Japanese Release - 11/23/2017
Translated Rerelease - 12/06/2017
Japanese Placement - 49th
Translated Placement - 26th
Length - Medium
Genre - Action
Is this.. Super Mario Baseball?
The Germans are certainly.. uhh.. well clothed, huh?
Is this.. Super Mario Baseball?
In a typical world where swords and magic co-exist with each other, the Hero faces his most ultimate and final battle against the Dark Lord as the Princess watches on like a spectator. With the cheers of her voices heard, the Hero unveils to the Dark Lord of his trump card, a skill that has a sub-1% of being obtained has been learned. Without a second though, Ultra Vulcano Shot is cast upon the Dark Lord.
But the Dark Lord does not die, instead he dodges out of the way as the Princess becomes collateral damage. Baffled at the mere concept of the final boss dodging a clearly undodgeable attack, the Hero is thrown on the ground by a kick and gets kicked to death. But the Hero appears behind the Dark Lord, explaining that it was his shadow clone that died in his place.
Instantly defeating the Dark Lord with ancient Arabian Magic, but the Dark Lord stands in front of his own body... to only reveal that it was his little brother that died in his place. The Hero is sandwiched to death between the Dark Lord and his bodyguard, but the Hero stands before them once more, proclaiming they just killed his double.
With his anger boiling up from the sudden twists and turns of their final battle, the Dark Lord suggests that they play Baseball. With their teams gathered and assembled in the city of Sakado, Sakado's Sakadragons and the Kawagorgons face off in earnest.
The Dark Lord's team goes first with him playing as the pitcher as one of the Hero's batters mocks him after throwing his ball that is supposedly a three-in-one pitch. His ball does indeed count as a strike as it curves and strikes down the batter, killing her on the spot.
It seems that the Dark Lord has a different kind of Baseball he wants to play on the field.
It's just Baseball but with magic!
You sure we're not playing Super Mario Baseball?
It's just Baseball but with magic!
You are in the magic-slinging final boss, Dark Lord. After struggling to fight against the Hero on fair footing and letting his brother take the bullet for him, he suggests to the Hero that they should play baseball. Seeing that they'll keep using cheap tricks to one-up each other.
Assembling his own Baseball team called the Kawagorgons to face off againstHero's Sakadragons in the city of Sakado. But instead of playing normal Baseball, he adds in his magic and death to the game; using his trick shots to take out one of the Sakadragons with ease.
Can the Dark Lord and his team defeat the Hero and his team in a game of magical Baseball or will he be defeated by unfair usage of the Wiki and tricks?
Are they even legally playing Baseball and is there an even bigger threat than the both of them?

The story
And this time for our menus and names, we're getting one that is very similar to an actual real world event. Specifically World War 2 and one of the most important turning points in that war's history which is the Battle of Normandy. You can't get any weirder than that, huh?
Aside from the traditional opening text, we're introduced to our two most important characters, the Dark Lord and the Hero as the Princess watches them while acting as a supporting cheerleader for the latter. Of course since we're opening at the "final battle", everything is set up in the most cliche way possible.
But this is Kuniko Takahashi, there is a lot more than it seems anyways. And just like Sans from Undertale, the Hero unveils and attacks the Dark Lord with Signature Move Ultra Vulcano Shot and he gets the strangest idea to dodge the attack like Sans would. The Princess dies, then the Hero gets jump kicked and dies and somehow survives by stating he used a shadow clone or something, then the Hero uses Arabian Magic to defeat the Dark Lord, but then the Dark Lord survives his death by stating that his little brother took the bullet for him, the Hero then gets sandwiched to death by both the Dark Lord and his Bodyguard and.. survives it by stating his double died in his place. These guys are just pulling Ass Pulls like crazy, remember this bit as it's a plot point.
The Dark Lord lampshades the insanity and challenges the Hero to a game of Baseball, because that's a rational choice to deploy Go-Karting with Bowser. As if to expand the world, we get a new location while the sounds of a bat hitting a ball is made. We are introduced to the city of Sakado and we're thrown into the place where the Baseball game is being hosted at; Sakado City Sports Park - remember this name. But hey, we're getting some actual commentary from two oddly hooded men.
All of our players have been assembled and all of them are either characters from other entries to visual cues that reference that character. The teams are nine people each and the commentators talk about the two cities and their beef with each other. With small banter that can be heard from any Sports Anime and Sports Films, they proceed to do battle with the Kawagorgons throwing the ball first. The first person to step up as a batter for the Sakadragons, and it's Emmy, the Antagonist of Loli Cop and she is given the Red Baron name of Demon Girl. She cutely mocks the team, and the Dark Lord while her batting average is revealed.
