Japanese Release - 02/15/2015
Translated Rerelease - 03/07/2017
Japanese Placement - 48th
Translated Placement - 25th
Length - Long
Genre - Action
The benefits of Cloud Computing!
We're getting that spice, huh?
The benefits of Cloud Computing!
Naotsugu Kanae finds himself tasked with an impossible task, creating a Cloud-based system for their software development company. Being given the task by Chief Mai Akamine, his superior, for she believes the future is in Cloud Computing. Of course, Naotsugu knows he has a bad habit of doing things for pretty people and decides that Cloud Computing isn't too hard to do.
Not too soon after, he's on the rooftop of the office they're working at, having failed at understanding the basic concepts of Cloud Computing. Afraid of facing both the embarrassment and wrath of Mai Akamine, he considers ending his life on the spot. But then the unexpected happens and a booming voice from the skies above stops him from jumping.
A Middle Eastern man dressed in Arabic clothing and riding on top of a flying magic carpet saves him from jumping off. Calling himself Cloudmaster, master of the skies and someone who can easily help Naotsugu with his problem. Presenting the idea of putting servers in the skies above by bringing into the world of the skies, for they're unable to be affected by the troubles of the Earth with benefits of solar energy with no electricity bills.
A few months pass after Naotsugu and Cloudmaster agree to have the servers put into the skies above. In the time that has passed, Naotsugu has risen throguh the corporate ladder and has begun dating Mai. Their first order of business is to go on an actual date at a place called Takasaka at the Natural Children's Zoo.
The name sends chilling sparks down Cloudmaster's back, proceeding to warn the young man of the dangers of Dinosaurs.
Rising throguh the ranks thanks to the Cloud!
Totally not Aladdin, it's Cloudmaster!
Rising throguh the ranks thanks to the Cloud!
You are in the shoes of potential dating prospect and newly made Cloud Engineer of Mai Akamine, Naotsugu Kanae. After struggling to find a means to an end in integrating Cloud Computing to his office, the Cloudmaster descends from the skies and aids him.
With the help of Cloudmaster, Naotsugu is able to put servers in the skies and become the boyfriend of Mai in the coming months. With their first date coming up, Cloudmaster warns the young man of where they're dating. Natural Children's Zoo at Takasaka, a place where Dinosaurs roam free and do as they please - surely a place where dates go well.
Will the date go according to plan or will it go downhill and force Naotsugu to miss first base and the first mark with Mai?
Will he even survive the park or will he die without going back home safely?
Is this date some sort of evil plan???

The story
Just as our opening menus keep getting more revealing than the last, we start getting exploding animations and just like the last few entries. Once more, we get the same opening introduction to the world's setting where everything is in Kawagoe. Typical variety opening where we're introduced to a fantasy world.... that is stuck in a modern day Japan.
Instead of being introduced to a character, we're introduced to a phone where voice speaks out of nowhere. Somehow, the speaker is talking to their mother and is asking them for Running Gag Fifty Million Yen or they'll be killed.
...then we're introduced to Naotsugu Kanae as the voice goes into what is a flashback/backstory. Since Naotsugu was the main protagonist of the story in the previous entry, we're familiar with the way he speaks - instead of being a highschooler, he's an office worker who happens to be in Software Development as the music is strangely suggestive. His boss comes in and tells him that they just had a meeting and that they've decided to integrate Cloud Computing and/or Cloud-based Technology into their systems, and her name is Mai Akamine. Since this is Naotsugu she's talking to, it is very clear whatever she's telling him is flying over his head and that he has a thing for willingly helping pretty girls. We do get an inner monologue about his lack of knowledge of what she's talking about which Foreshadows he's eventually failure.
Naotsugu is of course on top of the rooftop thinking about ending his life because he utterly failed at integrating this new technology that has kind of become a mainstream thing in today's time, at the time this entry was written - it was a relatively new technology. So, Naotsugu is afraid of Mai's wrath and is about to jump. But all of a sudden, a booming voice from the skies descends and graces the young man as if to save him.
A guy that looks like a balding thirty-year old Aladdin wearing no shirt, a turban, and flying down with a magical flying carpet descends from the skies while calling himself Cloudmaster. The dude convinces and teaches Naotsugu the wonders of putting servers up in the skies - throwing out "compelling" arguments that would come from someone who hit the blunt a little bit too hard. The perks of putting servers up in the skies above is general immunity from Earthly problems, infinite cooling systems, boundless security systems, and... free solar energy from the sun. Let's not forget that he "kidnapped" Naotsugu to show him the wonders of all of this. Of course, they agree to work together and time passes by not soon after.
