Japanese Release - 08/08/2009
Translated Rerelease - 02/27/2017
Japanese Placement - 18th
Translated Placement - 3rd
Length - Long
Genre - Horror
A NEET no more!
What can possibly go wrong? Everything.
A NEET no more!
Keijirou's life as a NEET is no more, thrown into the light and burned as he finds himself in the world of the supernatural. Through his connections with his father and without any sort of screening or interviews, Keijirou lands himself in the holy profession of an exorcist. The company is managed by a talking puppy with both his co-workers being a demon and a skeleton who fashions himself a holy priest.
Unfortunately for Keijirou, he dies and within an hour of working - being killed in the crossfire with a possessed girl. Dying without any proper training or instruction in the profession of an exorcist. The company finds themselves in a literal bind as Keijirou is the son of the company's CEO.
With an hour left before the CEO visits the company to see how his son is doing in their care, they decide to do the unthinkable. Dabble in the dark arts and revive Keijirou as a zombie!
Calling their vacationing necromancer to bring back the dead boy, rising back to life as an undead zombie. The revival is a success and just in time for the arrival of his father.
But something is amiss, Keijirou is suddenly acting way too eager and has developed a craving for meat. When he and his father decide to eat out at a restaurant, his craving for meat is so strong that he decides to eat the waitress serving them.
With human flesh in his system, Keijirou goes on a rampage to service himself some human meat!
Satsify thy hunger
What a cute puppy! They're the manager mind you.
Satsify thy hunger
You are the flesh-eating NEET-turned-exorcist-turned-Zombie Keijirou, son of Shoujirou Sakata. His father's fear of him being a NEET for all of his life has backfired hard, dying within the first hour of becoming a functional member of society.
The world of the supernatural not only has claimed his life but has changed him for the worst. Sinking his teeth into an innocent woman's flesh right in front of his father's eyes.
Can Keijirou keep his urge for human meat at bay or will he become a demonic menace to the very society his father wanted him to be a member of?
Stop eating people and become a functioning member of society already!

The story
The story starts off with a pretty simple story setup, a NEET becoming a member of society and finding a job. Except the company he finds himself in is far from normal. Instead of an office job that most Japanese people get in, he gets drafted into the supernatural world as an exorcist.
As you know, Japan does have a population of NEETs. As far as I know, they're pretty much in some of the populated areas of Japan. Making themselves right at home in isolated rooms in specialized cafes and just staying there to do whatever. Don't take my word for it though as it isn't up-to-date in regards to Japan's problems. In this day and age though, both the job market and inflation in recent times have caused a lot of people to regress quite a bit and become shut-ins and/or NEETs. Lots of layoffs and a competitive job market has done a lot of harm.
So, it is pretty obvious that a company being run by a puppy supervising a demon and a skeleton goes as well as you'd expect. Serving as a Deconstruction, Keijirou dies in what is essentially considered assault on a minor as the person they're trying to exorcize. What did you expect of Keijirou, a NEET with no work experience let alone combat skills to survive a job where danger lurks everywhere?
Like the good co-workers they are, they mock him even in death. But they didn't know that he is the son of Shoujirou Sakata, the CEO of their company. Instead of bringing him to a priest and reviving him like a normal human being would do, they bring in their in-house necromancer to bring him back to life.
As expected, his revival goes very wrong and serves as another Deconstruction. They revived him as a zombie and he unexpectedly starts chewing up people like items on a menu in front of his father. Then as if a boomerang, he comes back to the group and bites them like karma would.
His father hires an assassin to kill his son because he's changed way too much - but that is expected because his company turned him into a zombie instead of bringing him to a priest. But Keijirou comes around and chases his father and swiftly deals with the assassin. As soon as he corners his father, the zombie boy confesses his feelings of neglect and starts a heart-to-heart conversation. Just as they're about to patch up, the assassin nukes them.
As a plot twist, the entire story is made up by the real Keijirou. Using the made-up story to warn his father of why becoming a functional member of society is a bad idea for him, and why he should remain a NEET for the rest of his life.
Just like what happened in the made-up story, the demon and skeleton come to exorcize someone. That someone is of course Keijirou. They ended up hospitalizing him instead because their method of exorcism is all about beating up people.
The characters
Our protagonist is of course Keijirou, both versions of him to boot. Made-up Keijirou serves as the Decoy Protagonist with the real Keijirou as the true protagonist of the story. Made-up Keijirou is as you'd expect, your garden-variety NEET who is a Fish out of Water, and a nice guy to boot. But he devolves into insanity right after he dies, becoming a menace to society as a man-eating zombie. I like him alot better as a zombie because of how much of a driving force he becomes.
The real Keijirou is of course a far cry from his made-up version, for he actually wants to be a lazy good-for-nothing NEET. Boy wants to avoid working in society so he can mooch off his dad for the rest of his life. It is too bad some elements of his story are actually true.
As you know, Character Development is one of the few things that Kuniko Takahashi does not regularly do. While there is a sense of Continuity between the entries - no two characters with the same name are the same. A number of the characters you see in the series are either reused in side and/or minor roles with many of them being former protagonists of their respective videos. In fact, Keijirou appears in the next entry without any mention of the previous story that he starred in.
Onto the supporting cast, I'll condense it a little bit since this is centered on the company that made-up Keijirou joins. They are a company that made-up Keijirou's father owns, and their choice to revive made-up Keijirou drives the second half of the story.
- Manager Golden Retriever Puppy - this pupper is in charge of the company's exorcists.
- They're basically the straight man of the company, kind of a Father to His Men type character.
- Gamigin - a demon exorcist, kind of ironic really.
- He's one half of a duo with Father Jacob, a chill dude with a trigger finger who basically gets made-up Keijirou killed and beats up the real Keijirou alongside Father Jacob.
- Father Jacob - a priest who oddly looks like Elvis Presley.
- A veteran priest who has been in the business for thirty years or so. He is one half of a duo with Gamigin, acts rad and hip, and has a unique theme and sound effect whenever he speaks.
Then you have made-up Shoujirou Sakata and the real Shoujirou Sakata - both of which act very similar to each other despite the latter barely having an screentime whatsoever. The only difference between the two of them is how they deal with their respective Keijirou. Both are understandable people with relatable reasons.
You also have the girl that totally floored Keijirou and that assassin dude that made-up Keijirou floored.
An entry that goes from a relatively Fish Out Of Water story into a horror film, deconstructing and playing straight a few tropes regarding both Keijirous and the company the made-up Keijirou joins. The story for the first half is driven by Gamigin and Father Jacob with the second half being made-up Keijirou's descent into being a zombie.
As mentioned, I like zombie Keijirou since he drives pretty much the entire story once he starts becoming hungry for flesh. As for Gamigin and Father Jacob, they're literally street thugs beating the crap out of people. They are of course undead so naturally they can't perform exorcism with magic, so their fists are on the table.
The deconstructive aspects are good enough for a laugh.