Japanese Release - 02/09/2010
Translated Rerelease - 02/27/2017
Japanese Placement - 33nd
Translated Placement - 10th
Length - Super Long
Genre - Comedy
Born from a nuclear weapon
Oh boy, just showing it out there, huh?
Born from a nuclear weapon
Once upon a time, an old man and an old lady lived together in peace. Their lives are forever changed with a nuclear weapon washes down the stream near their home. They intended to scrap the nuclear weapon for materials to sell for cash. But what they found instead was a little girl inside of it, they adopted her and named her Nuclella.
Ten years later, she beats her adoptive father to death as they lacked the funds to give her an allowance despite being given love and affection. She finds herself in town and is approached by a man offering her ten thousand yen, her disgust for the man's intent soon turns into fifteen thousand yen.
They go into a hotel room where she daringly undresses herself in front of the man. But instead of skin, Nuclella shows her true monster-like form to him. Due to being born from the nuclear weapon, she is forced to replace her skin with her victims every three weeks or she'll die from the radiation.
With the skin of her recent victim completely on, she is quickly approached and dragged around by a man the victim knows. She finds herself standing in a TV Studio and in front of the director her victim was working for.
It appears she's taken the skin of a writer for a TV Show, and is thrown into a cell - as a means to get inspired.
Nuclear Skin Dressing Youth
Ten years of love paid back.
Nuclear Skin Dressing Youth
You are in the radiantly everchanging-flesh replacing-skin wearing Nuclella, a girl born from a nuclear weapon. She finds herself thrusted into the shoes of a writer she recently took the skin of. Forced into writing a script for a popular show called Kawagoe Love Story, and imprisoned against her will.
She is forced to write the next episode's script against her will, thrown and locked inside of a room with no way out. With pen and paper in hand, a script is written as fast as the eye can see. For the show she is writing for is targeted for young women, and it appears to be in the genre of romance.
Can she maintain the show's popularity and ratings with no experience in writing whatsoever or will she die a slow and painful death?
Can she keep her secret from the others or will she have to reveal her true form?
Is she even a good writer?!

The story
Holy crap, this is a whooping thirty minute entry. There is no way I'm going to write something that long into something like these, I-I.. think!
So, basically the opening's first few lines serves as a Shout-Out to the previous entry right until a nuclear weapon washes ashore near the couple's house. Like any normal person, they intended to scrap it for material to get some money. But then a girl comes out of it like that scene in Chrono Cross where Serge is reborn through magic.
Despite being given love and affections for ten years, she murders her adoptive father and goes into town because they have no money. Leaving her life behind like a Ungrateful Bastard and then she meets a man who offers money out of nowhere. Seeing that she's a beautiful young woman and all, she is utterly disgusted by the gesture until he offers more money. Then the Deconstruction and Surprisingly Realistic Outcome tropes come into play - and it is revealed that her true form is that of a monster.
Because she was born from a nuclear weapon, the radiation she emits is incredibly lethal to her when she is not wearing skin. She only has three weeks every time she swaps out and has a new victim.
And since she's been alive for ten years, you'd think she'd leave a trail of bodies and be stopped by the police. but nah, she quickly takes the man's skin and finds herself found by somebody else. The man she killed is actually the writer of a popular TV Show.
Kawagoe Love Story and it is targeted towards young women. The man she killed was going around seeking some sort of "recreation" and he happened to pay the ultimate price for it.
Basically, she is forced against her will to write for the show, gets imprisoned, and has no writing experience whatsoever. She completes the script and the writer's buddy takes it to the director. It turns out that it is only seven words and it's about defeating the Demon and another Shout-Out to another previous entry.
Instead of scrapping the script like a normal director would've, this director just goes with the flow assuming Nuclella is a master scriptwriter. Leaving the production of the next episode to the producers.
We're then introduced to a few new characters who are watching the show and... two characters from the show itself. It plays out as you'd expect from a romance show up until the male lead goes through some Character Derailment or Character Assassination like a Games Of Thrones character and throws out any development he had for like seven episodes. What he does is kill off the female lead and goes to confront the Giant Space Flea from Nowhere in the form of the Demon.
What happens is that the sponsor is pissed enough that they threaten to cut their funding of Kawagoe Love Story. Once more, Nuclella is forced to write another script to save the show from losing their sponsor. With another dosage of Character Derailment or Character Assassination of the male lead and the swift removal of the Demon via Truck-kun, the sponsor leaves.
Nuclella has a change of heart upon hearing the news of the funding being cut as she comes to love being forced to write. She rouses the director and what's left of the staff to write up a new episode to save the show.
Instead of saving the show, she ends up taking the skins of both the director and the remaining staff members - doing it on live TV because the writer's skin is starting to wear off. One of the characters watching the show sees this and decides to sleep but... she gets her skin taken too!
With everyone gone, Nuclella is the only one left to carry on Kawagoe Love Story. A new sponsor comes up and offers to fund the last episode as he enjoyed what happened. We're back to what we initially had as the male lead dismisses the previous episodes as a mere imagination, but then we go through a third round of Character Derailment or Character Assassination before the episode is cut short to Keijirou's father who is told by another person that their service was cut.
The episode was a hit, but then the sponsor sics their living weapons on Nuclella because she refuses to have Kawagoe Love Story used to create weapons. Her skin is cut down and is forced to fight in her true form and defeats both the sponsor and their living weapons.
I think I got most of the important bits without condensing too much.
The characters
Like the last few entries, I'll condense and write for the characters with the most screentime or so.
You have our protagonist of this entry, Nuclella. She is a girl born from a nuclear weapon who finds herself thrusted into the role of a writer and in charge of a popular romance show called Kawagoe Love Story. After spending ten tears with her adoptive parents, she accidentally kills her adoptive father due to the lack of money. She ends up being forced to hold a pen and write episodes for a popular TV Show before helming it all by herself.
She initially starts out as a Gold Digger but gradually goes through Character Development after writing a few episodes for Kawagoe Love Story, seeing her forced role as something to love and enjoy. Despite her actions in regards of taking skin off her victims to keep herself from dying of radiation, she's actually pretty decent as a person.
Her Character Development results in her choosing to stop her sponsor from using Kawagoe Love Story to create living weapons, becoming a semi-heroic person at the end of the story.
If you think about it, she is forced to change her skin every three weeks. 17 people a year fall victim to her antics, but if you multiply that by ten. Then the number goes up to 173 people which by most standards in this series is tame, No one can top President Sanderson's body count at all.
Then you have The Director, the guy that hired Nuclella's recent victim as the writer for Kawagoe Love Story. As far as I've seen of his character, he has a terrible judgment of character, does not treat his workers well, and is incredibly gullible. Think of his characterization akin to Calebcity's characters on YouTube.
Then you have Robert and the actors for Kawagoe Love Story, despite having as much screentime as their director, only he has any sort of characterization.
But it is very normal for Kuniko Takahashi's characters to either have character or not. Most of them end up getting killed off by the end of almost every story.
As you already know by now, I do have my favorites in this series but I will do my best to be as fair as possible and list my reasons. But they're subjective and my personal thoughts.
This entry is pretty decent to go with. You've got a clear narrative with one of several examples of their protagonist/s going through Character Development, an interesting plot twist, and good usage of repeatedly used tropes.
But you gotta think, the entertainment industry got out of a strike as of 2023. We all know every job in the world is treated very very poorly and unpaid to the point that some people become prisoners or married to the job.