Japanese Release - 09/30/2018
Translated Release - 10/14/2018
Japanese Placement - 51st
Translated Placement - 28th
Length - Long
Genre - Action
A battle between Social Media Influencers!
Truly, a big-bust brawl...
A battle between Social Media Influencers!
It is a battle between the Hero or Heroine and the Dark Lord. The fight between the ultimate goodness and the ultimate evil turns into a competition of who can overwhelm whom not through words or power. But through the power of cell phones and Social Media, the power of a thousand words through a single photo.
With the photo of the Heroine in a most defeated pose that garnered 280,000 likes from the people of the Internet. The Dark Lord boasts her Social Media superiority, and proceeds to show the Heroine's Social Media page to her as a means to torment her inability to best her. Photos of the food she ate for both breakfast and lunch, causing the Heroine to attack and wail in despair. That is until she has bright idea.
Like a flip of a switch, using her phone's editing capabilities - she creates a Deepfake of the Dark Lord on the ground. Garnering 432,335 likes on Social Media. Such cheap tricks forces the Dark Lord to do something drastic.
Summoning her Hellhound to even the odds... garnering 102 likes. A number that is truly worthy for a Dark Lord.
The escalation of to becoming liked and famous!
Trying really hard to look good?
The escalation of to becoming liked and famous!
You are in the shoes of potential Social Media warmonger, Hero or Heroine. She is in a battle with the Dark Lord, facing her strongest enemy yet - facing her in a battle of might and photos.
Witnessing the power of Social Media, and the pure strength of likes, she strives to overwhelm the Dark Lord through popularity. By using any means necessary - through force, through murder, literally anything she could think of.
Can she even defeat the Dark Lord through Social Media when all physical attacks can't even phase her?
Or will her actions backfire horribly to the point that the likes turn into dislikes?
Is this even a conflict between good and evil or much worse?

The story
It's been a relatively tough week since Benz passed away around the time this entry was written, I'll do my best to write this entry. This entry and two others will be dedicated in/to his memory, as he passed away during the near completion of the writing portion of the remake. If you haven't seen the introduction or completely skipped, there is a memorial dedicated to him. It uhhh.. takes the size of the entire page, which is quite fitting because he did have a big heart.
Once more, we are introduced to the opening menu screen where the character in question has a huge bust that matches the title's name. As soon as it opens, we get a well-animated explosion and a panning shot introduction to a castle with the cliche opening words that's been around since forever. Just like the previous entries showcasing a castle or some sort of town, two people are fighting each other as if it were the final battle of the story. We are introduced to Hero or Heroine who is a Recurring Element via title and takes on the appearance of Rachel, and Recurring Element Dark Lord who takes on the appearance of Sam's mother. Just like the previous entry, they're duking it and the Hero loses the fight fairly fast, and the Dark Lord comes in to finish her off.
But instead of killing her with a fatal blow, the sounds of a camera is made. The Dark Lord took a photo of her, posted it online and titling it Weaksauce Hero lol, and flexes her Likes like a Social Media Influencer that wasn't much of a trend during the time that this entry was made.
As most of you know, when COVID, a lot of people were laid off from their jobs or forced to stay at home and away from the office. Turning most of the world's population and workforce into a "Work From Home" one for about three years. The rise of Social Media Influences came about once COVID became a problem to the entire world.
People had a lot of free time and were forced to stay at home like NEETs. So, with all the free time, they used it to do things that would entertain them the most and shared them online with other people. The typical stuff shown would usually be weird photos, one minute videos that range from silly things to narration, and angry drama rants. OF course, this entry will Deconstruct those aspects pretty fast actually since the entire narrative is like a Take That!.
Back to the story, Heroine takes the Social Media posting as an insult and proceeds to counter attack with a Social Media post of her own. She decides to grill her further and show the Heroine's photos in a mocking tone. Showing photos of the food she ate and stuff. The Heroine not wanting to suffer this grilling decides to take a photo and Use the power of editing via a uhhh.. 45 Degree or 90 Degree turn and posting it online.
