Japanese Release - 01/19/2010
Translated Rerelease - 02/27/2017
Japanese Placement - 32nd
Translated Placement - 9th
Length - Long
Genre - Adventure
The quest to maintain another peaceful day
Whipping up yet another whacky plot!
The quest to maintain another peaceful day
Once upon a time, there lived an elderly couple. It was yet another peaceful and uneventful day until tragedy struck them. The man of the two collapses out of nowhere, causing his wife to lose her mind. Her yearly supply of yen goes down the drain if he were to die.
In order to ensure her husband's survival, she goes on a quest to capture a monster that would help save her husband from the claws of death. Traversing through the hot scorching volcanic terrain and captures the legendary rare monster, Thunderdragon. But her efforts to save her husband end in vain.
For the very Thunderdragon she brought fried her husband into atoms and bits, killing him almost instantly. She wails in despair of her impending doom and decides to defy it by replacing him with another man.
A week passes and the Thunderdragon has found her a match, a salaryman by the name of Taishou Sato. But he is just a second-rate man in the eyes of the elderly woman, but she knows she can't be picky.
But when she arrives at the city that Taishou Sato is in, she and her Thunderdragon are attacked on sight. The sighting of a legendary rare monster has put the city on high alert, choosing to defend themselves from such a monster.
The fleet that attacked them were all but slaughtered by the Thunderdragon. With no choice, the mayor of the city initiates a Super Sentai Robot transformation like the Power Rangers. Combining the city into one singular being, a Super Robot capable of defeating monsters.
Defeating the legendary rare monster with ease as the elderly woman falls from the skies.
The crusading in the name of money!
...and he's dead...
The crusading in the name of money!
You are in the shoes of an Old Lady who desires nothing more than to have enough to life off the rest of her life. Her efforts of saving her husband alongside the yearly supply that comes with his survival is all but blown into atoms and bits, having used too much of Thunderdragon's power as a defibrillator.
With nothing but bones of her husband, she immediately heads for the city to kidnap a salaryman with the Thunderdragon to replace her husband. But the city goes Super Sentai Giant Robot Mode and slays the very Thunderdragon she's on, mistaking their arrival as some sort of attack.
Will she be able to meet the man of financial dreams or will she die an early death in poverty?
Will she have to resort to insanity to gain financial stability?!

The story
We open the story to an elderly couple living in a rather empty house. But that's a given since they're living frugally and all, and that Kuniko Takahashi has had some entries like that.
So, the man of the two just suddenly collapses as if he's had some sort of stroke or heart attack. This stuns and scares his wife as his survival is essential to maintaining their daily life since money is important to her. Instead of doing what a normal person would've done and call medical services, so she goes into a volcanic area and captures a legendary rare monster called Thunderdragon. Instead of actually saving him, she kills her husband via Mundane Utility through using magical lightning as a defibrillator.
As all of you know, the world is in alot of suck. Job market is shot, inflation is throwing almost everyone under the bus, and the payrate is far too low to live off of.
The Old Lady writes off her husband's death and decides that she needs to pull a Replacement Goldfish via kidnapping a man in his thirties. She has the very monster that killed her husband find potential matches/suitors as if she's playing a dating simulator.
And like no normal person would ever do, she rides the Thunderdragon towards the city the salaryman lives in. But given that a legendary rare monster is big and huge and suddenly appearing out of the blue, Surprisingly Realistic Outcome plays out and the city attacks the both of them. Instead of resolving the conflict, she orders the Thunderdragon to fight back and slaughters the fleet trying to shoot them down.
With no other choice, the mayor of the city initiates a transformation that is akin to what the Power Rangers do when they fight a big monster. The Thunderdragon dies in the fight and the Old Lady survives from a great height that would naturally doom just about any normal human being.
Her husband's ghost approaches her, giving her a heartfelt speech and apologizing for all the pain and suffering she had to go through. Just when she's about to join him into the afterlife, she sucker punches her husband's ghost and blames him for a lot of her problems. Promptly she beats up his ghost and collapses from the beatdown.
