Japanese Release - 11/20/2011
Translated Rerelease - 03/07/2017
Japanese Placement - 46th
Translated Placement - 23rd
Length - A TV Episode's worth
Genre - Action
Shampoo Day gone wrong!
We've gone.. Bikini Bottom!
Shampoo Day gone wrong!
A battle between a woman and a cat erupts inside of a home in the middle of the night. A battle that can be compared and akin to a Shounen Battle Manga as blasts magic and superhuman feats are easily achieved out of the blue. The woman is defeated by the cat via the sheer weight of a piano, crushed to death with relative ease.
Oscar, the cat that slain the poor Abigail, begins to remember why he is doing these horrible things in the first place. It was just this morning that his life of being an ordinary housecat came to an end. He and his adoptive family's daughter Madison came to blows over Shampoo Day, for he is a cat that would prefer death over getting cleaned. He would've been granted that wish so easily but with a thorough beat down to Madison, it came to pass.
But she was not going to give up on getting her beloved housecat cleaned up on Shampoo Day, for she had summoned her prized robot. Mrs. Gatling, a robot armed to the teeth with giant miniguns with shocking bullets and on the wheels of what seems to be a vacuum. But even covering the world in electric lights was not enough to stop Oscar from putting Madison into a deep coma.
Her heart then stopped beating with life, and thus she died. But with a good whirl like a top, Oscar is able to bring her from death to death's doorsteps. With no means to make any money for a proper doctor, he resolves himself to go out and find a job.
Out of your comfort zone!
That's Oscar over there!
Out of your comfort zone!
You are in the paws of Oscar, an ordinary housecat who finds his daily life of eating, pooping, and sleeping thrown into utter chaos. Nearly killing his adoptive family's daughter, and putting her into a state of near death. He tasks himself to go out into the big world by his lonesome self in order to find a job and procure the proper funds for a doctor that could save her life.
Can you help him navigate through these troubled times and get him a job that can get Madison a doctor or will she die a slow and painful death?
Can Oscar even find a legal job where no one dies or will he be forced to do dangerous work with high risks but an even higher payout?
Is it even worth the hassle to even work as a zombie slayer under Santa Claus and with an assassin cat?

The story
I keep forgetting that almost every entry from the YouTube Playlist gets increasingly longer. The start of the playlist is very reasonable at ten minutes or more, and these last few ones have been going at it for nearly twenty minutes or more. This entry is almost forty minutes long - and I think it's the only one to be that long anyways.
And we're back to our traditional and cliche opening section that details how the world is a typical world of swords and magic. We're introduced to... Abigail as she gets assaulted by Oscar as she tries to go to bed. Of course, she goes magic machinegun on the poor cat as she's crushed by a piano. As you know, Abigail has been turned into the Butt Monkey and a Running Gag of sorts. Girl only appears to die a horrible death or go through one of the worst transitions a character could ever go through.
Why is Oscar out killing Abigail?
It was Shampoo Day earlier in the morning, as Madison attempted to get him to comply peacefully. Of course given that this is a Kuniko Takahashi story, Oscar preferring death over a simple bath or cleaning is taken literally, and thus a battle ensues like hell. And Madison whips out her robot designed to taser cats into submission, but it does not matter as Oscar is able to beat it just fine... but the screen is filled with bullets. Madison simply dies from their battle with a special message to say her heart stopped beating and stuff.
As if to Screw Destiny and toss her around the house as if it was a wrestling ring. Of course, it works because there is no logic whatsoever and I will compare this entire scene to one from Stephen Chow's Out Of The Dark.
Of course, his method of saving her puts her to death's doors and he needs to go find a doctor but they cost alot of money. So, he decides that he must venture out to the great outdoors and find a job for Madison's sake. We also find out that he and his family lives in Takasaka, and he decides from a saying that Kawagoe is the best means of finding a job. But his journey is wrecked with dangers unknown to catkind, snakes and GODDAMN children which he easily uses his laser eyes to evaporate away. But soon, the moment he reaches the next city, disaster strikes.