Garnering 432,335 likes and titling it Too EZ Once I Put In Some Effort LOL, and this action turns into a flex of how many likes they'll get as the Heroine insults the Dark Lord's age by calling her a forty-something which is clearly a reference to Sexy Winter Vacation's antagonist. The Dark Lord summons her Hellhound who is a tiny dog that looks too friendly and whose photo garners 102 likes. The Heroine decides to be a jerk and insult the Hellhounds, and proceeds to tell the Dark Lord a flex and teleports away to show her an example.
Instead of actually proving a point, she ends up Deconstructing Social Media Is Bad and Social Media Before Reason and attacks or attempts to murder an old lady, posting the photo, titling it Kindhearted Hero Helps Old Lady that rakes up 140,482 likes. The Dark Lord appears and attempts to save the old lady while posting a photo of her heroic action that is titled Even Dark Lords Help People! and garners 482 likes. The Heroine mocks her, teleports away, and completely expects the Dark Lord to be crying like a pussy.
The Dark Lord appears at the Heroine's home and takes a photo of a clip that garners 50,394,879 likes whose number references the fifty million yen Running Gag. Of course, she is called out on the number and tells the Heroine that the old lady she nearly murdered was super duper rich and gave her five trillion yen. That money was used to buy votes or likes in this case, Deconstructing Bad Influencer via bribery and manipulation. The Heroine counterattacks with a photo of a kitten titled My Cat Is The Cutest and garners 102 likes.
The lack of likes forces the Heroine to go out and murder Recurring Character Abigail in a bid to garner as many likes as possible and does the one thing that actually happens in real-life. She proceeds to post a photo of her murder of Abigail and titling it GIMME LIKESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! and the Fictional Social Network they're on pulls a YouTube and gives her negative 9,335,811 likes.
The number is there to act as a Deconstruction for her antics, and that wanting likes and showcasing photos of her latest and fresh murder is a no-no. The Dark Lord comes in to boast about her popularity and the Heroine is not up for it.
Surprisingly Realistic Outcome happens and the police show up to arrest the Heroine because the photo she posted online is a crime scene, the Dark Lord bails and the police try to shoot up the Heroine.
But his gun has no effect on her and she decides to Deconstruct the Bad Influencer trope to the extreme. She murders the officer via Signature Move Ultra Vulcano Shot and posts a photo of it, and... garners a negative 18,399,748 likes.
And just like some real-life Social Media Influencers, she goes off the rails at the idea that no one understands her photos, and that she doesn't need their likes. Then proceeds to do what Blue Russian did and uses another Signature Move and blows up the Earth and killing everyone on it; the move by the way is Ngoeyyo Shot. Since everyone on Earth is dead, no one can give a dislike.
While The Warrior Returns was a story that was created in 2021. A lot of the story beats show in this entry mirrors alot of Chapter 1, specifically the main characters going off the rails over something social-related. For Minsu Kim, it was about him finding out how his Isekai adventure has ruined his life and many others while both the Heroine and the Dark Lord's desires to amass as much likes as possible drove them absolutely boinkers. Both of these story beats are Deconstructions of two completely different things though.
But then the Dark Lord gives her a dislike. The Dark Lord obviously grills the Heroine for blowing up Kawagoe despite the fact that all of Earth was the cause of it. They get into a verbal spat that you'd see in the comicbooks between Betty and Veronica, and uhhh... the Heroine rudely states that the Dark Lord should go die of a Menopausal Disorder.
Of course, when you are middle aged, your body starts to function very very differently and certain... illnesses happen. For women, their reproductive systems start to bring harm to them to various degrees - something that becomes a biological threat when they get older.
So, they proceed to go to the Running Gag final battlefield and... they teleport to the Dark Lord's castle that seems to still exist despite the Heroine blasting the Earth into kingdom come. They have their duel and the Heroine pulls a Minsu Kim and her The Power of Hate fuels her enough to stand a chance against the Dark Lord. Then the Dark Lord pulls a second form that changes her character portrait that swiftly gets mocked and chalked up as her putting on make-up or something.
But before one of them can finish off the other, Hellhound jumps in and tells their master about some super bad news. That bad news is that she's being nearly outranked in Social Media power via likes, this gets them to stop fighting.
A lady by the name of Zoe who happens to be taking photos of nearly nude photos online and yet another Deconstruction to boot. Despite this, no one should even be alive at this point in the story because the Earth is blown up. The photos they look at have 12,776,457 likes and 37,909,004 likes, both of which combine to 50,685,461 likes. Yet again, another reference to the fifty million yen Running Gag.
