Japanese Release - 03/06/2011
Translated Rerelease - 03/03/2017
Japanese Placement - 44th
Translated Placement - 21th
Length - Long
Genre - Horror
Eat, poop and... RUN!
Look at that, it's Mother!
Eat, poop and... RUN!
It was just a simple day at home with nothing going on nor happening. Oscar was just about to get ready to do what any housecat would do - eat, poop, and sleep that is. But he finds his bowl of food emptied and deprived of what he desires to eat.
With heavy steps comparable to boulders, a giant draconic monster comes in proclaiming themselves as Komodo Monitor Lizard. Telling the poor cat that their food was delectable, angering him to the point of mortal combat.
Oscar lasers down the giant monster with his laser eyes as the room becomes filled with bullets. With nothing but bones, heeled footsteps echoes within the home. It is Mother and she has come home angry in a wedding dress and she threatens to turn him into mince meat the next time he causes a ruckus!
The lights turn off for just a singular moment to turn back on, revealing that Father has come after him with an axe!
The family is evil!
The family is evil!
You are in the paws of the American Grey Shorthair Oscar. He finds out that his days as a housecat has come to a close after the newest addition to the family ate his food for the day. Seeing Mother return home with the implications of turning him into chow if he should ever cause another mess, Oscar soon finds out that his family is anything but normal as Father comes down swinging an axe at him.
He is soon faced with the reality of his situation as he hears Mother asking for his flesh and bone, as he is to become dinner to the family of three. Running away to the cellar, he hides in hopes the family cannot find him.
Can Oscar avoid the family long enough to not become Feline Cuisine or will he be forced to fight his family for survival?
Is his family possessed by demons or much worse than that??

The story
The same intro and yet another simple day in the mind of the Mad Genius of Kawagoe, it doesn't really get old or anything if you know what you're getting into. At this point, we're probably never going to be in a fantasy world at all..
Instead of getting right into the action, we're given a character introduction of our protagonist who happens to be from a previous entry. His name is Oscar and he is a cat, a uhhh... American Grey Shorthair which is the breed he is. He basically states in short that he just eats, poops, and sleep which is very very normal for every living being on the planet.
But then we're shown an empty bowl of food as he tries to eat, poop, and sleep - somehow there is no food and it causes him anguish. The answer to his anguish appears right before his eyes, a draconic monster calling himself a Komodo Monitor Lizard and he decides to commit to Evil Gloating and rubs in the fact that the food was amazing and tasteful.
So, Komodo Monitor Lizard and Oscar fight each other and the entire screen is filled to the brim bullets and lasers. Oscar bests the former with his laser eyes and turns him into a giant pile of bones. Just as the battle ends, Mother comes home in a wedding dress just because and she is very very angry.
Her anger is so intense that Oscar instinctively runs away while Foreshadowing the fact that there were other cats before him and that they were eaten by the family. Then all of the sudden, the power cuts out where Oscar is at and an axe descends the moment the lights turn back on. We're introduced to the husband of Mother and his name is... Father. Dude looks like he's been working at a butcher's shop with only an axe - he's bloodied and all too to give off the illusion.
After failing to butcher the poor cat, Father leaves with a warning that their next meeting will result in death, and to look forward to it and leaves laughing like a stock villain. But he gets a reality check once he decides to hide in the kitchen - he overhears a conversation between Madison and Mother about dinner. It is obvious that Mother wants to turn our dear Oscar into what some countries in the world do to dogs and make him into a delectable meal. Obviously, Mother threatens our boy to come out or she'll do something horrible - I mean, you're going to turn him into food.
Do you know it's legal to eat dogs in some countries?
So, uhh... Oscar runs away and hides in the basement instead of going outside or something... and decides he must sleep because the three things he can do is eat, poop, and sleep. But all of a sudden Father comes in with a One Liner and whiffs his axe swing. Of course, he's locked the door of the basement so Oscar can't escape because we gotta have some horror vibes in there and get called crazy by the cat.