He uses his laser eyes on a car that was about to turn him into roadkill, causing it to flip out like a coin and launch up into the skies above before exploding into nothingness. Not giving a care he just murder somebody while completely forgetting that he's on the road, dodging like that Frogger guy. Almost dodging into another car amongst other cars.
A girl named Maria is able to stop her car just in time and offers Oscar a free lift to Kawagoe. Before she could open the passenger door to let him inside, a blue car rams head straight into her car and the both of them die, this forces Oscar to run away in guilt.
He finds himself in a park, not knowing how far he even ran away. Obviously, a giant wild cat approaches him and gives him some tips that would've obviously saved everyone the trouble of not running him over. They do of course give him some tips and directions to the Koedo Job Agency.
Just like how unrealistic it is for a cat like Oscar to be able to talk, his requirements when searching for a job is a sight to behold. A cat looking for a 50 Million Yen salary while working full-time and hourly with all paid expenses and vacations is nutty as it is. Also, how many times do we need to reference and Call-Back the 50 Million Yen thingy joke?
But uh, yeah, job searching on the Internet was fairly young during the times this series was actively being created. I know people used to apply to places either in person or on a computer terminal at the entrance while job agencies were relevant. Ever since the mobile phones and wireless capabilities and functions were introduced, the idea of walking in and asking for a job basically faded away.
Back in the 2010s, job hunting was pretty okay and manageable, but everything is straight up impossible in late 2010s to quite potentially most of 2020s. Just as a reminder, most of the entries on this dedicated fansite were written between 2023 and 2024 - and even I can't find a proper job.
Anyways, the search fails and Oscar forces the computer to find him a job because Madison's life depends on it. Somehow, the computer gets it and does not want to die so... it gives him one. The computer was being biased because Oscar is a cat and that's just plain rude.
The job is... Zombie Extermination, basically you would call this a normal job except you're not killing bugs. For some reason, the computer is concerned for Oscar because the job is very dangerous from the get-go. When gets there, he's presented by two unusual sights - a nice looking Japanese building and... Santa Claus or uhhh.. Santa Kraus who looks like he just escaped prison. After a terrible joke and a subtle threat on the cat boy's life, Santa states that his only reason for doing Zomb-jobs is because he's off-season and out of work once Christmas is over.
They arrive at an on-site scene for the job where zombies are plenty and bountiful a-and.. uhhh.. somehow can talk and retain their mind. Santa proposes a simple plan of attack, killing off the zombies one-by-one like what you would do in a zombie survival game like DayZ. Santa goes on to explain that the zombie he's given Oscar to deal with died a few days ago from a heart attack and that being fresh means he's fast.
So, they beat down the zombie via Deathmas from Santa. Their next order of business, a zombie that just looks like a naked man wearing bad make-up for a clown. Santa clearly has stated that the zombie before them is the head of the Hiiragi Family and a Super Serial Killer. The dude is still killing things even in death and Santa must send him off.
What is sent off is Santa's right arm being cleaved off as if it was swiss cheese. So strong that Santa orders Oscar to run for it as his left arm is chopped off before being cleaved in two. With Santa dead, Oscar has no reason to fight anymore zombies and attempts to flee with his life - but the naked zombie man wants to kill him off too.
But the zombie is easily defeated by a mysterious savior who happens to be a cat. A Assassin cat and guildmaster of the MeowMeow Assassin Guild, he introduces himself as Master Leo. He goes onto to explain how well-integrated cats have become to society and how they're the perfect choice to become Assassins. Oscar is easily brought into the fold because money and Madison's life is in his hand.
What Oscar is presented is a cardboard box as their base of operations and a bird acting as a carrier pigeon because all Master Leo basically started his business. The bird has a message and it is in a Floppy Disk which acts as a Shout-Out and Call-Back to Strip Commander.
So, just like what was talked about in Strip Commander, the evolution of computers have made Floppy Disks completely obsolete and thus Master Leo and Oscar are forced to find a outdated computer to find out what the message and job is. Of course, Master Leo convinces Oscar that it is not impossible to find a computer that uses a Floppy Disk as they're in a town full of weirdos who love keeping relics of the past, and that it is known for not having much sanity.
