Japanese Release - 07/31/2010
Translated Rerelease - 03/03/2017
Japanese Placement - 39th
Translated Placement - 16th
Length - Long
Genre - Horror
Where have we've heard this?
Looks that can kill!
Where have we've heard this?
It was just a normal day between a father and his daughter, soon turning into a day full of nightmares and horrors beyond human comprehension. His daughter gets turned into bug food by the overgrown cockroaches after being sent in to clean the cellar. Viewing his daughter as useless, he decides that the matter should be taken care of by a professional.
House Cleaners Incorporated find themselves struggling to get by after the collapse of Lehman Brothers as their business is about to default on their loan. But that soon changes when they get an unexpected call for a bug extermination. Adrian, Logan, and Ngunza are briefed on the situation and quickly assume their roles as bug exterminators. Adrian and Logan head in while Ngunza provides radio support due to being inexperienced in their line of work.
But soon, the extermination of the cockroaches becomes an all-you-can-eat buffet as both Adrian and Logan become the newest victims. Ngunza equips himself with an assault rifle as he steels his determination to save his company from defaulting.
Climbing down into the depths of the roach-infested cellar.
Totally not your stock horror film!
It's an all-out feast!
Totally not your stock horror film!
You play as the inexperienced bug exterminator Ngunza, a exterminator of House Cleaners Incorporated. He finds himself the last man standing of a team of three as both his seniors become victims to what was assumingly a simple cockroach extermination in a cellar. With the company's lifeline hanging on the job's completion. Ngunza arms himself with an assault rifle and journeys down into the cellar.
Help Ngunza save House Cleaners Incorporated by completing the job that his seniors left behind. Clean out the roaches infesting the cellar that took their lives and find any survivors.
Will he be able to turn things around or will the situation go nuclear?

The story
You've got a straightforward plot and narrative, this entry uses a Three-Act Structure that some of its fellow entries use.
Straight onto the chopping block, the same introduction of a typical world of swords and magic is said again. But this time, we're introduced to a character that everybody knows. Abigail or Abby for short is hanging out with her father who is quick to display his love and affection for her by being a Abusive Parent. Because the Mad Genius of Kawagoe and the world she has written with love and care runs on insanity.
The reason for said abuse; for complying with his request to clean the cellar. All she said was "'Kay" and got pumped up by magic like a balloon getting pumped with air. So, she goes down to the cellar and she soon finds out that she's not alone. This is where the story starts delving into the Horror side of tropes, more specifically the classic Horror films before they became cliches. Just like her fellow former leads and protagonists, Abby gets turned into a Decoy Protagonist and gets eaten alive by the things living in the cellar.
Typically in most Horror stories, the general plotline of the first character's death is signaled by several different cliches. Whether it is going out to check up on a friend, going out to the car, or just standing guard. Sometimes they're with someone and they separate to check on two different things at the same time. In Abby's case, she goes down to the cellar to clean.
They usually end up dying either to supernatural beings or just a goon in a costume with a halloween mask. Abby just gets eaten by roaches and her father is forced to hire professionals to finish up the job he gave her. Dude goes on to insult her anyway because why not.
Of course, he ends up hiring a company that is about to go under due to a event that has happened in real life. The guys that come in to do the job all look like they were released from prison, employing the trope of Face Of A Thug. Adrian, Logan, and.... Ngunza all arrive on the scene to do the job. But of course the situation becomes dire real quick because they do the one thing that happens a lot when you need to deploy Characters Dropping Like Flies, they come in thinking the job would be easy and separate from the Ensign Newbie/Naive Newcomer.
Adrian and Logan get themselves taken out by a Horror cliche and die on the radio. Ngunza is forced to step up into the meat grinder and become the main character. But when he enters the cellar with his assault rifle, he sees Logan walking off perfectly fine. But all is not what it seems when Ngunza finds himself lured into a trap as Logan undresses his skin off like Nucella. Revealing himself to be another form of cliche... but with a roach instead of a shape-shifting alien. We're then introduced to the main force of the roaches, and they plan to use all the flesh and skin they gathered for some evil plan.
Ngunza is forced to fight the roach alone as a roach wearing Abby's skin begins corrupting, infecting, and turning other people into roaches by turning Abby's father into a roach. The situation becomes nationwide as the President of the United States gets involved - and as always, their inclusion in this entry ramps up the stakes Up to Eleven. Like the usual, the person they send in is in the military and their goal is to nuke the area of infestation which happens to be in Virginia - and of course he is hit with a wave of roaches that covers up the entire screen.
Ngunza defeats the roach that was posing as Logan but finds himself trapped in the room he followed them to. Another roach is sent in to finish him off but Adrian swoops in to save him from getting his skin used as a meat puppet. Adrian explains that he used Logan as a stepping stone to survival and left him to die. Ngunza wants to escape but Adrian tells him that they're screwed because a bomber is coming in to nuke them. The only way to stop the nuke is to defeat the head honcho, Royal Roach.
