Japanese Release - 09/28/2010
Translated Rerelease - 03/03/2017
Japanese Placement - 29th
Translated Placement - 19th
Length - Long
Genre - Action
Your Esteemed Majesty..
In the typical world of Chess, the two realms of Black and White remain at peace playing with each other. But those days were soon to be marred in blood as the prince of the White Realm is slain in combat on the frontlines. It was his very first battle and deployment onto the battlefield, and he was not only bested by the Black Queen of the Black Realm but by his emotions and his means of being knighted.
The King and Queen of the White Realm were quickly informed of his death - and the White Queen demands retribution for his death. She breaks free of the restraints her King ordered and slaughters both her own and the Black Realm. Her rampage causes the Black King and Black Queen to flee from the board in terror. As the White Queen finishes off the remaining pieces of the Black Realm, the Black King and Black Queen seek the aid of another Realm beyond their own.
With the aid of the Red Realm and the Red King and Red Queen, the Red Army marches forth to stop the White Queen.
White Knight, don't go!
You are in the shoes or plastic Chess piece of White Realm's White Queen. She is dead set on avenging her son, the White Knight, obliterating every piece of the Black Realm but the Black King and Black Queen. With nothing to lose and nothing to gain, she throws herself into the fires of hell and against the overwhelming might of the Red Realm.
Help her achieve her revenge against the Black Realm and destroy everyone in her way regardless if they're friend or foe. She must cross the boards to achieve her end - even at the cost of the White Realm, the Black Realm and beyond the board.
Will she be able to avenge her son or will it be for naught?
Will she stop breaking the rules or will the rules break her?
Are the Black and Red Realms her true enemies?

The story
So, like the usual, we're given the traditional opening of a Sis RPG and with the narrator presenting a delicate and yet peaceful world. Except that the world it is set in is not in the real world, it is instead on a board you'd see from a board game. More specifically it is set on a Chess board where the Black and White pieces are divided between Black Realm and White Realm. I can only assume that Kuniko Takahashi was attempting to go for something unique since she was attempting to adhere to a RPG-like setting.. but.. you know.
But the peace that we're presented with is shattered from the get-go as the White Realm is thrown into chaos by a Pawn talking smack about one of the Knights. The Pawn goes Green Eyed Monster on him and the Knight is both offended and riled up for being a royal brat.
Instead of taking the insults like a actual knight would do, he goes to prove that he isn't fit to be a Knight in the first place and dies for trying to prove the Pawn wrong - of course he does take out a Black Pawn. But the problem just gets worse and turns into a nightmare as the Pawn indirectly gets the Prince of the White Realm slain in battle and on his first of never. His parents catch wind of his death as the Black Realm wonders why a White Knight came knocking like some fool.
His mother, the White Queen, goes into a Roaring Rampage Of Revenge and decides that she wants to pull a Dimitri and attempts to "Kill Every Last One Of Them". Of course, she butchers her own kind to even set foot in the Black Realm as they wanted to stop her from massacring them. But she proves to be too strong and starts breaking the rules of Chess to do so.
She ends up forcing the Black King and Black Queen to flee the onslaught they indirectly brought upon themselves. Forcing them to call in a favor and bring in the Red Realm into their matter, and they happened to be red-colored Chess pieces.
So, when the White Queen meets up with them to settle the matter, they sicc their massive armies on her and thus breaking rules of Chess in the process because... they had big pieces and an overwhelming number of them. But since everyone is cheating and not playing by the rules, the White Queen speed chess her way to victory and once more forces Black King and Black Queen to flee with Red King and Red Queen in tow. In the process, the entire battle is filled up to the brim of lasers and stuff with super duper lag everywhere.
Don't ask me why the White Queen is so strong. She just can't be beat for whatever reason. It's not like she has Plot Armor since she is in a Kuniko Takahashi story.
She catches up to them and finds herself cornering them at the end of the board they're on. Just before she could do her thing, the Red King calls upon his own set of allies. Two Othello pieces descend from the skies above and place themselves between the White Queen, putting her down like a rabid dog. Just as the dust settles, three Othello pieces do what they did to the White Queen and down them. Despite arriving as The Cavalry, they turn out to be committing Cavalry Betrayal because they want to Take Over The World.