Oh man, jabbing at yourself indirectly, huh? I'll admit I'm a little crazy because I'm a huge fan boy of this series.
We're then caught up to the events of Oscar murdering Abigail as we're told that Oscar was to go into the house and find the Floppy Disk compatible computer as quietly as possible. Regardless, Master Leo praises the fine work and they proceed to login into Abigail's Windows 95 or uhhh... Windows 98. The message plays and a man proclaiming himself as a Hero shows up on the screen, stating that he was given the task of slaying the Dark Lord by the king or something and wants to hire the two feline Assassins to take him out. Once more, the Fifty Million Yen Running Gag is used as a reward for the Dark Lord's slaying.
The pair are quick to call out the Hero as a coward for delegating his quest to Assassin cats, it is ironic to be given a heroic calling and then off-shoring it to a pair that kills for a living, yes. Fifty Million Yen is a offered as the reward and Oscar is on board without a doubt because it'll be enough to save Madison. They're also told the Dark Lord lives in a castle or something too.
Of course, the castle is a bunch of apartment complexes that you'd see in Japan and... America nowadays, and it just looks like they're sent in to kill off a NEET or something. So, they arrive at the number and enter the unit, and the room is dark as hell. What greets them as a staple of the series at this point, and it is the head of the Dark Lord who appears to be a bearded man in his thirties. Obviously, the Dark Lord fires explosive bullets from his mouth and Oscar fires back as the fighting becomes intense. With his defeat completed for the moment, we get a good look at his face and he looks like one of those guys you'd see on a actor's personal website.
The Dark Lord didn't think that Taking Over The World would be a huge hassle and decides that he must unveil his greatest creation, Mister Gatling, the male counterpart to the robot that Madison created. That robot at the start was named Miss Gatling and the Dark Lord reveals that he was the guy who taught Madison to create robots - although he doesn't say he taught her but his line reveals that he's basically the cause of the plot indirectly.
It's armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons and both Master Leo and Oscar are swiftly kicked to the side before a nuke is fired at them. You'd expect them to die but since this is a Kuniko Takahashi story, a miracle occurs. Once more, cats having nine lives is a thing and they're just fine... while having none of their coat/fur on them. Despite surviving a nuke, it scrambled their brains and turned them into Large Ham as they proceed to literally scream out their lines that cover the entire text box and turn them into rats without coat/fur. At least Russian Blue was sane when they died and came back to live with one of their lives lost.
Well, Oscar has no fur while Master Leo has been reduced to Dem Bones and they blow the Dark Lord away with Signature Move Twin Vulcano Shot. Oh lord, uhhh... they're hamming it up after killing off the Dark Lord as Master Leo wants to open up a Cat Cafe with Scottish Folds as maids or something.
They split the money, Master Leo suggests and brings Oscar to an unlicensed doctor who looks like a butcher who also hams up the conversation by talking like them. They bring him to Madison and he shocks her entire body through combat and the treatment scrambles her brains as she proceeds to talk like everyone else hamming it up. She's honestly very thankful that Oscar went out to save her while being unhappy that she is unable to shampoo him anymore due to the Dark Lord's nuclear missile blowing off one of his lives and coat/fur. Suddenly, the doctor laughs and starts to unhams himself by speaking like a normal person and proceeds to ask for Thirty Million Yen while citing that there will no good ending. Somehow, Oscar is able to barter it down to 3000 Yen and the good doctor accepts it just fine.
We do not get An Aesop as Oscar speaks just fine as we're told that Japan's healthcare system is excellent but it is threatened by TPP.
We have an ending but we get no clear message?????
The characters
Okay, we've got a few Recurring Characters and Recurring Elements here and there. I'll do my best to write that I think makes sense here.
I'll start with the main character of this entry, Recurring Character Oscar returns as the main character for this entry. He finds himself murdering a... innocent woman in the dead of night, but nearly twelve hours ago; he was but just a simple housecat doing housecat things. Eating, pooping, and sleeping until Shampoo Day came to claim his dirty fur. His refusal to get cleaned on Shampoo Day puts his loved one at death's door, and thus he goes out of his comfort zone to save her.
