supportive of them. And just as you know it, a girl comes into the bar looking for the Dark Lord that destroyed Kawagoe. She gets heckled, the super robot jumps in to save her for affection points and accidentally kills everyone instead.
They drink the night away and the super robot dies of alcohol poisoning, as it turns into a Running Gag.
Then the Earth blows up due to sheer disappointment.
The characters
You have a set cast of characters in the story but most of it focuses on two characters.
Dark Lord Spellman, he's our main character of this entry. A newly hired teacher and a Dark Lord who finds himself quickly falling in love with his fellow teacher, Emily. His character is pretty simple from the get go anyways, he acts like a giddy schoolboy whenever the subject is about Emily and acts like a Dark Lord to get affection points.
Dark God Zauger, fellow teacher of Dark Lord Spellman and Emily. He spends the entire run of the story supporting Dark Lord Spellman's attempts of getting together with Emily, and is capable of stopping him from destroying the world over her death. He's not an evil character at all despite the name he has, you gotta love Subversions.
Emily is the first character we're introduced to. A loving and caring teacher who done more harm than good - burning the flesh off her students more than once. Actually, she should be in jail or in trouble with Principal Michael instead of her fellow teachers.
Let's not forget about Principal Michael and the Ministry of Education, they serve as the general antagonists of the story or try to at least. Their general beef is that they hired supposedly evil monsters when Emily has a proven track recorded of being dangerous around the students.
Then you've got Super Robot who was made to get rid of the evil teachers but turns their back on the Ministry of Education for giving their conflicting orders. They don't get very much screentime but that's actually fine.
A very straightforward entry in the series with a simple story that anyone can follow. While there is no insanity to boot for the most part and is light on it, it's not a bad thing within itself.
The characters are fine too, they all get some level of focus but the story is generally Dark Lord Spellman's and Dark God Zauger's story.