Japanese Release - 01/30/2011
Translated Rerelease - 03/03/2017
Japanese Placement - 43rd
Translated Placement - 20th
Length - Long
Genre - Action
A family matter gone DragonBall Z!
Gonna arrest me, Miss Loli Cop Officer?
A family matter gone DragonBall Z!
It was just a peaceful day between two sisters who loved each other very very dearly. But that all changed when Emmy tells Abigail that she was an android created by her very hands. Made during elementary school crafts, made ten years ago with a battery life of... ten years. Abigail's demands of being recharged fall on deaf ears.
With big lumbering steps into their home, Abigail the Second proclaims the title of Emmy's Older Sister. Without much of a hassle, Abigail quickly disposes her intended replacement but as soon as the dust settles, Abigail the Third descends from the skies and speaking in a completely foreign language. Emmy intends to take over the world and tax everyone 99.9 percent and Abigail the Thridswiftly launches Abigail into space.
Abigail crashes on the moon, making craters with her android body as it slowly expires from the lack of battery power. Death comes swiftly for her for a time until one year later, she finds herself charged to 100% by the President of the United States. He tells her that a woman and her android army took over the world in a single night, forcing some of the people on Earth to escape to the moon.
Finding out that Abigail was the only android out of Emmy's control, the President of the United States found her, recharged her back to life, and gifted her a new form to take on Emmy and her army of androids.
Abigail, the Androids have taken over Earth!
An-Abigail the Second, reporting in!
Abigail, the Androids have taken over Earth!
You are in the perfected form of Abigail or Abigail the First, a young woman who finds out that she was an android made in elementary school crafts a decade ago by her younger sister. After defeating her replacement and being thrown into space by her replacement's replacement, she finds herself revived back to life by the President of the United States.
Given the news of how Earth was taken over by Emmy and her android army, the President of the United States escaped to the moon with the others and gifted Abigail a second chance at life and a new body crafted to combat Emmy and her army of androids. He sends her back to Earth and commences Operation Boundless Love and destroys the African Continent with a nuke.
Can you guide Abigail through Emmy's army of androids and save the world in the interest of the United States or will her revival be all in vain?
Is this even real or is it all but a dream?

The story
We get our classical opening that has been a staple for several entries in the series thus far. Instead of a fantasy setting, we're shown a home that has been featured throughout multiple entries. This time the home is housing two sisters who love each other very dearly.
Once again, Abigail is in this story but is the elder or older sister to Emmy or Ema. We're told by the narrator that they love each other very dearly, remember that this is a Kuniko Takahashi story. To remind us that this is her story, Abigail asks Emmy why they look so different from each other and this is where she spills the beans via The Reveal that Abigail is a Tomato In The Mirror, that she was an Android made in elementary school crafts. She also reveals that Abigail's battery life is about to run out and that she has a Replacement Goldfish ready to take her place. Is that you, Richard?
Instead of a normally human-sized person, we're introduced to the monster-like Abigail the Second who acts kind of like a Dumb Muscle who speaks like the Hulk. Her replacement's specs are far higher than her own but she manages to beat them in mortal combat, destroying Abigail the Second with relative ease. Emmy does not mourn the loss of Abigail the Second, she instead rolls out another Replacement Goldfish.
Abigail the Third, a snake-like Android that speaks entirely was is suppose to be Russian launches Abigail to space and into the moon like DragonBall Z after being told that her sister intends to take over the world. With no battery power left in her body, Abigail shuts down and basically dies.. but in the annals of space. The story ends prematurely... or so we thought.
Suddenly, her battery life goes from 0% to 100% real fast like Shazam. She is met with an unlikely savior, the President of the United States who introduces himself as such. He explains that a year has passed, that Emmy and her army of Androids have taken over the world overnight, and that some of the people have moved to the moon to avoid the Androids. Humanity is either under the control of Emmy and her Androids or have become moon people.