The White Queen survives all of this and has a surge of power, exploiting the weaknesses of Othello - as they can't move once placed on the board. Slaughtering the two Othello pieces and any other they come to invert her and ordering the leaders of both the Black and Red Realms to do what most Call of Duty players do when they find a good corner to camp. But it was all a Batman Gambit as the Othello piece calls in their allies and uhh.. sponsorship, Go.
Robbing both the Black and Red Realms of their ruling leaders, using their Go allies to overcome their inability to take corners. But then Shogi descends from the skies and steps in... order to maintain world peace and stop Othellos from Taking over The World. But they're swifty taken down by a invert or they thought so as being defeated only makes Shogi piece stronger. But nah, Othellos decided that suicide bombers are a thing and nukes the field or Othello Bomber.
Understandably, the White Queen calls them out on their excessive cheating while ignoring the fact that she's a Hypocrite who has been cheating throughout the story, she gets taken out by a Othello Bomber. That is when... the leader of the Shogi steps onto the field, vowing revenge for their fallen brothers-in-arms. They decide to use their own set of rules against the Othello and convert them to the side of good with invert or Heel Face Turn.
The leader of the Shogi delivers a decently deserving Aesop maintaining rules and their feelings regarding rulebreakers. But the nation of China interrupts the Aesop, accusing Japan of breaking international law for detaining fishers in their land and within their waters. They duke it out and of course somehow China wins the dispute.
And somehow, the Aesop continues through the lenses of the White Pawn whose entire message is completely left field... with another Broken Aesop.
The characters
Okay, ahem - we've got a lot of characters that just simply exist for the hell of it. As you know, the setting is set within the realm of board games.. to an extent until China comes in. I'll condense my writing to a select few.
White Queen is the main focal point and protagonist of much of the story. Her recently promoted son, the White Knight was slain in battle due to the hurling insults of a White Pawn. Hearing that he died in battle turns her into a Roaring Rampage Of Revenge childless mother and she decides to take a book from Dimitri and seek the entire Black Realm's heads.
Her entire character is basically all about being a massive Hypocrite who decided to enact God Save Us From The Queen. Breaking all the rules she possibly can in the realm of Chess in order to avenge her son who was foolish enough to throw his life away all because he was called out. She is downright a Villain Protagonist due to how high her body count becomes over the course of the story - not that she even cares.
You then have the rulers of both the Black and Red Realms who all happened to be Chess pieces. The Black Realm find themselves on the brink of destruction after the slaying of the White Knight, unknowingly killing the Prince of the White Realm. They are forced to seek aid of the Red Realm and overwhelm her will numbers... and rule breaking.
They're basically victims instead of villains just because the White Queen is the Villain Protagonist gunning for their lives. I suppose you can call them Hero Antagonists of the narrative.
You then have the main antagonistic force of the narrative, the Othellos. They are... not Chess pieces and they're from a completely different game with a different set of rules. They originally came to the aid of the Red Realm as a means to stop the White Queen from killing them. But with the three Realms lacking in manpower and military might, they decided that Taking Over The World was the best course of action.
They are a twist villain and a SNK Boss whose entire existence breaks the established or lack of rules while their introduction of Go smashes everything apart.
Then you have the true protagonists of the narrative, the Shogi pieces. They too are from a completely different game and come in when the Othellos start murdering the hostages they illegally obtained. Appearing to stop them to maintain the peace and save the world or something.
They're your twist hero and exists to establish Status Quo Is God. Seeing that they're also a SNK Boss but only towards the Othellos. They do bring peace back but then China comes knocking.
This entry's narrative is very interesting to say the least. A story where game pieces constantly break the rules on top of a relatively straightforward revenge plot. You go from Chess, to Othello, to Go, to Shogi on the fly.
The White Queen's revenge plot is the main draw of the entry as it also has most of the screentime and where most of the interesting plot developments happen. Like, the White Queen is a Villain Protagonist who wants to slaughter her enemies to avenge her son, then you have everyone breaking the rules to stop her, then you have different pieces from different games coming in.
I'd watch this entry simply because of the White Queen. She may not be entirely interesting because of what she does but the story around her actions are.