Royal Roach happens to be the one controlling or atleast the one maintaining the lives of their subjects. But they're basically a Keystone Army. Since most of the roaches are focused on stopping the bomber, the Royal Roach is left undefended by the likes of Adrian and Ngunza.
They confront Royal Roach and demand why they are keen on killing off humanity. It boils down to wanting to survive and not die because of how humanity views them and most of bugkind, wanting to live in peace instead of getting killed for merely existing.
They're not exactly wrong on the matter but... you know, we do go through great lengths to exterminate bugs since roaches are clear signs that a place is super-duper dirty. Of course, we need to laugh off their concerns and grievances through Adrian as he demands them to follow the rules of society.
With Royal Roach exterminated from existence, both Adrian and Ngunza fail to convince the bomber to not nuke Virginina. While the pilot did grieve at the idea of mass destruction, he did not care one bit.
As the President of the United States and his buds celebrate the end of the infestation. The roach wearing Abby's skin is up in space and was given superpowers through nuclear radiation. They fly down onto Earth and blow it into bits and pieces while the United States was unable to stop them. Yet again, we get a Broken Aesop in regards of the war both humans and the roaches had... through the thoughts of the President of the United States as he regrets the choices they've made.
I almost forgot, but a real life event was referenced and mentioned in the story. The Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, was an event where one of the banks in the states just kind of... exploded. I wasn't even aware that it even happened in the first place - I was like in middle school when that happened.
The characters
So, we've got a small group of characters to filter through. I'll do it from the human side that aren't Abby and her father, then the roaches, and then the United States related characters.
We've got the main characters, House Cleaners Incorporated, which consists of three guys. You have Adrian, Logan, and Ngunza. We'll be focusing on Adrian and Ngunza as characters since Logan is the only one to die to the roaches.
Adrian is the leader and quite possibly the owner of House Cleaners Incorporated. He and his team were called in to do a simple bug extermination job given by Abby's father, but he and Logan soon find out that the roaches have grown too big and that they're on the menu. Adrian survives the ordeal because he screwed Logan over - and his role in the story is to serve as the secondary main character to Ngunza's role as the protagonist. Establishing himself as someone who the leader who cares about stopping one person to save all.
Then you have the protagonist of the story overall up until a certain point, Ngunza. He is an inexperienced bug exterminator who rises up to save the day after Adrian and Logan "bite" the dust. Barging into the cellar with an assault rifle with the intent to save his company from defaulting but ends up finding himself thrown into a Horror film. His character is a lot more different than Adrian, he leans on the heroic side of things and defers to Adrian most of the time when they meet up.
Then you have the roaches and they serve as the main antagonists of the story with Royal Roach as the Big Bad. For much of the story, they like a force of nature and as a collective more than actual characters. Stealing the flesh of others and using them to infect humans as if some sort of zombie outbreak is supposed to happen. Royal Roach gives the roaches both a face and a personality, and depth to their overall character.
Their reasons for starting the roach variant of a zombie outbreak is because humanity has been killing them off because... they're bugs. With so many roaches appearing out of the blue, humanity has developed different means and methods of getting rid of them - and the ever increasing means caused them to become desperate. So desperate that they started an all-out war against humanity.
Man, this kind of reminds me of Minsu Kim from The Warrior Returns quite a bit. Dude tried to get back on his own two feet to only get rejected by everyone he knew the moment he returned from being Isekai'd. Then he just... ughh..
Then you have the United States of America serving as the Greater-Scope Villain to both House Cleaners Incorporated and the roaches. Coming in around the second act of the story the moment the roaches start their brand of a zombie outbreak. Their role is to basically stop the roaches from spreading all over the country and start the final act of the story with the threat of a nuke. As everyone knows how I feel about them, sometimes misrepresentation is proper representation - they just tend to get the better portion of the overall writing.
It's a zombie horror film but with roaches as the zombies. The entry uses a good number of tropes you'd see in a Horror film or something akin to one of Junji Ito's works. I could safely say that this entry's story is a cliche or a Cliché Storm but it's okay since Tropes Are Tools.
While the story is a Cliché Storm of the Horror variety, the twists and turns it takes are what keeps things fresh and engaging. The roaches and the United States are good antagonists with the former having good writing while the latter causes much of the insanity later on. House Cleaners Incorporated all fit the mold of your archetypical stock horror characters in one way or another... poor Logan.
I'd say that the roaches are the better parts of this entry's storyline. They do in fact act like your stereotypical force of nature type Horror baddie, but it makes complete sense in regards to their motives.
I'd give it a watch unless you have a fear of roaches.