She is told that the other reason why they're on the moon is to find and secure her, for she is the only Android that is able to defy and fight Emmy and her Androids. She finds out that her body has not only been charged but completely changed into a different form, a form that has been created and made to combat Emmy and her Androids. They also have an operation that is about to start that is named Boundless Love. The form's name is... Custom Model Abigail-Predator, which certainly ensures that the naming conventions are all but normal.
The plan is to nuke Africa and divert attention to the moon with the President of the United States acting as a diversion so Abigail can confront her sister and end things once and for all. Of course, nuking is the norm when you need to poof problems away. A common trend that most American characters in the series default to, namely any in the Presidential roles and positions. Like any normal person would do, Abigail complains about the plan's lack of subtlety and charm. The President of course blackmails Abigail into agreeing with him as he mentions attempting to pass a bill that would end the life of every girl with her name.
So, the President of the United States fires a nuke into the Earth like how Mikoto Misaka fires coins like railgun bullets and blows off the African Continent and one-third of Earth's surface and population. With the loss of life on a massive scale, Emmy and her Androids pinpoint the location of the fired nuke. With eyes on them, the President of the United States launches his Space White House to combat the approaching Android armies.
Of course, Emma is informed of the news through Replacement Goldfish Abigail the Second Plus, the former sends in her army of Abigail IVs and Abigail IXs. As if to hammer home the fact that Emma is worse than Richard somehow, and that she is purposely notifying the other Abigails that there are Replacement Goldfish of them.
Space White House defeats the armies of Abigail Androids with relative ease as the situation intensifies with sped up music and laser beams everywhere as the President's Approval Ratings increase. Abigail the Third confronts them and defeats them with no trouble at all with Signature Move Hyper Volcano Shot - the Space White House is no more. At least Abigail makes it to Earth just fine and the base of operations is her home.
She is confronted by a fish-like monster android who calls themselves... Home Security because she wanted to take a shower. They duel to the death and Abigail is defeated or so it seems as.... her super robo body tanks the lethal blow in the form of an anti-tank missile.
The moment she enters the bathroom, the imagery is a room filled with brimstone and lava... and Abigail the Second Plus. She is there to greet Abigail with nothing but bullets, hitting her with a volley of them as Abigail fires back with Signature Move Giga Death Flare. All of her spinning does nothing though because Abigail the Second Plus got herself some upgrades too.
So, she turns Abigail into a Half The Man He Used To Be by blowing up her legs. But her crippled state enables her to go at super speed at a crippling rate as she dodges the final blow. Somehow, the President of the United States was thoughtful enough to give her the power of flight. Abigail the Second Plus gets hit with a nuclear punch and dies as if her upgrades were nothing but paper.
Emmy comes in the shower room and condemns Abigail to death, laughing at her older sister for attempting to bring peace back to the world. So, she sics her home security that quickly turns into a gank you'd see in a FromSoftware game. Of course, they're no match for her and Emmy takes to the field. For she has developed a tea that grants her the ability to become a Giantess for the fun of it, and so she grows super duper big and fights Abigail with one of her hands.
A Cain And Abel battle between two sisters... well, with one Android and one Giantess duking it out. Somehow, Emmy's hand is blasted off and reels off in pain for just a single moment, declaring that she has three more limbs to use. Abigail the Third chimes in to warn her creator of a monster and blows up like a ballon because why not.
In that explosion, the President of the United States stands before the two sisters in a very familiar body that Abigail has the half of. Despite dying in space, he survived by turning himself into a robot through... American Science. It's not much an Ass Pull here since it was lightly Foreshadowed the moment Abigail's new body was shown. After slipping the information about another Abigail, he presents his model's name - Custom Model - Presidential Loli Cop which is plain out a Title Drop.
And as if he needs to emulate Sans from Undertale, starts out using a new Signature Move and blows up the galaxy like the Big Bang. But wait, it was just all a dream or something as Abigail wakes up in her bedroom. Okay, so... all just a dream b-but it felt so real!!!