She takes out Rare Monster Meat and eats it like candy, and transform into a rare monster and into the Ultimate Life Form. She continues her quest to find her husband's replacement because that's what she would do.
With a new monster appearing out of the blue, the mayor of the city-turned-Sentai Giant Robot attacks it in order to improve his approval ratings. But of course, he fails and is blown up with everyone inside.
As if the situation could get any worse, it is then revealed that the Old Lady is insane and that everything that has happened is all in her head. Her husband is of course worried about her bout of insanity before their grandchild barges into the room. Meet Sam, he'll appear in more stories and star in his own.
Sam does a Call-Back from a line said at the start of the story, if the Old Lady dies, his inheritance is all but gone. She then passes away silently, causing Sam to panic and grab some defibrillator and knocks out the doctor trying to stop him.
He juices it up to max power and she comes back to life. But she Came Back Wrong and starts referring herself as a monster that she transformed into in her head. The doctor says that bringing her back to life too rashly has made her crazy and delusional at that. Her brain is scrambled to the point both reality and fantasy merged together.
Like a decent person that Sam is, he demands that his grandma writes her will but instead gets into a fight with her instead. She corners her grandson, and he finds himself forced to use one of the Signature Moves of the series, Giga Death Flare Blowing his grandma into bits as if it was nothing.
But she ends up surviving that before Sam repeatedly spams Rapid Pierce Shot. Gunning down his own kin as the beatdown he gives convinces her to write the will. Sam has a change of heart, citing that seeing his grandma in good health is good enough. Putting his heart to taking care of her for the rest of her days... with a low yearly income to boot.
Then a Aesop appears to signal the end of the story which is about the shortages of nationwide nursing facilities. In real life, we actually do not have enough doctors and nurses in the world. They're actually treated very poorly to the point they're as disposable as the food industry's workers, turning a much beloved profession into a heavily mistreated one.
There is just way too many of us on this planet and far too few doctors to go around seeking help from.
The characters
Okay, you've got a digestible sized cast of characters but I'll condense it to a few characters. One of the problems I've faced writing these entries is seeing how many characters actually have enough screentime to write for - but it's pretty common in this series since many characters die way too fast.
You've got two versions of Old Lady, we'll give her two names to differentiate the two. We start the story with Old Hag, the fictionalized version of Old Lady who sacrifices her humanity to find a replacement husband after accidentally killing her previous husband. Her days of living a quiet and peaceful life end in a tragedy that she herself ended up causing. After failing to kidnap her new husband and sending her previous husband's ghost back to the afterlife, she eats the flesh of a rare monster and becomes one herself.
She's kind of a Gold Digger and a Ungrateful Bastard only caring about the material but not things such as her husband and the relationship she possibly had with him. She goes from that to Drunk With Power and into a literal monster who resorts to kidnapping her husband's replacement.
Old Lady is the real version of... Old Lady and only appears in the last few minutes of the story. Carrying bits of her fictionalized version of herself into the real world as Sam attempts to save her for selfish reasons. You can almost say that they're just the same character but Sam mentions how she taken care of him and all.
Then you have Sam who happens to be her grandson. He's basically Old Hag but in the real world, and he only cares about Old Lady so he can inherit whatever she has the moment she dies. He does go through some level of development and sees the error of his ways... after basically nuking the hospital they're in with Giga Death Flare.
A pretty solid entry with an Aesop that goes hand-and-hand with the real world's issues. The plot is pretty tight despite the plot reveal being a made-up story and the characters are pretty fine and standard for the series.
Despite almost all of the entries being made and written in the late 2000s and early 2010s, most of the Aesops that is delivered is pretty applicable to the real world. Some things that happen in there actually happen in real-life in the early 2020s. in a roundabout way. Just look at how AI's influence affects the real world that mirrors much of Baldr Sky's initial premise of potential real world effects of AI's usage.