Japanese Release - 06/26/2010
Translated Rerelease - 03/02/2017
Japanese Placement - 38th
Translated Placement - 15th
Length - Long
Genre - Action
A man going on a rampage because of his dog, this John Wick?
The plot is far more complicated than it seems...
A man going on a rampage because of his dog, this John Wick?
A young college student's daily life with his beloved dog abruptly ended by a pile of debt. With a whooping fifty million yen attached to his name, his beloved dog is seized by Bichman Inc, losing the only thing he sees as family. But one year later, he finds the fate of his beloved dog and it leaves him fuming with rage.
Bichman Inc turned his beloved dog into a killer assassin, trained and dedicated to making examples to anyone who can't pay off their debts. Richard brings out his assault rifle and begins his assault on Bichman Inc in order to save his beloved Vicky.
Nothing but rage fuels Richard's heart as the security forces of Bichman Inc are mowed down like blades of grass. But he is stopped from going any higher as a monster blasts him into bits.
As soon as he wakes up, he is met with a familiar face - someone he's met at school. It is his teacher Professor Parker and he teaches him the power of Super Rapid Fire. Arming his student with the power of stopping time itself... for a limited amount of time.
With the power to stop time and armed with the same rifle, Richard confronts Bichman Inc once more.
A better love story than Twilight...
That's Vicki over there!
A better love story than Twilight...
You are in the shoes of Richard, a young college student who finds himself rampaging within the doors of Bichman Inc. With a huge debt of fifty million yen and the lack of funds to pay it back, his beloved Vicky is taken away from him.
Seeing his beloved Vicky turned into a savage debt-killing assassin, Richard arms himself for an assault and confrontation with Bichman Inc. Intending to save his beloved Vicky from them at all costs.
Will he be able to save his beloved Vicky from their clutches or will he be forced to watch become an assassin for them?
Is Vicky worth it or is she just another pet that can easily be replaced?

The story
We start off the story with a In Medias Res as our protagonist is fighting a giant monster that covers 75% of the screen. So, he goes onto explaining how he even got there and why he is there in the first place.
Once again, we're told that the world is a world of swords and magic when it's just a modern day city. We're introduced to our protagonist who is a jacked up man with a generally handsome appearance, Richard. Dude's flexing his arms because he's gotta be something cool as he explains his backstory. He's a college student who found a stray puppy, he adopts her and names her Vicky, and the two become close enough to consider each other family. But then Richard is in debt because he either needed the cash or because college is too expensive just like real life, and he owes Bichman Inc about fifty million yen.
Surprisingly Realistic Outcome is at play and his property gets repossessed and seized by Bichman Inc, and of course Vicky is taken away from him like some sort of TV drama. A year later and he finds out that Vicky was turned and transformed into a maneating assassin dog, having gone through a Face-Heel Turn. Instead of being a normal human being and walking up to Bichman Inc to ask for Vicky, Richard uses up his savings and arms himself with an assault rifle. Intending to saving his dog and burning down Bichman Inc because of what they did to her.
After training himself in using his assault rifle and... platforming like crazy, Richard storms Bichman Inc like it is some sort of action movie. He commits to a Roaring Rampage Of Revenge like John Wick because both their motivations are around a dog, except Richard is saving his while exacting revenge. Mowing down the security forces like nothing up until a giant monster blasts him to bits.
He is saved by one of his teachers at school, Professor Parker, and he is taught a special kind of move. He gets taught Super Rapid Fire or Kuniko Takahashi's take on Bullet Time.
Richard commits to another assault on Bichman Inc and Max Paynes his way to where the giant monster had bested him before and he bests it the second time around. Bichman confronts Richard themselves and orders Vicky to attack. Richard viciously beats Vicky to death after failing to pull a "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight and getting bitten way too many times.
The dude mourns for his beloved Vicky for like... ten seconds before immediately getting over it like it was nothing and decides to get a new pet. Then he proceeds to ask the very person who forced him into killing Vicky, borrowing a million yen.