The two team up to confront Zoe, as they fear another porn photo would cause a huge upset to the established. They arrive at her home easily because she is so famous acting as both a Deconstruction and Surprisingly Realistic Outcome to another aspect of a Social Media tropes. So, they barge in despite the Heroine's cat saying they've got a bad feeling. Zoe grills the two of them on their statuses and proceeds to imagine using their deaths as a means to boost up her Social Media power to the max. Both the Heroine and the Dark Lord are instantly killed through a snap of a photo and... her likes raise through the roof.
Zoe decides that her porno photos are strong enough to jump start World Domination. But then Hellhound and Charlie both step up and become the main characters of the story, deciding that they must stop Zoe. They are of course immune to the photo snap that took their beloved owners and swiftly detach Zoe's head from her body.
Then we're shown the same starry sky in some endings, and another Aesop is started. Said Aesop tears into the brief Deconstructions of the Social Media tropes, saying that what matters more is the inside instead that counts but not the material aspects.
The story then closes... before we're given an introduction to another story that seems to have been built up from somewhere!
Flying Cockeroach II is a thing, and some they briefly mention characters from a different entry and their events. Acting as a afterstory of that entry, seeing them forced to do horrible things in the name of survival. They proceed to assemble their elite forces called the Crackroaches and they start their mission. And then we're shown a loading screen that clearly is not from Skyrim.
The moment they come out, they are attacked by a Cat that has been waiting for them and that they're breakfast. Everyone gets slain but the leader of the roaches, and... the story ends on a cliffhanger.
The characters
This entry's cast of characters outside of that whole skit with the roaches and the last minute main characters will be written. I can't really do much for characters who barely get enough screentime, so yeah.
The unique thing about the three characters I'll be talking about is that they're all Deconstructions of Social Media tropes or rather New Media Tropes. Each of them explore the same kind of tropes such as Social Media Before Reason, Social Media Is Bad, and Bad Influencer. These kind of things with Social Media were on the rise for the past few years before and after this entry's posting, so their depiction in this entry matches and almost directly mirrors the ones you see in the 2020s. COVID made these kind of people really relevant and extremely dangerous even if they were just people with cellphones.
The most extreme example being Donald Trump himself, making alot of what you see happening in this entry and the character writing Harsher in Hindsight. Given his usual routine during his time as President was making making alot of... rude posts on Twitter/X on a near daily basis unfiltered and uncontrolled.
Onto the characters, anyways.
The main character and protagonist of most of this entry is Heroine, a girl who totally does not look like Rachel in the slightest whatsoever while being a Recurring Element. The Heroine was facing the Dark Lord in her castle in a epic final battle where she was unable to make a dent on her. Instead of being finished off, the Dark Lord took photos of her on the ground. Sparking a battle of Social Media that would soon effect the entire world.
The Heroine is more or less both a Foil and Shadow Archetype to the Dark Lord even though they become very similar in the near end. She does not act like what her name and title says at all, instead she acts like one of the most negative aspects of a Social Media Influencer that plagues most of real-life in the 2020s post-COVID.
Her Deconstruction aspects explore what happens when a Bad Influencer repeatedly use Social Media to gain love and attention, and how bad it corrupts them into meances of society. She starts off from photo-editing, to commiting a crime and staging it to make herself look good, to murdering people for likes, to blowing up the Earth in order to stop getting dislikes.
She turns into a Villain Protagonist fueled by The Power of Hate not unlike Minsu Kim of The Warrior Returns, and Shinn Asuka from Gundam Seed Destiny.
In real-life, the means of getting attention through Social Media started off relatively tame until people turning things such as Facebook and YouTube into full-time careers. From simple posts and video about their family lives slowly turned and twisted into prank mean-spirited rants and videos about subjects and things they do not like. The worst kind are where someone does a certain thing to get attention and likes, turning potentially good people into monsters in a bid to be something more.
The main antagonist for much of the entry is the Dark Lord who uses the graphics of Sam's mother who is also a Recurring Element. She finds herself fighting the Heroine barely on even footing, shrugging off all of her attacks with ease. With one final attack shrugged off, the Dark Lord snaps a quick photo and posts it online like it was nothing. Boosting her popularity online, not knowing it would effect the entire world.