This iteration of Oscar is far more active than his Moe Wars iteration. Instead of taking the backseat for the other characters to shine at the expense of his screentime, he's the general focal point of the narrative. Here, he's retains traits of his previous iteration but he's a Cowardly Lion and a Lovable Coward who becomes a Animal Assassin and Animal Assassin who happens to kill zombies for a bit. He does absolutely get proper Character Development as he slowly transitions from a Cowardly Lion to a Large Ham Loveable Coward. He's by far probably one of the best examples of Character Development in the entire series simply because he's largely consistent.
Next up is Madison, the daughter of Oscar's adoptive parents who has appeared as a Recurring Character in anything involving cats, and most importantly Oscar. It was Shampoo Day and the next thing she knew, she was dead at the feet of her beloved Oscar, having sicced Miss Gatling and fatally wounded. But woke up from death to only go into coma.
This iteration of Madison is Demoted To Extra who gets removed from the plot right at the start, as if this was entirely intentional for stealing Oscar's screentime in Moe Wars. She does serve a purpose and that is to have her knack of crafting technological marvels to act as a Chekhov's Gun near the end of the narrative.
We then have the characters that Oscar works with over the course of the narrative. Santa Kraus and Master Leo, two employers that Oscar himself works under - the former for the first half and the latter for the second half. I'll talk about them in the order they appear just because it makes sense to.
Santa Kraus serves as the first second main character of the story, serving as Oscar's first employer and dive into the life of a working cat. Of course, through the story, we do find out he is basically a Mall Santa and a Hunter Of Monsters who slays zombies when Chistmas is over. I mean, seasonal jobs are pretty terrible to say the least.
He ends up getting himself killed by a zombie wearing terrible clown makeup that looks too human. Thus nullifying the work he and Oscar did together.
Right as Santa Kraus dies horribly, Master Leo comes in saving Oscar from the same fate. Easily slaying the zombie that merked Santa Kraus and establishing himself as a certified Animal Assassin of the Meow Meow Assassin Guild. With no one to turn to for work, Oscar finds himself "dirtying" his hands as the newest feline assassin of Master Leo's guild. Speaking of Master Leo, he is potentially the better second main character of this entry because of how many comedic moments he gets and how lighthearted the second half is.
Well, "lighthearted" is a stretch but you know... having a master assassin as your employer is kind of a badass thing and absurd at the same time.
Now onto the antagonist of the last bit of the narrative. A Recurring Character and Recurring Element Dark Lord. This iteration is as basic as the others expect: he's got a rugged but pretty face to look at, and has a connection with Madison. With how the entire narrative paints him as, he's basically a NEET who wants to suddenly take over the world with his killer robots. He's probably the only Dark Lord to be killed off by a generally heroic protagonist.
While it does use the same characters and Recurring Elements, think of this entry as a separate entity from the one that used the same characters and stuff. Although, it does help that Oscar as a character is showcased in a generally complete form since anyone who would have stolen his screentime is swiftly removed or absent from the narrative. Jacob and Madison in the previous entry that starred him as the main character are either absent or out of the story, and you have decently written secondary main characters in the form of Santa Kraus and Master Leo.
The narrative itself is fairly lighthearted where the story focuses on a cat going out of his comfort zone to save his loved ones. Fairly standard but has a huge mix of Kuniko Takahashi and surprisingly mundane twists and turns. Despite magic and killer robots, the setting is very grounded.
I mean, if you read between the lines - a "hero" is asked by his "king" to defeat the "Dark Lord" who happens to live in an apartment complex. Said guy knows how to make killer robots looking like he's in his thirties, living in the dark. Then paying two cats Fifty Million Yen to kill him, it's a bit screwed up.
Sending in cats to assassinate a NEET is kind of dark and morbid if you think about it. Hell, the people sending them in look rather dubious to say.
I would suggest anyone who has spare time to watch this entry if you liked Oscar's character or anything with Madison. This entry is nearly forty minutes long and it is a huge time to dedicate to watching.