A batting average of 0.999 is no joke as that basically spells out that she has a 99%. But the Dark Lord isn't fazed by his insanely low chances and throws his flaming ball as he promises Emmy that his pitch will be a three-in-one strike. Instead of that, it goes Sonic the Hedgehog as a normal pitch - and Emmy is quick to call him out on the throw not being as promised. But then all of a sudden, in comes in on her like a Homing Missile and strikes her down - and then we've gone into the world of Mario Superstar Baseball.
Taken out by the Super Homing Shot as the commentators call it. The next batter steps up who is named Matthew, skeptical of magic-induced baseball pitches. Ethan says his two cents and calls the ball a beanbag because it shouldn't have the capability to one-shot and kill a person as Abigail joins them in surrounding the Dark Lord. Of course, the Dark Lord tells them that in Kawagoe, they play Baseball with nonsensical magic-induced play.
I swear to god, I hope Kuniko Takahashi has played or heard of Mario Superstar Baseball as it would make alot of sense. I mean, while there isn't magic in that game, there are special moves that invoke homing shots and stuff. Like, you go around the Mushroom Kingdom playing against other teams with their own gimmicks to the Baseball game.
The Dark Lord does another magical trick that can be summed up as a Samurai or a Iaijutsu Practitioner, throwing the Baseball in a circular motion around him as if to draw a blade from its sheath. It is as if nothing happened before the circular motion extends even wider and on the three Sakadragons, and they promptly are killed on the spot. Like the badass he is, the Dark Lord unveils his move, Super Curve shot and the commentators state it as a Legendary Sword. Seeing that half of his team's roster have been struck down within minutes of each other, the Hero steps up to do what they couldn't. The Dark Lord threatens the Hero with the map-erasing Super Rapid Pitch because he can or something.
Before anyone can question the validity of the Baseball match, the police arrive on the scene with a sense of purpose. They come in declaring that they're playing an illegal Baseball game that is punishable by death. Despite playing in the Sakado City Sports Park - where sports can be played at, the only sports that Sakado can play is Soccer. The Hero tries to get the situation in control, telling the police they played Baseball on an impulse while the Dark Lord outright does not care for their laws on sports. The Hero is shot to death before he could do anything, and the Dark Lord escapes while his team is executed with Logan dying first. With Logan's death, the dialogue states his life was a... game; we're breaking the Fourth Wall here now?
The only ones who made it out of the execution were the Dark Lord and his bodyguard named Lead Bodyguard. Wanting to undo their unfair sentences and status as death row criminals, they confront the mayor of Sakado by digging under him and asking for his pardon.
The mayor considers them and offers the Dark Lord a chance to undo the unfair and unjust that was placed on their shoulders. He wants him to execute a greater evil, Grand Dark Lord Zagadu for making his knees rather achy on rainy days due to the evil aura he feels from him. The Dark Lord is sent to North Sakado or rather totally not a Title Drop Castle Lolimandy, and the imagery is nice because it looks wicked and evil. Unlike the Dark Lord that Oscar faces, this Grand Dark Lord looks like the real deal.
The Dark Lord and Lead Bodyguard enter in not as cowards but as True Kawagoers. And just like that, the room is ebbed in darkness for like a few seconds before we get a jump scare with a man that seems to have tribal markings on his face, but hey - his teeth are white and bright. This dude is Grand Dark Lord Zagadu and he is readily open to take names and kick ass, stating that someone must be level Fifty Million to stand a chance against him. Of course, the Dark Lord criticizes him for judging people based on their level and intends to recreate a miracle to defeat him.
The Dark Lord's kick does nothing and gets burned to death... if he wasn't wearing any Fire-Resistent equipment. Of course, the Dark Lord reveals the fact that he read a Wiki before fighting him and has read up on all of his attack patterns, and attacks the Grand Dark Lord with Ice Magic.
But he does not die but gets super duper ultra strong like when someone takes steroids strong, the Grand Dark Lord admits that anyone can edit a Wiki and promptly one-shots Lead Bodyguard. He aims to take over the world with his buffed up power.
But then some voice with a Baseball related joke sounds out and reveals himself to be the Hero, stating that he used his little brother as a decoy to survive his fatal shooting, turning the entire thing into a Running Gag and a Chekhov's Gag. Like a true editor, the Hero checked the Wiki's history and found out that the Grand Dark Lord's weakness is the... Baseball Element. So, they gank him to death and win because you know... cheaters go places where honest people don't.
And look at those numbers go from normal to general insanity, look at them become numbers! Oh my god!