Months pass and Naotsugu has become one with the clouds - he and Cloudmaster have a heart-to-heart. It is revealed that Naotsugu has been rising through the ranks of the corporate ladder and has begun dating Mai, scoring first base and all. Completely disregarding how close Cloudmaster is up in his face, it is also revealed that Mai is some sort of fashion model as she is called Miss Koedo.
With his thanks given to the clouds and Cloudmaster himself, Naotsugu tells him he plans to have a date with Mai and have it in Takasaka's Natural Children's Zoo or the Dinosaur Kingdom. Hearing that name coming from the young man's mouth causes Cloudmaster to warn him of the dangers. Despite calling it nuts, Cloudmaster wishes Naotsugu well and thinks it is a great place for a first date.
But horrible things happened during the day of their date as a Tyrannosaurus or Tyrannosaurus Queen escapes their confinement. It begins lasering the escaping citizens of the city/kingdom and Naotsugu decides he must cover for Mai so she can escape. Using his illegally obtained US-Army Humvee to fire 12.7mm NATO Bullets, fights to gain affection points with Mai as Cloudmaster directs him to attack its weakspot. But those points will never come as he gets stomped and turned into a Decoy Protagonist.
With Naotsugu dead, Cloudmaster reveals himself as the Villain Protagonist as he's gone Green-Eyed Monster and I Have You Now, My Pretty. Having purposely released the Dinosaur on the masses so he can pull Engineered Heroics and max out his affection points with Mai as Cloud Computing has given him the power of foresight that Seers have.
If any of you have played any of the mainline Xenoblade games, it is not a far-fetched idea where machine and technology can give someone the ability to see into the future. Computing is one hell of a thing since it's data flowing through your head. Alvis, Zanza, and the Monado come to mind.
Cloudmaster thinks he's got a chance with Mai because of the computed calculations and finds out that the Dinosaur he purposely unleashed has eaten her. Pretty girls like her seem to be good for beauty, the Dinosaur eaten because of the high quality collagen she produces. He quickly and swiftly flies into the nose and starts his rescue operation in earnest.
Apparently, the insides of the Tyrannosaurus Queen is what you'd see in a Science Fiction story, as the insides look like a machine. And just like a machine, the immune system of the Dinosaur quickly finds Cloudmaster which happens to welcome him in warmly. With his illegally obtained German H&K G11, he fights the immune system with his relatively small hitbox. He fights as the immune system fires bouncing laser balls and easily defeats it.
But just as he finishes up wrecking the immune system, the heart of the Tyrannosaurus Queen confronts him and accuses him of trying to be a Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever and it proceeds to pump out a lot of things out of its system in order to kill Cloudmaster. Of course, the power of firearms is able to defeat a beating heart to death.
The bad news is that Mai's beauty has been digested by the Tyrannosaurus Queen and attempts to claim Cloudmaster's collagen. With her near fleshy skeletal form, she attempts to take his flesh for her own but she is swiftly slain by the ancient Arabian Magic. It's just "No! Stop!" but backwards as she dies without much fanfare and Cloudmaster is forced to flee from the Dinosaur's insides.
The dude does an Aesop way too earlyand talks about women caring about their looks and beauty... despite killing Naotsugu for Mai's beauty. He proceeds to just find a replacement for her and tries to use the clouds to find a girl of his preference. But the skies suddenly get hit with a typhoon and Cloudmaster is caught in the middle of it.
The next time he opens his eyes, he finds himself on the surface or ground level. He gets a phone call from the company that both Naotsugu and Mai work at. They complain to Cloudmaster about the servers going down, demanding him to get it back up, and that he'll have to hoove the hefty bill of Fifty Million Yen himself or his life is theirs to claim.
Then we're back to the current time and his mother agrees to transfer Fifty Million Yen, knowing his heart was in the right place despite committing mass murder for just one girl, and that he should do his work in Europe next time.
...then we're shown to familiar men named Sam and Logan, two characters that have appeared over the course of the series. It is then revealed through Sam that the entire thing was a made up story and specifically picked Cloudmaster's mother once they got his information. Of course, Logan questions the story and Lampshades the Tohou section in the Dinosaur's belly. They successfully scammed Cloudmaster's mother.