We get a more positive reception of the original opening scene. Instead of Emmy going off the rails and turning the entire story into some Soap Opera with a Cain and Abel thing, she just responds like a normal person would. Saying that Abigail probably has been bleaching her hair or something.
Abigail goes to bleach her hair and melts away like the witch in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland because she did not pour bleach or something. What she poured on her head was.... Nitric Acid. She melts away and dies because we need some sort of Cruel Twist Ending.
Hey, at least this ending is better than Platinum End, like... you read/watch an entire series where a young man struggles to understand what he wants out of himself. He finds himself and the will to live but outside forces upend the struggles he and his friends went through. Never ever elect a child who has suicidal tendencies to be the God of your world, it usually never ends well anyways.
The Aesop delivered is about population in the world and the issues that arise from the growth of it. Somehow, it considers Abigail's cruel death as a blessing and its entire message is completely unrelated to the overall story... which is still pretty normal.
The characters
We're going to keep this pretty tight since the cast is very well contained.
We're going to start off with our main protagonist of the story, a different interation of Abigail who has appeared in a good number of entries while starring as the protagonist of Sexy Confinement Ward. She is the older sister of Emmy or Ema who finds herself at odds with her, being told that she is in fact an Android of her own creation. Abigail is forced to fight against her own creator as she rolls out her replacement as if it was nothing to her.
This iteration of Abigail is not a Necromancer reviving zombies for Zombeef nor some daughter of a man who wrote her death as a one-off, she is like an Android from DragonBall Z with her younger sister taking some cues from Dr. Gero. Her character is not insane like her other iterations - she is pretty much a heroic character from start to end and is kind of similar to Android 16.
You also have the President of the United States appearing as the secondary protagonist of the story. He and some people from Earth escaped to the moon after Emmy and her Android army took over the world. Reviving Abigail and gifting her a perfected Android body in hopes of taking back the Earth.
He's a bit nuts but that's the general standard for most American characters in the series. He's a little bit of a hero but is more like a Anti Hero who has a Type 3 of the Eagleland trope. He's probably one of the nicer iterations of a President of the United States, he is fighting for his country's interests but... he isn't Sanderson.
We're off to the antagonists of the story - we have Emmy and her Android army. We're starting with Emmy since she's the main antagonist of the narrative and that the Abigails are just the secondaries.
Emmy is the main antagonist of the narrative from the get-go. She is the creator of protagonist Abigail and the entire Android series of Abigails, setting her sights of taking over the world after revealing to the former that she is an Android and her plans for the world at large. She succeeds overnight with her army of Androids and takes over the world.
She is part of a Cain and Abel relationship with her sister, a perfectly written Foil, and a No Nonsense Nemesis who does horrible things For the Evulz with a huge love for the Replacement Goldfish trope. She's like... Dr. Gero and a Richard who goes above and beyond with replacing his beloved family at the drop of a hat.
Then onto the Abigails who are the main enemies that Abigail herself faces across the entire narrative. They are the replacements for the original Abigail, made to take over the world with their creator. Acting as a military force once Earth falls into the hands of Emmy.
They're basically Expies of DragonBall Z's brand of Androids set to take over the world with their immense and sheer firepower. They all seem to share the character traits as them, acting all smug and superior, and stuff. Imagine just being okay knowing you're an android based on a normal-looking girl, but then you're told that you're a replacement of a replacement. It's kind of horrifying really.
So, in my eyes - this entry is basically an abridged take on DragonBall Z's Android Saga with Kuniko Takahashi's flavoring on top of it. But it is strictly its own thing than any sort of imitation - lovingly written with its own ideas and a direction that any reader/watcher/fan can get behind.
For me, the American character is a highlight with Abigail's entire beef with her sister coming to a close second. You've got your basic story of saving the world from a Mad Scientist and their army of evil Androids.
I'd give it a watch though since it's been written with love and care from its inspiration or assumed from my perspective per say. Come on, you got someone trying to take over the world with super robots and only robots can beat their army.