Their conversation seemingly turns for the worst but then Father just suddenly admits that he's nuts. He proceeds to get sad piano music and does what all sad characters do, they do a sad anime backstory. He wasn't actually a bad guy but the time he spent with Mother aka his wife had him Forced Into Evil, and Driven To Madness. His attempts to paint Mother as some saint go completely out of whack as he explains that he thought she was completely sane but instead was possessed by a Demon. Mother went crazy Red Wedding vibes during the wedding ceremony and murdered everyone, since the couple are Catholics, Father can't divorce Mother.
Maybe he should do what Family Guy did, use a shotgun for divorce?
Father decided on the spot to become In Love With Your Carnage and Then Let Me Be Evil because Love Makes You Evil. Every time he killed in the name of love, he felt something horrible inside - maybe because of all the blood he spilled but yeah. He actually tried to do something, revealing the fact that he hired Komodo Monitor Lizard to exorcize the demon out of Mother. Bringing him in as a pet so he wouldn't be suspected, but Oscar had struck him down before he could do anything meaningful. Of course, Oscar just handwaves his involvement with the dude, citing that Mother is strong.
Resorting to the last thing - the axe he's being trying to kill Oscar with is in fact a Holy Axe. He was told that bonking her on the back of the head would turn her right back to normal, of course, Oscar thinks it'll just kill her because... it looks like it is not a Holy Axe. With shots fired about the axe's credibility, Father says it cost him Fifty Million Yen, and of course we gotta have a Running gag and another reference just because. Oscar is tasked with distracting Mother while Father strikes a non-lethal blow.
Oscar confronts Mother, and she's all about wanting to eat him for dinner with a drooling mouth. Father ends up whiffing his attack for the third time, turning it into a Running Gag. They accuse her of being possessed by a demon and she's all like "Nah" before finally admitting that she serves the Dark Lord Beelzebub. Of course, Father's name is revealed to be Jacob - as if to say he's the main character.
And just like Oscar, Mother insults Jacob's Holy Axe - and gets defeated by him via Signature Move Axe Bomber. So, Mother proceeds to do an Ass Pull just like Edo-maru and Kawagoe-maru and clones herself into two. Jacob insults her and gets shredded into many pieces - he basically tells our cat boy to avenge him. The moment Jacob dies, Mother insults him while disrespecting the love he showed her... uhhh... okay.
Jacob buddy, you were almost main character material but... you had to get bodied. You almost overshadowed Oscar - you were the Decoy Protagonist.
So, Oscar fights Mother as she declares herself as Dark Lord Beelzebub - blasting off her laser blasting eyes. But she then pulls out her... googly eyes and shotguns Oscar.
Instead of dying, he is met with a pink room and Madison - oh yeah, she's a good guy. She is of course not with Dark Lord Beelzebub, and she presents a way to defeat the possessed Mother. Showing Oscar what appears to be an Anti-air weapon dubbed Megiddo Cannon. Her reasons for staying against Mother is because her friend was eaten, and she spent years and money to develop the weapon. The only way she could make this weapon is by selling counterfeit weapons such as a Fifty Million Yen Holy Axe.
Oh Madison, if you only knew who bought your axe. You indirectly got your father killed and effectively stole his money.
Of course, our cat boy handwaves the Holy Axe bit. Yet again, Oscar needs to distract Mother as the weapon has a charging time of thirty seconds. Madison has a plan though.
So, Madison presents Oscar to Mother like some offering because she was a pretend cult member or something. Madison thinks Oscar is better tasting salted. Of course, Mother takes to the idea and attempts to salt Oscar with her googly eyes because of reasons. Mother doesn't know that her own daughter has lined up an attack straight onto her head.
Boom, Headshot!, and... the right eye survives. Oscar beats it and Madison gets hurt in the process. Eye and Oscar goes around in circles and stuff is everywhere.