Logan asks him what he's going to do with the money, and Sam intends to go to Takasaka's Natural Children's Zoo as they're showcasing kangaroos and stuff. They also make some jokes and/or puns on the kangaroos and the differences between the other animals.
A message appears as they're about to go to the zoo, basically telling us that in 2014, scams broke into a high record of 55.9 Billion Yen. Then a news report comes in and both Sam and Logan are swiftly dealt with by an investigator.
Dang, a Downer Ending.
The characters
Alright, small cast of characters like the usual.
Onto the first character on the list. Naotsugu Kanae, the initial protagonist of this entry. Naotsugu was just doing his regular office duties until he was given the task of establishing Cloud Computing into their systems by Mai Akamine, his boss. Wow'ed by her looks, he finds himself failing at the task until Cloudmaster gives him a solution.
This iteration of Naotsugu is a young man instead of a highschooler, and he remains a normal guy up until he gets stomped on by a Dinosaur, and that he is purposely written as a Romantic False Lead. What is consistent of his character is his traits of liking girls and revealing his negative criminal traits, that he thinks everything is some sort of game to him, and he gets killed off like his other iteration but becomes a Decoy Protagonist in this one.
The next character up on the list is Mai Akamine, the primary love interest to both Naotsugu and Cloudmaster and the boss of the former. Mai finds herself coming out of a meeting in the office place, having gone through the talks of integrating Cloud Computing into their systems with her fellow Chiefs. She tasks Naotsugu to finding a way to integrate their systems with Cloud Computing, not knowing he's entranced with her looks and beauty.
She is a one-shot character who only appears once in this entire series and it is for this entry alone. We really do not get to know much of her character from her but we do get off-handed mentions. She is a Naotsugu's boss and a Miss Koedo or Japan's version of a beauty pageant... and that's kind of it. But if you read carefully and inbetween the lines, all of the Naotsugu and Cloudmaster lust for her beauty - basically invoking tropes of a downplayed version of I Have Boobs, You Must Obey!, a defied version of Beauty Is Never Tarnished, a downplayed version of Satellite Love Interest, and a tragically Deconstructed Love Triangle.
Then we have the real protagonist of this entry, Cloudmaster who is also a one-shot character and also only appears in this entry just like Mai. Cloudmaster is the master of the skies who descended from them, helping out Naotsugu by helping him establish servers up in the skies above. With his help, Naotsugu is able to rise through the ranks in the corporate ladder and become the boyfriend of Mai. But something dark and sinister is deep inside of him - something that would cause Naotsugu to die.
His role in the story aside from the plot twist that comes from the mouth of Sam is to serve as the Villain Protagonist after he turns Naotsugu into a Decoy Protagonist. He is part of a Deconstruction of a Love Triangle between Naotsugu and Mai, Love Makes You Evil and Evil is Petty drives him to commit horrible acts of evil that ends up killing Naotsugu. Having gone Green-Eyed Monster and Driven By Envy in the coming months after helping Naotsugu despite being a Shipper On Deck.
But he only cares for Mai for her beauty anyways, so all that posturing he does while saving her is just flushed down the drain. But he is an entertaining character because of the Deconstruction he's a part of.
Then you have... the spoiler characters, Logan and Sam, two characters that have been a part of the series either as main characters, side characters, or even worse. They only exist to basically render this entire narrative moot for Cloudmaster in the story that Sam sprung into existence, and to get punished for lying to his mother and to bring the fantastical elements down to the ground. We do get some Lampshading and whatnots in regards to Sam's wonderful storytelling.
This entry's narrative is fairly easy to get into due to its Deconstructive aspects in regards to the three important characters. It turns a rather mundane story of a young man's debt catching up to him to a story of how a tragic Love Triangle between three people got him into debt, then into a story where a compelling story of said Love Triangle turns into a scam.
The story is almost entirely driven by a character, specifically Cloudmaster or rather Sam's fabrication of him anyways. I mean, he stretched the story so much that it ended up getting him and Logan killed by the police in the end. I guess that is what happens when you turn a believable story into a uhhh... action movie. Surprisingly Realistic Outcome ensues alongside a Deconstruction with a comedic Downer Ending.
Just like Sexy Panties Knight, most people would mostly like stay for Cloudmaster and his rather Deconstructive story. If we didn't have Cloudmaster, I would suspect people would skip this entry in a heart beat.
I take the weekend off and I feel kind of burnt out. It's not writer's block but.. my dedication is starting to make me sleepy and tired. Dedication can sometimes kill a person wholesale.