Richard gets run over by Professor Parker and gets a scolding for Replacement Goldfish. Warning him that he'll force him to retake the school year, and Richard promptly commits to attempting to murder Professor Parker instead. But Professor Parker is struck down fast and transforms into a squid, and beats his squid form too.
When he arrives at the pet store, the giant monster he bested is there. Having been dismissed from Bichamn Inc for not doing their job. Richard is given a 99% discount because the monster has taken up so much space and buys them.
The both of them uhhh... end up getting hitched and married due to the giant monster's amazing cooking skill three years later. Then his doorbell rings and... it's Vicky and she's been turned into some ugly monster. Since Richard was so quick to replace her, she was sent to Hell.
Since she's escaped, she's come to exact revenge on Richard for getting a Replacement Goldfish but the giant monster swoops before she could finish off Richard and pulls a Heroic Sacrifice. Richard begins to mourn for his beloved wife's death... until he just doesn't.
So, he goes to the pet store again to buy another Replacement Goldfish. He is quickly met with Professor Parker who escaped Hell. Richard is blasted to smithereens by a Ultra Vulcano Shot and Professor Parker delivers the Aesop.
Come on, Richard - what is with you?!
The characters
I'll keep this simple since this entry's story is namely entered around the protagonist and a gallery of villains.
You have our story's protagonist, Richard, he is a college student who goes on a Roaring Rampage Of Revenge upon seeing his dog become a maneating assassin for Bichman Inc. A year before his assault on Bichman Inc, he and Vicky considered each other as family... and that Richard himself had a whooping loan of fifty million yen.
Do not worry about the yen bit, it's become a Running Gag when it's used within three different entries. It's kind of overstayed its welcome but that's a me thing.
Richard's character is very much all over the place and he borders on being a Villain Protagonist. He starts out as a reasonable guy with relatable reasons and motivations for like 1/3 of the story. But he quick spirals out of control the moment he beats his beloved Vicky to death in a fit of rage. Quickly and constantly replacing her and any other pets that die totally not in his care.
Just imagine him as one of the characters in this Calebcity video. Then apply what all they said onto Richard. But hey, the dude gets punished for playing the Replacement Goldfish trope way too much.
Vicky was Richard's beloved dog, the two of them considered each other as family after that one faithful day. But she was repossessed by Bichman Inc due to the massive debt Richard couldn't possibly pay back. She was conditioned and brainwashed into a maneating assassin, and motivates the crux of the story's first half.
There isn't much to really discuss about Vicky's character since most of her screentime is all about beating the crap out of Richard, but you can say she serves as a Deconstruction for a couple of tropes - Morality Chain, Morality Pet, and Replacement Goldfish.
You'd think Richard would actually care about her but instead of processing his grief like a normal person, he goes out of his way to forget her despite how much she meant to him. In real life, people are divided into two general groups - either they treat them as family or as property or worse; Richard's case is complicated to say the least. Then his need to replace her causes her to escape Hell and exact revenge despite her forcing his hand.
You have Professor Parker, one of the teachers that Richard is taught by when he's at school. He comes into the plot to teach Richard how to activate and use Super Rapid Fire, and to serve as the antagonist of the second half of the story.
Professor Parker's character is straightforward and simple, he mentors Richard and acts like both a teacher and kind of a parent figure to him. The dude is willing to call him out and escape Hell to exact due justice.
Bichman and their company serve as the primary antagonist of the first half of the story and the main reason why Richard mounted a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against them. Through Richard's narration, they are Loan Sharks and are one of the biggest companies of such.
Bichman themselves isn't much of a character in this entry but they're a Recurring Character where they serve as an antagonist with an expanded role in another entry.
This entry's plot is pretty similar to a lot of older action flicks and it oddly enough has a general theme but it's hard to get a good grasp on it. The theme is centered on love and responsibility which Richard clearly does not have. It also has the general insanity and wacky aspects as the other entries too.
Every character in the entry is realized and developed for the sections they're set to appear in. Richard is probably the most complicated protagonist I've ever seen in this series because of how often he just pulls the Replacement Goldfish trope without a care in the world. It's a good thing he's a one-shot character unlike many of his fellow protagonists.
I'd say give it a good watch and see if you like it or not.