Madison realizes she got her revenge and.... Vengeance Feels Empty and accepts Oscar's friendship because she's not Richard.
Oh hey, we don't get an Aesop not a Broken Aesop at that!
The characters
Okay, we got a somewhat developed cast of characters here - I blame Jacob though.
We have our main protagonist of the story, cat boy Oscar. An American Shorthair breed who eats, poop, and sleeps at home. His daily life comes to an abrupt end when the family adopts a new pet. Soon Mother arrives home and threatens to turn him into dinner for the family, he soon finds out the darkness of his family.
As you know, Oscar is a Recurring Character and the protagonist of this entry and Pervy Agent Ickgyver. While he is the main protagonist of this entry, he takes a backseat and assumes a Supporting Protagonist to Father's or Jacob's Protagonist role. Oscar's character traits are coward-like but at the same time filled with brave determination when the business is down.
You've got the second most important character in the narrative coming up, and his name is... Father or Jacob. He is the husband of Mother, the father of Madison, and the adoptive father of Oscar. He was determined to axe Oscar in two, willingly serving Mother as her crazy and bloodthirsty servant. But he has a hidden side to him that has yet to be seen.
Jacob's role in the story is very important as he is one of the only characters to have an actual backstory and serves as both the protagonist and the Decoy Protagonist, almost becoming a Spotlight-Stealing Squad. He spends most of his screentime eating up Oscar's and nearly ends the main conflict of the story by himself - that is until Mother saws him into a million pieces.
He's a lot of different tropes in play. He's an Ax-Crazy Anti-Villain who has been hit with In Love with Your Carnage and Love Makes You Evil. Hiding his insanity with a Mask Of Sanity who happens to be The Klutz with a Dark And Troubled Past.
You have another character who takes Oscar's Supporting Protagonist role, kind of. Recurring Character Madison who also happens to be a Spotlight-Stealing Squad like her father. She is the daughter of Mother and Father, she was tasked with capturing Oscar for dinner but she has been secretly planning something in the works.
She previously appeared in Sex Men as Russian Blue's caretaker and as the secondary main character. She serves as her father's Foil narrative-wise and has bits of her Sex Men iteration for creating things. A little bit more revenge-driven and more heroic in nature but gets some level of Character Development later on.
And finally, the Big Bad of the entire story, Mother. She is the wife of Jacob, mother of Madison, and adoptive mother of Oscar. She is the leader of the family of four who has quite a mean streak and a thrist for cat-made meals. She has a very dark secret that everyone but Oscar knows.
She is the main antagonist of the story and the one that causes much of the plot to move forward at super speeds. Imagine as some sort of DragonBall Z character as she has multiple forms via the eyes. Basically she is a Ax-Crazy Evil Matriarch who is in a Unholy Matrimony with Jacob. She just happens to be under Demonic Possession who loves wearing a Blood-Splattered Wedding Dress.
Girl has like three forms that slowly become silly in nature. Normal eyes, googly eyes, and then just the right eye alone.
The narrative of this entry stays in the home of the family, never really going outside or anything. It's a straightforward plot that has no actual Aesop with a Three-Act Structure. The first two acts spend their time building up the Big Bad and the Decoy Protagonist.
Jacob is a good usage of a Squad-Stealing Spotlight due to having an actual background that is related to the Big Bad. Besides, Oscar appears as the protagonist of another entry where he is the focal point of the narrative.
It's so weird seeing characters made for the purpose of a Meme having interesting character writing for an otherwise normal plot. It does have all the ingredients for a Kuniko Takahashi story, and at this point the character writing just keeps getting stronger. If anyone hasn't noticed, every entry seems to be getting their character writing enhanced to the point that everything and everyone is Troperiffic but it's not at same time.
Oscar is one of my favorite characters in the series, so I'd give it a watch at least - his stories generally focus on his family anyways.