The Dark Lord in this entry is a Foil and Shadow Archetype to the Heroine, although they become similar to each other over the course of the narrative. She represents a different kind of negative aspect of a Social Media Influencer. The kind that those in that kind of stuff aspire to be to be precise.
Her Deconstruction leans more on the social aspects of Social Media tropes, specifically when someone's popularity inspires and negatively affect those who want to be like them. She spends much of her time increasing her Social Media power through the actions of the Heroine who was urged by her popularity. Using her mistakes to make herself look good in the eyes of the public, which is something that actually has happened a lot in real-life.
In real-life, Social Media has enabled people to speak out from the deepest depths of their heart. Typically Facebook and Twitter/X allowed people of all walks of life to express what they think without being censored being anyone. But in the process of having an unfiltered means of saying what you want online has caused a lot more harm than good, especially those in higher standing with a prime example of that being Donald Trump. Aside from him, people in the entertainment industry such as voice actors have gotten some of their words either misunderstood or worse, and many government people have gotten their words used as ammo for their political rivals to harp on.
With unlimited access to words of people in high positions, many people use their words to fuel their argument and a lot of them have used YouTube so others can hear what they have to say. Of course, most people nowadays do not show their faces since people have been attacked that way.
And yes, a good chunk of people have lost their entire lives because someone online decided to use whatever they posted online as ammo, causing them to either get fired, doxxed, or worse. A recent example of the 2020s is a teacher losing his job because he got one of his students to critically think - something that society is in dire straits for in the 2020s and more.
People are entitled to say and post whatever they want online because the Internet is generally the only place where they can be themselves and/or something more. But being yourself as a person who has status and/or fame is like carrying a double-edged sword. There are just people who want to see the entire world burn around them, and that's just how a good chunk of the Internet is.
Most importantly, carrying yourself with moderation is like asking to get hit or something. So, you'd be seeing alot of famous people going all out on their thoughts, beliefs, and ideals.
Now we're onto the actual antagonist of the entry who happens to be one of the many cases of the series using Last Episode, New Character, the not-so pronophotographer Zoe. As the battle of Social Media was about to come to a close between the Heroine and the Dark Lord. Zoe's rise to power was unchecked and unimpeded, becoming a threat at the very last minute - forcing an unexpected team-up between the two ultimates of good and evil.
Despite Zoe appearing within the last few minutes of this entry's narrative, her entire character writing explores another different aspect of Social Media tropes, but more specifically the type of person using the most drastic avenues of success and serving as the logical conclusion and end to the Deconstructions of both the Heroine and the Dark Lord. While her screen time is extremely small, her entire character is basically is a representation of someone who uses their body on Social Media - typically those who uses less than savory platforms to gain attention.
During her entire time on the screen, she is incredibly obsessed with her image, fame, and popularity. Acting exactly like the Heroine and the Dark Lord disturbingly so. Instead of wanting to stop them because it would be the right thing to do, she instead is so into the idea that stopping them would increase her popularity through the roof. Of course, when she did stop them, her popularity did raise through the roof and many of her attacks were all about framing a photo shot.
Of course, she gets easily defeated for whatever reason though.
You also have Hellhound, Charlie, and the roaches but they're barely even in the story or they're just kind of there.
If you ignore the fact that this entire entry's narrative is basically a not-so subtle Take That! to the rise of Social Media during the time of its release which was around 2018 and a Harsher in Hindsight after the COVID era. It's a very good exploration of Deconstruction of Social Media Influencers or at least some tropes of them. The narrative does a very good job of using its runtime to explore the Heroine's need to rise high than the Dark Lord, the constant goading the Dark Lord causes inboth short and long term, and the sudden rise of and the logical conclusion that is Zoe.
It has a well-defined Three-Act Structure that can be easily followed since they follow one or two characters, with the final act focusing on the logical conclusion to their characters in the form of someone like Zoe. The characters themselves are well-written despite the amount of screen time they all share together, and all of them get their fair share if you exclude the real main characters and the roaches.
I'd give this a good watch or two if you're into Kuniko Takahashi's writing and whatnots. It does have all the typical stuff you'd see in one of her entries and has a lot of thought put into her writing.