Japanese Release - 04/23/2010
Translated Rerelease - 03/02/2017
Japanese Placement - 36th
Translated Placement - 13th
Length - Medium
Genre - Comedy
Naturalizing from outer space to the soils of Earth

But of course, Kawagoe survives...

Naturalizing from outer space to the soils of Earth

You are in the shoes of the Earth-shattering Alien and his brother, beings from the depths of space who both go through a change of heart after seeing both the beauty of Earth and Kawagoe. After a prank nearly gone wrong, and the Earth nearly facing total destruction twice, his brother obtains gainful employment with a tourism company.

But all of a sudden, their parents fly in out of nowhere from the depths of space, intending to do what their children could not do. They intend to destroy the Earth.

Can the brothers live on Earth and integrate themselves into society or will their parents finish their job for them?

Will they even be accepted by anyone on Earth?!


Looking for employment just like his brother..

  • A story of destruction and recreation
  • Aliens attempting to intergrate themselves into society
  • A game show
  • Generic RPG Mechanics

The story

Okay, the story starts out with one of our protagonists destroying Earth via driveby, causing a Earth-Shattering Kaboom in the process. Of course, Kawagoe survives because Plot Armor and that it is the Mad Genius of Kawagoe's hometown. Alien intends to finish the job and deal the ending blow of both Earth and all of humanity.

Somehow, someone on that falling piece of Earth manages to shoot Alien's spaceship with Improbable Aiming Skills. Alien is forced to confront them on foot and in person but instead is met with a sight that seems ripped off from a science fiction story and a Kawagoer engages him. Ichiro Koedo is their name and does a Curb-Stomp Battle on Alien straight off the bat.

Alien is Easily Forgiven and is given a chance to redeem himself, spending a year reconstructing the Earth to its former glory and state before he destroyed it. In the time he spent reconstructing it, he undergoes a Heel–Face Turn and sees the beauty of Earth.

Then his brother shows up to finish the job he started but couldn't finish. He then tries to destroy the Earth and then subverts it by pulling a prank, "Just a prank, bro!". He's actually here to visit Earth and see what all the buzz is about. Alien gives him a tour and shows him the beautiful sights of the very planet he destroyed a year ago.

The tour convinces his brother to stay on Earth and find a job. But of course job hunting is incredibly hard for some reason just like real life and he finds himself in front of a building. He finds out that the company he's trying to get into is not a tourism company but is instead a company of assassins, and is quickly accepted after beating the crap out of his employer.

Rule of Three happens and their parents arrive to... actually finish the job their children couldn't do except they're doing it For the Evulz. The Earth goes boom once more and their children are pissed off that all their work is blown to smithereens at the hands of a Signature Move called Twin Vulcano Shot - Alien's reconstruction of Earth is wasted and his brother's job hunting is completely moot.

Their anger is instantly thrown under the bus and forgotten with no issues at all. Their parents have wonderful news for their children - they are going to be on TV for a pop quiz show with a prize money of fifty million yen or 354,547 USD. We're accountin for the fact that the video was released in 2010.

The show is the best rated in the galaxy and is using Japanese yen for whatever reason.

The show starts and Team Alien consisting of their parents, are asked a simple question, and it's about the capital of Australia. The father answers Sydney and dies because the answer is Canberra. The quiz show they're playing is for keeps and answering any question wrong leads to death.

Another question is fired with a display of a weapon, and Team NEET gets the question. Keijirou answers it and freaking dies... again because it is not a M67 90MM Recoilless Rifle. Team Alien buzzes in and guesses correctly, it's actually an AT4 Portable Anti-tank weapon.

The mother is given the power to eliminate a team with the Finger Point of Death and removes Team Little Girl but soon follows after them answering the next question wrong.

It was a question of which is the most beautiful city in the world and she answered with Kawagoe!

Sam of Team NEET wins the quiz show and fifty million yen with Saint Petersburg.

Of course, Alien and his brother contest the chosen winner since they think Kawagoe is the most beautiful city in the world. Sam thinks Kawagoe is dull and boring, and Ichiro Koedo and Alien's brother's boss isn't having any of it either. The four of them proceed to fight Sam and he duplicates himself into three Sams but he loses anyways because of plot.

They win the fifty million yen but the two Kawagoers betray Alien and his brother because Fantastic Racism is a thing and Earth is for Earthlings. They're killed off and the Kawagoers do the Aesop.


The characters

We have two main characters in the story, Alien and his brother. They are two beings from outer space that have come to like Earth and Kawagoe, settling down and integrating themselves as Earthlings. Having destroyed Earth nearly a year ago and rebuilding it, Alien and his brother find themselves having a family reunion with their parents.

Alien is the main protagonist of the story and he starts out destroying the Earth For the Evulz but becomes a The Atoner and Going Native, staying on Earth.

Alien's brother is the second protagonist of the story and he starts out pranking his brother by pretending to destroy Earth. He's on Earth based on word of mouth and is given a tour before Going Native like his brother. He then goes out to find a job and gains employment.

But all of that changes when their parents are killed off during a quiz show, contesting the results with the Kawagoers joining them. They beat the crap out of Sam but are betrayed by the Kawagoers because racism is a thing on Earth.

Then you have the Kawagoers, natives to Kawagoe. Their role is to represent the best aspects of Earth and to become the antagonists at the end of the story. Them looking like monsters is very intentional and a form of Foreshadowing I think.


With a little thinking cap on, there are some actual themes at play but there isn't much to go on. The narrative itself is very straightforward and it's relatively tame. It's basically a dude and his brother settling down on Earth and having a deadly family reunion via a quiz show.

The characters are pretty tame and not insane or anything. Like, Alien is not that bad of a guy since he rebuilt Earth.

This entry just seems too tame for me and not my cup of tea.