If you think about it, Wikis weren't really much of a useful thing back in the day. Typically, you'd like look at an online guide someone has made like GameFaqs way before people were given the ability to create and handcraft their own Wikis. Nowadays, you can see guides just about anywhere like Steam for example.
Apparently, they struggled in their fight against the Grand Dark Lord despite cheating their way to victory - but we are shown the same scene whenever an entry ends. Basically, the Aesop this time around is the usage and the influence the Internet can have on the world and its people. The message is pretty applicable in the 2020s more than ever when Donald Trump was President in the late 2010s.
If anyone knows of what happened during those periods of time, you'd know that people were very quick to latch onto information that sounds like it speaks from the heart when it really isn't. Relationships were broken, alot of political strife happened that caused the entire political landscape to never be the same, and a lot of people turned on lifelong friends. Even in the early 2020s, the effects were everlasting and it spread all across the world - that is what happens when your Charisma is good and when your points and facts are proven true.
We then get a rather eye-opening quote that says "Men willingly believe what they wish" from Julius Caesar, and so the entry ends on a rather high note.
Oh yeah, uhhh.. Triple Sex is then advertised here. Oh god, these names are just going to be misunderstood!
What am I supposed to say!?
The characters
Cast list is simple and easy like the usual, okay let's get this show on the road, oh yeah!
We'll start with our initial protagonist of the story, the Hero since he's one of the two protagonists of this entry with the other being the Dark Lord. The Hero was having his final battle with the Dark Lord and on his way to saving the Princess. But the Dark Lord challenges him to a battle of sportsmanship after a long duel of duplicates, decoys, and brothers acting as shields for their antics. With the Princess killed by one of his moves, the Hero assembles the Sakadragons to play Baseball against the Dark Lord's Kawagorgons.
The Hero isn't exactly portrayed as a Decoy Protagonist despite having all of the traits and qualities of one. Generally, the character has to act like they're the main character of the story and look cool enough. But in this case, the Hero actually uses a Chekhov's Gag via using his brother to survive a fatal shooting. His general character traits can be summed up as a smug guy who causes more bad than good, but ultimately is a good guy deep down. Although, more than half of his actions at the very start paints him in a more negative light than anything else.
Now we're onto the actual protagonist of the entry, the Dark Lord who happens to be a Recurring Character and Recurring Element. The Dark Lord finds himself in a unique predicament, facing the Hero's reckless actions and Ass Pulls. He challenges him to a Baseball game in the city of Sakado, the city where the Hero lives in. With his team assembled, he proceeds to wipe the floor with the Hero's team with magic induced Baseball moves. But he is forced to flee after finding out that Baseball is illegal in the city of Sakado.
This iteration of the Dark Lord is to serve as a Foil to the Hero, take his role of the Protagonist from him, and to completely avert Cheaters Never Prosper. Aside from that, he kind of runs on the Rule Of Cool, Mundane Made Awesome, Muggle Sports, Super Athletes tropes. His entire character is like Mario Superstar Baseball but personified as a Meme.
Now we're onto the overall antagonist of the entry's narrative that is not the ciy of Sakado since they're just executing their laws. Grand Dark Lord Zagadu is the main antagonist of the narrative once the Baseball match is stopped by the police on the grounds of the city's laws. Grand Dark Lord Zagadu finds himself being attacked by a lesser and much weaker Dark Lord, targeted by the Mayor of Sakado for emitting an evil aura that makes his knees ache on rainy days.
His role in this entry is to serve as a confrontable Greater-Scope Villain, to be a Conflict Killer, and act as a straight up example of Cheaters Never Prosper because he also cheats but gets unrightfully served just by the Dark Lord and the Hero who are also cheating.
This entry has quite a few good things going for it - as the narrative does explore and lightly touch on the concept of magical Baseball while touching on the subject matter of how information impacts more than one person if mishandled. Of course, this entry was written during the time Donald Trump's popularity was at an all time high where any sort of thing he says was taken at face value.
Hell, even I take some information online at face value, but that's because I didn't known any better. It is pretty much typical behavior since the 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s due to the rapid advancements of technology making information abundant and readily available. While printed books give you the information you need, their only downside is not being able to be updated for modern audiences and standards, and being behind a Pay-to-read thing.
The narrative is simple, but like in most cases, you're probably going to watch it because of the antics of both the Dark Lord and Hero. I mean, cheaters do make things interesting but even so, the writing is rather top notch due to how well the tropes are used.
You can apply that to every entry in the series given some level of thought.
Watch it though if you like the general antics and clever writing.