Japanese Release - 03/27/2010
Translated Rerelease - 03/02/2017
Japanese Placement - 35th
Translated Placement - 12th
Length - Long
Genre - Action
Monsters outflexing body counts and they have loved ones!
Monsters outflexing body counts and they have loved ones!
In Edo-era Japan and in the city of Kawagoe, a monster by the name of Murderer Monster has laid waste to the city. Instantly ending many lives with his ultimate attack, only doing it to fulfill his daily quota. A monster in the form of a cat congratulates and compliments him on his spree, introducing themselves as Russian Blue. Murderer Monster boasts that no one is a match for him for he is the greatest monster of Kawagoe.
A monster by the name of Monster Ninja challenges him to a one-on-one duel to see who has the right to claim the title of Kawagoe's greatest monster. But as the duel continues, Murderer Monster is overwhelmed by Monster Ninja's ultimate attack of the Edo-era; Ninja Division.
As soon as Murderer Monster is beaten, Russian Blue steps up and challenges Monster Ninja to a duel, proclaiming that they are the greatest monster of Kawagoe. In the duel, Russian Blue unleashes their ultimate attack after losing one of their nine lives, blasting the numbers of Monster Ninja into the abyss.
After finishing up Monster Ninja, Russian Blue decides that it is time to go home. They're soon greeted by their owner, a little girl. They soon find out that their food bowl is empty.
Monster Cat, nine lives, empty food bowl?!
Russian Blue Flash!
Monster Cat, nine lives, empty food bowl?!
You are in the paws of a monster called Russian Blue who happens to be a Russian Blue cat. Having stepped to the mantle as Kawagoe's greatest monster after witnessing Murderer Monster's demise and finishing off Monster Ninja themselves. With a quota to fill and monsters to compete against to see who is the greatest monster of Kawagoe. They return home to find that their food bowl is empty.
With Murderer Monster and Monster Ninja gone and out of the picture, the claim of the greatest monster of Kawagoe is Russian Blue's. But they face a greater threat than just being a monster. Their food bowl is empty and their owner refuses to feed them at the moment.
Can Russian Blue wait to get served food, will they and their owner get into a fight, or will something even greater come crashing down to their daily lives?
Are there even monsters after Murderer Monster and Monster Ninja?

The story
We're introduced to a land filled with monsters in a modern world city. Murderer Monster is here conducting a daily murdering spree, wiping out everyone in the general area of Kawagoe, making sure no one is alive. Don't worry about it, he'll never surpass President Sanderson for he has the highest body count in the series.
After filling up his daily quota of murdering, Russian Blue compliments the man of his killings as Murderer Monster proclaims that he is the greatest monster of Kawagoe. But then he is stopped by another monster by the name of Monster Ninja. The two of them go straight for a duel to see who is the strongest.
So, Monster Ninja pulls out a Jutsu that Naruto spams all the time and overwhelms the poor Murderer Monster. Before he could even leave, Russian Blue wipes the floor with him like it was nothing and just heads home and uses one of his nine lives because.. Plot Armor.
When he gets home, he's greeted by his owner. It appears Even Evil Has Loved Ones and the two of them have a normal happy relationship. That is until Russian Blue gets mad at seeing his food bowl empty and wanting to have some food at the moment. They then fight each other and the owner's duplicate gets killed, but then the TV starts playing.
An asteroid has come and it is about to crash into the Earth, dropping both the initial premise and becoming a Conflict Killer. So, they stop their fight and decide to destroy the asteroid, and somehow Russian Blue's owner has a space rocket that can take them there despite being way too young to do it. Don't worry about it though, the owner's name is Madison and she generally pulls out twists like it's Christmas.
When they land on the asteroid, they find that it is very green and has life. They visit the nearest town and all the people who live there seem to be perfectly fine with the duo asking about destroying their asteroid. They beat the crap out of the elder after he refuses and he relents. The elder basically asks them if they are willing to doom the lives of everyone on the asteroid while presenting them the switch that would destroy the asteroid.
Since this is a Kuniko Takahashi story, Russian Blue pulls it. The asteroid starts rumbling and the elder is denied a means to escape as Russian Blue blasts him into bones. When they get back to where they landed, they find out that their rocket has been towed for illegal parking.
They're forced to find work since they can't brute force their way to get their rocket back. Russian Blue works at a nursery and blasts the children to sleep and gets enough money to pay the fees. The asteroid blows up as they're escaping and a bunch of people lose their lives just because.
They close the story with an Aesop that addresses the Sadistic Choice that they clearly ignored when the elder presented his case. But hey, at least both the Earth and Kawagoe are safe, right?
The characters
Okay, we've got an interesting batch of characters. Almost all of them are "monsters" with only one of them being a regular human girl. Let's talk about the monsters first since they had enough screentime to develop their characters.
First one is Murderer Monster, the Decoy Protagonist of the story. He is introduced as a regular man who is out on a spree of some sorts, trying to prove that he is the greatest/strongest monster in Kawagoe. Killing people as if he's trying to increase his K/D Ratio in some sort of Call Of Duty game.
Dude is very passionate about being the greatest/strongest and is a borderline Villain Protagonist. It's too bad that he doesn't amount to much as he's killed off by Monster Ninja.
Second one is Monster Ninja, the initial antagonist of the story and the Disc-One Final Boss that gets easily floored by Russian Blue. He basically exists to take down Murderer Monster and to introduce the true protagonist of the story, they shouldn't have been flexing their K/D Ratios so hard.
Then you have the actual protagonist, Russian Blue a Russian Blue cat who swoops in to become the greatest/strongest monster of Kawagoe. They ended up becoming one of the two heroes that saved the earth from an asteroid while killing everyone on it.
Russian Blue's character is pretty typical of a "monster" but in a lighthearted sense. They do not engage in doing quotas, nor go out of their way to inflict harm on others unlike Murderer Monster and Monster Ninja, and they are loved by a family. The only horrible thing they do is their actions on the asteroid - purposely dooming the people on it, and harming children for a paycheck.
Ironically, they're the least "monster"-like being amongst the three, and they're a cat.
Then you've got the other protagonist, Madison, and she is the owner of Russian Blue who ends up becoming one of the two heroes saving the Earth from an asteroid. Her character gets reused and repurposed as another cat's owner in two different stories, and his name is Oscar.
Her primary character traits in this entry is that she is a school student who spends her free time making space rockets and stuff, and that she's a nice person overall. Her sudden creations become very important in the entries that star Oscar as the protagonist.
Oddly enough, there isn't really much of an actual antagonist once Monster Ninja is removed from the story by Russian Blue.
The initial premise of monsters roaming a totally-not modern Edo Japan is interesting enough. Your initial protagonist Murderer Monster is causing trouble and has enough time to establish his character but the initial premise gets thrown out when he and Monster Ninja die. Swapping out for a Conflict Killer in the form of an asteroid where the plot is saving the world from impact.
I liked the flexing the two of them had but I also like Russian Blue and Madison's duo dynamic in the second half. Maybe I'm being a little too subjective though on this one, you can watch it if you want but it seems like the story was experimental.